The Chocolate Touch, by Patrick Skene Catling




This book is called “The Chocolate Touch” by Patrick Skene Catling.  The main character is John Midas.  He is a young boy who is very selfish and loves chocolate. One day he finds a coin on the street that has a chocolate bar on one side and a  fat boy on the other side, and it says “JM”.  He takes this coin to a candy shop and he says to the man,  “I only have this money. Do you accept it here?”  And then the man says,  “Yes, that is the only kind we take.”  So John pays the man and buys a box of chocolate and goes back to his house and puts in under his bed.  At night,  he takes the chocolate out and eats it all and then in the morning when he is brushing his teeth, he says to  his sister,  “Did you get chocolate flavored toothpaste?” because the toothpaste turns to chocolate. John then goes to breakfast and his food turns to chocolate and he loves it.  When he goes to school,  everything there turns to chocolate including his pencil, his lunch, and his glove.

His chocolate touch gets stronger.  At first only the piece of the object that went in his mouth turned to chocolate,    but then when he put anything in his mouth the whole thing turned to chocolate. For example, his trumpet turned to chocolate at band practice. He gets really embarrassed and sad and he runs out of school and goes home. He plans never to go back to school. He asks his dad to take him to the doctor who says he cannot help him.  John has an idea to go to the chocolate store because he thinks the man can help, but the store is gone and there is a sign that says, “for sale” and he starts crying.  He goes home to tell his mom that he has a chocolate touch and she starts crying and he kisses her on the cheek and she turns into a giant chocolate statue.  He gets really scared and runs back to the chocolate store where it was and it was there and he says to the owner who sold him the chocolate earlier, “Help me my mom has turned to chocolate and you need to fix this.”  The man says, “If you have the choice to have  your mother alive and still have the chocolate touch or don’t have the chocolate touch and have your mother be a chocolate statue what would you choose?”  John made the decision to…. (read the book to find out).  

I enjoyed the book because of the adventure and the problem was interesting.  I liked when John ate the whole toothpaste tube because it was funny.  I also liked when he ate his glove and the school bully wanted to eat some too and then the school bully spat it out because it gave John the advantage of having the chocolate touch but then he learned it isn’t an advantage.  I also liked when John bit his best friend’s coin because he thought it wasn’t real silver and he bit it in half.  It showed that it wasn’t an advantage at all and just made him lose his best friend.

I would recommend this book to someone who likes funny and interesting books.  I would give this four and half stars because sometimes there was stuff that happened and I couldn’t figure it out.


The Chocolate Touch by, Patrick Skene Catling

51q-9rbQqFL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_The name of the book I have read is The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. The main characters are John Midas, Susan, Mrs. Midas, Mr. Midas and Miss Plimsole. One day, John Midas was walking and he saw a chocolate store. He went inside and bought a big box of chocolate. When he got home, he opened it and it was only one piece of chocolate. He ate it and he said it was the best chocolate he ever had. It was creamy, sweet, rich and very chocolatey. Now, anything that touched his mouth turned to chocolate. Even his trumpet turned to chocolate when he played it. The Chocolate Touch takes place in John Midas’s house and in his school.


There are a few very important things that happened in this book. Like when John brushes his teeth, his toothpaste tasted like chocolate. Also when John kissed his mom she turned to chocolate and could not move. There are quite a few things that changed what was happening in the story. Like when John ate something it immediately turned to chocolate. And when John plays the trumpet, it turns to chocolate and his whole music class saw they freaked out and were in shock .  John is very scared for example when John’s trumpet turned to chocolate he ran right out of the classroom before even telling his teacher he was leaving. John was impolite and polite at the same time for example when John ran home from school and went to his mom’s friend’s house to get the keys to get into his house his mom asked him to say hi to all of her mom’s friends and John said hello and ran home.



I really enjoyed the book because I love chocolate. I also really enjoyed the book because it was a very short easy read. But if you don’t like chocolate I would not recommend this book because you won’t be able to make as many connections, so you might not understand the book as well. I rate this book 4 and a half stars because it is one of the best books I have ever read in my life.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl

charlie_and_the_chocolate_factoryThe title of this book is  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The author is Roald Dahl. The main characters are Charlie, Willy Wonka and grandpa Joe. Also if you are wondering how is Willy Wonka, he is a chocolate maker.  Also he opened his factory because he did not see any people in 10 years. Also the setting is winter. The main problem in this book is that Charlie is very poor and he does not have a lot of food. Suddenly he stopped eating and he got skinnier and skinnier.He stopped eating because he felt bad for the grandparents. Then the people said that Willy Wonka is now opening his factory. Charlie is trying to get inside. Also it is going to be even harder because it is winter and there is going to be a lot snow.

The most important things that happen in this book are, Charlie finds the silver dollar in the snow when he is going to school. It is important that he found the silver dollar because it lets you buy a something and the one thing he wanted is a chocolate bar. After that he bought two Wonka chocolate bars and one of them had the gold ticket inside the chocolate bar. The golden ticket means that you could go inside Wonkas factory. Another important thing is when Charlie was in the the factory and he drank the soda that makes you fly. But he could not come down until he burped. It was important that he did that because if he did not do that he would go to space.

The event that happened first was, when Billy Tv tuned into a 10 feet tall person by going into a machine that makes chocolate bigger and longer.That is important because every coach in basketball wanted him. Also it made everyone scared of him. The second event that happened was, when the girl that chews gum ate a piece of gum and it had a power to make you eat a meal and when it gets to desert the person that eats the gum turns into a blueberry.  The third event that happened was Veruca Salt went into the room of squirrels because she wanted one and fell into the garbage shoot and her parents fell in the garbage shoot too.

I like this book because it is exciting and you never know what is coming next. I also like this book because Charlie is poor and he finds a way to get into Wonka’s factory. That is important because most people would not be able to do that.  I would rate this book a four because I have seen the movie, and I read this book because I wanted to see if the movie is better than the book or is the book better than the movie. The book to me was better because Roald Dahl added more details to it then the movie.

the end