The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner

IMG_7888The book I’m reviewing is The King of Attolia, by Megan Whalen Turner. The main character is Costis, one of the king’s guards. The setting is in the Palace of Attolia. This diorama shows the most important part of the book. When assassins from Sounis, ( a rival country with Attolia,) get into the garden where the king is walking. Why the King only has one arm is because the queen of Attolia. She chopped it off in an earlier book to punish him for stealing something from her. 

What happens is that the king takes a sword away from one of the three assassins and kills all of them. The assassins released the hunting dogs from their cage and that got the guards to go to the dogs, not the king. Why these people are trying to kill the king is because people don’t like that the king is from Eddis ( another rival country,) and is now the king of Attolia.

Some words to describe Costis are aggressive and loyal. Why he is aggressive is because when he gets angry he gets very aggressive. Another reason why Costis is aggressive is because he punched the king. Why Costis is loyal is because he always is on schedule to be with the king even though he doesn’t like him. I would rate this book four and three quarters out of five stars.

The War That Saved My Life, Kimberly Brubaker Bradly

For our last book review we had a choice out of many options to choose what we wanted to do. I chose to make a movie. First I made a script and then I did each characters part. I read this book because it helps you understand the struggle of kids with problems, living in World War 2. It tells you about history with a twist. Some things were hard for me to understand because I couldn’t ever imagine that somebody would do something so cruel.  In my video, I played all the characters, which was pretty hard. I think one of my least favorite parts was when I had to be a character named Miss Smith, and when I had to fall on the street about six times. Not to forget I was on the STREET! I would rate this book FIVE STARS AND A SMILEY FACE :D!

The Sorcerer’s Secret by Scott Mebus


The series my book is in is called, The Gods Of Manhattan and it’s called Sorcerer’s Secret. It is by Scott Mebus and it is the 3rd book in the series. The main characters are Bridget and Rory Hennessy. But there are many other secondary characters. Rory and Bridget are trying to save Mannahatta from an evil god named William Kieft and his spirits that want to kill all the gods in Mannahatta. Rory and Bridget try to kill him by exposing his deep dark secret that no one knows but him. This book takes place in Inwood, Manhattan and the time period goes from the 1600s – 2008.

One big event that happens is when Rory decides between killing Kieft or saving his mom from death. This was important because his mom means the world to him but if he doesn’t kill Kieft, all good gods and good spirits will die. If the good gods and good spirits die, then the normal people will have no protection from evil. One part I found most important in The Sorcerer’s Secret is when Bridget sees her dad for the first time. This is important because it is amazing that since she was born, her dad ran away, then when she was 9 years old she saw her dad for the first time and later on in the book something very important happened around her dad. One part I also found the most interesting was when Rory finds out his dad’s name. This was interesting because his dad is/was so famous but you would never think that that was his dad. It surprised me that his dad’s name was _______because out of every person in the world, I would NEVER guess that that was his name.

Rory is brave, happy, and angry. Rory is brave because he almost died for his sister to protect her. Rory is also brave because he does not let people push him around. Rory is happy because his family reunited with each other. Rory is also happy because he is a optimist. Rory is angry because someone tries to kill his mother and he loves his mother with all his life. Rory is also angry at his father but also filled with love for his father because he didn’t know his father for a long time and was just getting to know him when he died. “I forgive you, too,” he whispered down his father’s ear “I love you,” and then his father died in Rory’s hands.

I really enjoyed this book because it is a action book. I also enjoyed it because it is about a boy in fourth grade and you can relate to him. I would definitely recommend this book because it makes you want to jump right into the next page. I also would definitely recommend this book because it is a trilogy and it will consume time (if you read quickly) A few books and movies like this are the Percy Jackson series/movie, the Harry Potter series/movie, and The City Of Ember series/movie. It is like these books/movies because they are all action adventures and friendship stories. I would give this book 5 stars ★★★★★ because it is SO good I would actually consider reading it 100 times!  


