Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton fits its name perfectly. This is because this book is about a park that recreates animals from the Jurassic period. What kind of animals am I talking about? DINOSAURS!!! There are a lot of characters in Jurassic Park. The characters are (and some were, I mean that some of the characters died) Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler. They are both paleontologists. There is John Hammond who runs the whole park, and his scientist Dr. Wu. There is the lawyer who is part of Ingene. Ingene is an evil corporation that wants to steal the dinosaurs. His name is Genaro. There is an inspector named Malcolm who is figuring out if the park is safe for visitors. He is a scientist that studies chaos theory. Then there is Tim and Lex who are John Hammond’s kids. And Ed Regis who is a scientist who is helping the kids. Jurassic Park  tells the story of an experiment to bring life back to the dinosaurs, a miraculous discovery. But the electric fences have been turned off and the Dinosaurs escape. They start breeding and that slowly leads to the end of the island. Or at least that is my prediction. Set on a tropical island, somewhere near Costa Rica, Jurassic Park takes place in a dangerous park that is filled with bloodthirsty dinosaurs.


Dr. Grant is very intelligent and knows all about dinosaurs. He survived in tough situations, like when the electric fences turned off and they were stuck in the car right next to the tyrannosaur exhibit. The tyrannosaur destroyed the car killing some of the main characters, but Alan Grant survived by not moving a muscle. The dinosaur couldn’t see him while he stood still so the tyrannosaur roared, trying to scare Grant and make him move, but Grant didn’t move, and he and the kids escaped. The plot of the book is that John Hammond hires a lot of people to do all the engineering and complex computers. One person (who dies eventually) who works with the big computer turns off all the power so the electric fences go out and the dinosaurs escape. This person is Dennis Nedry, who is bribed by Dodgson, the founder of Biocon, (an evil corporation competing with Ingene). Alan Grant finds the eggshell of a velociraptor, which means they are breeding, even though Wu has made all the dinosaurs female. When the dinosaurs escape, the velociraptors, the most dangerous dinosaurs, escape.




They kill some of our characters John Arnold who works with the computers, Dennis Nedry (the guy who let the dinosaurs out) trying to steal the dinosaur DNA, and Henry Wu. Then the velociraptors trap Ellie Sattler, Muldoon, Henry Wu, (before he dies) John Hammond and Ian Malcolm, who is badly injured. When the velociraptors are about to chew through the final bar, Tim, Lex, Grant and Gennaro turn the power back on. The velociraptors go for Grant, Tim, Lex and Gennaro but I will tell you about that  later with Grant and his great plan.




I LOVED Jurassic Park!!!  It was so full of action and suspense. I loved the part where the energy was turned off and the T-Rex got loose in the middle of the night, with the tour car right in front of his exhibit. The other part that I LOVED was when Grant had this awesome plan. Grant, Tim, Lex and Gennaro were cornered in the hatchery so Gennaro, Tim and Lex hid while Grant got the poison that was in the hatchery. Grant put the poison inside the dinosaur’s eggs. Then he rolled them toward the velociraptors. They ate the eggs and then saw Grant. They all headed for Grant when one of the three velociraptor’s mouth started foaming with bubbles. There was a chain reaction and they all died. But before the last one perished it nearly nicked Grant’s chest.

I recommend this book greatly to anyone who doesn’t get scared of blood and enjoys dramatic things. And you need to be able to stick to this book because it is a long book and it has some lengthy passages that may be boring about dinosaur DNA that you might not understand. There are not really much connections to my life in this book because this book is fantasy. I have never read a book that talks so much about the DNA of dinosaurs, to keep track of them and to keep them under control. Actually I have never really read a bloody dramatic book that has dinosaurs in it! I would rate Jurassic park… FIVE stars. Yes, I loved this book. It had all the qualities of a book that I would want to read. And of course I would really want to read this book again. Sure it may take a while, but Jurassic Park was amazing. You should read it. If you have the Jurassic instinct that is!

Gods of Manhattan, By Scott Mebus

Gods of Manhattan is about a boy named Rory and his little sister, Bridget. Rory gets drawn into this world of monsters and gods and all parts ancient Manhattan tied together. There are two stories going on at the same time. It has lots of twists and turns in the story. It makes you feel like you’re actually in the situation that Rory is in.