995468606The book I read for this book reivew is called Ratburger, by David Walliams. The main characters in this book are Zoe (a twelve year old girl), Armitage (a rat), and Burt (a burger vender). What Zoe is trying to change is Burt is taking all the rats in the city that he can find to a beat up old building and torturing the rats. Now Armitage is one of them. The setting of the book is the rusty, dusty, apartment in a tall tall building in the middle of the city, that Zoe is living in, along with her dad, and evil stepmother, Sheila, who just wants a roof over her head and cocktail crackers and nothing else to do with the family.

One big event that happened in the story is when Burt is trying to kill all of the rats and Zoe’s dad was about to fall into the machine that Burt was using to kill all of the rats. This event is so important because Zoe, her dad and everyone who was there had to go through the memory, and that is really suspenseful, someone could have died! Another part of the book that was super important is when Zoe was caught for bringing Armitage into school twice and she got a three month suspension. One other important part of the book was when Zoe and her dad made an ice cream truck (from Burt’s van,) and gave out ice cream. This is so important because, you see, Zoe’s dad always dreamed of giving out ice cream — he didn’t care how, he just wanted to.

One adjective to describe Zoe is fearless, because she was scared, but happy about doing it in some parts of the book. An example is when Zoe was rescuing her rat, she was smiling in the picture. Another adjective to describe Zoe is sad, because Sheila locked her in her room and she was sad that she wasn’t going to get out. Another adjective to describe Zoe is smart, because again, when her stepmother locked her in her room, she decided to take off the braces on her teeth and use them to dig a hole in the wall. A quote that helped me understand Zoe better is: “All I care about is Armitage. I have to save him.” Why that helped me understand Zoe better is because it shows that she loves Armitage, and she would do anything for him.

I LOVED the book. I loved every part of Ratburger, but my favorite is when Zoe found her rat’s name. It is a particularly funny story. I also loved the big fight with Zoe’s dad, Zoe, Burt, and Sheila. It was a funny sight in my head because Sheila is chubby, and makes big effort noises to move. I would recommend this book. David Walliams is a really disgusting, but really funny writer, and his books are so touching. I know for a fact that none of David Walliams’ books are like anything else. It is so unique because it is a book of heart, meaning it is — indescribable! And he is such a good writer, I’ve never liked an author so much in my life! He is just so amazing. I would give this book five stars — millions if I could. I hope if you read this book, you will have the same exact reaction as I did.

Island of the Aunts Eva Ibbotson

imgresIn the book Island of the Aunts by Eva Ibbotson, aunts kidnap children because they need someone to help them take care of the animals. The main characters are the aunts: Etta, Coral, and Myrtle. The main problem is that a man named Mr. Sprott finds his son on an island after his son has been kidnapped by the aunts. Mr. Sprott then kidnaps all of the animals and creatures. He wants to be richer. He decides to bring them back with him to his home. He is going to make people pay a lot of money to see them. Then the Kraken comes and destroys the ship. The Kraken is like a giant whale except bigger. He is bigger than a blue whale. The children meet all types of mythical creatures. Then they help the animals. The biggest event that changes the direction of the story is when Stanley Sprott rides his yacht to the island. He picks up Lambert, his son, and sets traps for the mermaids so he can catch them all. Then a fight happens between Stanley and the aunts. Stanley hits Fabio and gives him a concussion, while Fabio and Minette were trying to keep the Kraken’s son safe.  So Stanley takes the Boobrie, which is a bird the size of an elephant, the mermaids, stoorworm, and Kraken’s son on his yacht.  Then the Kraken’s father comes, smashes into the boat, and takes his son away. His son explains that Minette and Fabio tried to help him, so the Kraken turned back to save Minette, Fabio, Coral, Etta, Myrtle, boobbrie, stoorworm and Herbert (a selkie, a seal that can turn into a human and vice versa) from drowning. Minette and Fabio return home, and the aunts promised them that when they die, the island will be theirs. I give Island of the Aunts 1 stars..