Rory is easily distracted like when he is underwater he thinks he should stay underwater.  Rory is intelligent. He makes good decisions. He is caring, everything he does the in second half is for his sister. Can a dead alligator float? This book answers all of the questions like that. One of my favorite parts was when Fritz and Clarence used Hamish as a boat. Hamish is a dead alligator used to escape Tobias in the bank.  This book is all about how much people have forgotten about old Manhattan and I think it’s amazing. In Chapter 17 there’s an amazing part where Burr makes the decision that changes everything…


I loved the book, it was very surprising in some ways. There were times when I wasn’t expecting the book to go that way. Plus, it was very historically accurate: the gangs were real gangs, but still fiction. I’d recommend this for people who enjoy history and action. This book blends three genres together, historical fiction, fantasy, and adventure. On a 1-5 star rating, I would give this book a 20-star rating, it was that good.


Little House On The Prairie By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House On The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder 



Wolves Cashing Man


An important event that happened was when the wolves were running through a man riding a horse. While this was happening the horse was walking slowly even though the rider was scared. This scene was important because the rider’s life was at risk and the horse stayed calm which made him be alive.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

imgresThe Harry Potter series is by J.K. Rowling is a really magical book series. The book takes place in Hogwarts, and the main characters are Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This book is different than the ones before, because there is a twist at the end and it will surprise you. You should still read the series in order, because, if you don’t, you’ll get confused by a lot of things in the books. On a scale of one to five, I’d give this book a four because the book is really magical, but I was a little disappointed: I wanted something to happen that didn’t happen. The book is magical because there are so many cool creatures, spells, wizards, witches, and mysteries. Enjoy the book review comic!



The Last Kids On Earth by Max Brallier

51BtFHNN45L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book that I chose to read is called The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier. The book is part of a series by the same author. The main characters are Jack, Quint, Dirk and June. The main problem is that the planet has been invaded by zombies and monsters and the main character Jack is trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. He is trying to turn the zombies into humans again. The setting of the book is at the school, the treehouse in Jack’s backyard and in the neighborhood where they all live.    

One big event that changed the story was when Jack met his friend because he was going to be all by himself and then he just found a partner. This event was important because, it was easier for him to fight because then he’d have another person and an extra person is really helpful. One thing that I found most interesting was when Jack first shows up at Quint’s house and Jack starts killing all of the zombies. I liked that part because it involves a back yard and a person silently killing a bunch of zombies. Another thing that I found interesting was when everyone at once attacked Blarg who is the big monster in the story. I liked that because I like big battles.

The first adjective I would use to describe Jack is brave. He was brave because he would attack all of the monsters. Another adjective to describe him is determined because everyone else wanted to give up at one point but he said “Now, if we just try a little harder, we can do it.” And he didn’t let them give up. He has a big heart so he is caring. All he wanted to do throughout the whole book was to save this girl named June from the zombies. One quote that Jack said was “I’m an orphan.” It is an important quote because it shows that he only needs to take care of himself since he doesn’t have a family.

I enjoyed this book because it involved a lot of war and it involved monsters and zombies. I like those things because they both involve weapons. I recommend this book because it has a great story, great author, and great illustrations. I think this book is related to the TV show called The Walking Dead because that’s like a town that gets invaded by zombies and the book is like a town that gets invaded too. I would rate this book 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

Bridge To Terabithia


The reason I chose this scene from the book to be in my diorama because I think it’s an important scene in the book. It is also when Jess (the main character) and Leslie (Jess’s best friend) made their land which they call Terabithia.Terabithia is a made up fairy tale place that sort of takes them out of the real world. I think this is an important part of the story because Jess and Leslie go on little missions, like to slay a giant (really just a big bully in school). This story is very thoughtful and fun, but take your time when you’re reading it don’t rush. Even though it is a good book it can be confusing. This diorama is showing the scene in the story that most speaks to me.Sofia's Diorama

Book Review Three Fantastic MR. FOX



Book Review Three Fantastic MR. Fox

By Alfredo

In the forest near three barns lives a fantastic Fox… Hello this is Alfredo’s third book review and the book is … Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl! The main character of this book is Mr. Fox. The main problem is that three ugly, fat, skinny, and short farmers are trying to kill Mr. Fox because he is always tricking them, an example is he always is eating their chickens or turkeys when they don’t see him. This book was made in 1970 and I think this book takes place near a forest in 1970.

Mr. Fox has at least three adjectives that describe him (I’ve been using the number three a lot). The three adjectives are… smart because he survives after three farmers try to kill him. He also is quick because he is always running from them. The last adjective is brave because he doesn’t get scared the whole time. One interesting part of the book is when Mr. Fox gets his tail shot off! One other interesting part is when he knows where Boggis, Bunce, and Bean (the three farmers) house’s are from underground. There are so many animal characters in this book like the raccoon, the mole, the rat, and their families. The final interesting part is that Mr. Fox can survive for a long time with no food, (those are not all the interesting parts, those are just some of them!) The biggest change is that the farmers almost catch Mr. Fox several times.

This book was very good in my opinion but one problem is that it was too short. I also liked that it was kind of diverse because of all the different things happening. I recommend this book to all ages. This book relates to everyone’s life because it reminds us we all have to survive. I would rate this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐ and one half.

Beyond The PawPaw Trees by Palmer Brown

51DLxrS2iXL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_One of the books I read this summer, is called Beyond The PawPaw Trees by Palmer Brown. It takes place in a magical land, in a magical past. Some of the places in the land that Anna Lavinia crosses include a train, a dessert and a little village. The main characters are Anna Lavinia,  her father, and her Aunt Sophia Maria. The challenge for Anna Lavinia  in the story is getting to Aunt Sophia Maria’s house. To be able to do this Anna Lavinia needs to cross the magical land between her and her Aunt Sophia Maria. Along the way she finds a key that is very important to her family’s story. Another challenge for Anna Lavinia is trying to find her father, who chases rainbows. Anna Lavinia has not seen her father in a long time, and neither has Anna Lavinia’s mother. On her way to her Aunt’s house she encounters a cliff, and she sees a little walled town below. She thinks her Aunt may live down there.

Something that changed the direction of the story the most was magic. Anna Lavinia was stuck at many points and the magic of the world helped her. An example is when Anna Lavinia was stuck at a cliff and she needed to get down to be able to continue her journey to find her Aunt Sophia Maria, and magic (with a little help of her umbrella) helped her float down safely. Anna Lavinia made some very big decisions and explorations. She explored through the magical land which could be very dangerous. Here are two examples from the book, “She thought she would try something else, because perhaps only the stones acted that way, so she opened her carpet bag and  found the fat woman’s tea cozy and tossed it out beyond the cliff. The tea cozy was so light it would not go dawn at all. A jar of pawpaw jelly went down well, a little slower than the stones.”  Another example is “Then she took a deep breath and jumped of into the air… Gathering her things together, Anna Lavinia commenced walking towards the strange walled town, which seemed to be farther than it seemed from the cliff.” Anna Lavinia’s challenge of getting to her Aunt Sophia Maria, gets resolved and makes it there safely with three new friends, a camel, a parrot, and the “thobby”. But will she ever find her father?

I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked this book because it is very descriptive. For example, when she gets to the little village, the author describes what the village looks like very well. I also liked it because I read another kind of old fashioned book called Pippa Passes (I also recommend it) and it was very good so I tried another old one. The last reason I liked this book was because I tend to like magical realism books because I can relate to the realism part, and the magic give it a fun twist. I think a reader who likes old fashioned books and magical realism will like this book. I think this because as I said before this is a magical realism book, and it is old fashioned. This was a great book. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars! *****



Warriors: The Darkest Hour


by Sophia

I read the sixth book of The Warriors series. It is called the darkest hour. I liked it so much I made a diorama of it. There are a lot of awesome scenes, but I thought this is the most important. I really wanted to show how I imagine the ThunderClan camp looking. I could have also done the scene when Firestar receives his nine lives in Mother Mouth but I did not want to because it would be too hard to make and it would take a really long time. My scene is when Firestar is preparing ThunderClan to get ready to attack BloodClan and to get ready to join the other clans to join together to make LionClan vs BloodClan. I hope you like my diorama. Firestar is on top of the rock and his deputy is on the left side and is gray and his name is Graystripe. Firestar’s girlfriend Sandstorm is next to Graystripe. Cloudtail and Brightheart are next to the little cave next to the rock. The other cats are just random.
