I Funny by James Patterson

IMG_0445 2  ifunny

 This is my last book review of fourth grade. I chose to do a diorama because I enjoy working with clay and model magic.  Well here it is. This scene is important because this is the first time that Jamie performs at a comedy completion. Also, this is when his friends get mad at him for making jokes about them during his act. He says. “Who needs joke books when I have you guys?” Jamie regrets making fun of his friends, but When Jamie gets home, all of his friends are there. Jamie says that he is sorry and will never do that again. They all have a party and are happy.  

Rumpelsiltskin by Liesl Shurtliff

This is the final book blog post of the year and our teacher said we can do a different type of presentation, so I am doing a diorama for the book Rumpelstiltskin. The diorama will be of Rumpelstiltskin mining for gold in the hard times he lived in. Before he knew he could spin gold, he needed to mine for gold if he wanted food to survive. Over all the years, the gold in the caves he mines in are all collected and now there is nothing left.



Bridge To Terabithia


The reason I chose this scene from the book to be in my diorama because I think it’s an important scene in the book. It is also when Jess (the main character) and Leslie (Jess’s best friend) made their land which they call Terabithia.Terabithia is a made up fairy tale place that sort of takes them out of the real world. I think this is an important part of the story because Jess and Leslie go on little missions, like to slay a giant (really just a big bully in school). This story is very thoughtful and fun, but take your time when you’re reading it don’t rush. Even though it is a good book it can be confusing. This diorama is showing the scene in the story that most speaks to me.Sofia's Diorama

Henry and Ribsy,By Beverly Cleary



For our very last book blog this year, our teachers said you can choose any kind of book review. One choice was an animation. So I choose to do a Lego animation. I choose the part in the book when Ribsy gets chased by a policeman. I choose this part for two reasons. Reason one: it’s the first chapter, reason two: I like how so much happens in this chapter.

If you did not get what happened, then here’s a long explanation: Henry and his Dad drive to a shop to get their car checked. They bring their dog Ribsy. After they get out, Henry wants to be in the car while it gets checked. His dad is fine with it. His dad goes to the store to buy something right across the street. Ribsy waits in the shop with a bone. Then a police car comes and the policeman comes out. He goes to the same store his dad goes to for milk. Ribsy notices that the policeman left his lunch in the car. He goes into his lunch and eats the chicken and croissant!!!!

Some frames later the Policeman comes back with his milk. He finds Ribsy eating his lunch! He drops his cup and starts chasing Ribsy. The policeman trips and Ribsy eats the apple from his lunch! Ribsy ate all his lunch. The policeman gets FURIOUS! They keep on running, but the milk the policeman spilled made a little puddle and he slipped on that too. Then they run off the Lego board. Later Henry’s friend Scooter comes by and checks his bike. They say hi, then he leaves. Ribsy come back and runs into Scooter. The Policeman helps him up and then goes back to chasing Ribsy. Finally he dives for Ribsy and he misses!

Ribsy runs into the Dad. The Dad makes the policeman happy again by giving him a croissant. Then the car is done with its check up and then they leave. Then everyone leaves. Then its empty. Then it’s THE END.   This ending part is important because at the end the Dad is the one who stops this half fight and half chase. This tells you that Henry is not the only one who has to take care of Ribsy. Also I tried to make this as accurate as the book.

Sally J. Freedman Starring Herself By: Judy Blume



The characters in this scene are Sally (the main character), Barbara (one of Sally’s best friends), Douglas (Sally’s brother), Darlene (Douglas’s lady friend), and Arnold ( Sally’s Dad). I chose this moment because I thought it was when Sally and Barbara became closer friends. This scene takes place in the Goodyear blimp going over scenic Miami. Sally’s dad signed them up to ride in the blimp for $10 each. The Goodyear blimp is silver/white. I really liked this book. I would rate it 4.5 out of 5 stars. I would recommend this book for ages 10+.

Below is a diorama of this scene.

Screenshot 2016-06-06 at 6.34.39 PM

Facts about Helium and Blimps*

Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas, the first in the noble gas group in the periodic table.

A blimp controls its buoyancy in the air like the way a submarine does to ascend or descend. The ballonets (which is the person who controls the balloon) control the height of the balloon. When the blimp finally gets lift, the pilot will vent air from the ballonets through the air valves.

*facts from Wikipedia and Google search

Dr Fell and the Playground of Doom


I will ask 8-10 questions about my character and answer with quotes and texts from the book. The book is called Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom.  It is by David Neilsen. This  book takes place on Hardscrabble Street. The main character is funny and daring. The main characters are trying to figure out a mystery about Dr. Fell. The book is about a “wizard” and three character who’s name is Gale are trying to expose him.


The   Interview

Main character: Gale

Jett: Were you scared when you were in Dr Fell’s lair?

Main character: Yes the whole thing was scary. But it was an adventure to bring him down. But I would not do it again.


Jett: Did you think you were going to escape Dr Fell’s Lair?

Main character: No I didn’t. I was really scared once we were in I didn’t know if we would make it out alive.


Jett: What was the hardest part of Dr Fell’s Lair?

Main character: When I was looking at the monster, he was literally solid darkness. I had no idea what he was. But I knew he did not want to be locked up in there.


Jett:What was the scariest injury you saw?

Main character: When one kid died. He had no pulse then Dr. Fell brought him back to life.



Jett:What was your favorite part of the playground?

Main character:Jett: When we went to the pirate ship.





Jett: What did you think when old lady Witherton said she had to go alone to defeat Dr. Fell?

Main character: I was really scared and didn’t think she could do it. After all she was just a little old lady who could barely move.


Jett: When Dr. Fell moved into the house what did you think?

Main character: At first I thought he was a little weird,  but then I knew something was up with him when he built the playground.


Jett: What was your favorite part of the playground?

Main character: I thought it was dangerous but if i had to choose something I liked the pirate ship.


Jett: What is your favorite thing to do?

Main character: I like to play with my friends and solve mysteries.


Superfudge, By Judy Blume


 I chose this moment because it was the part when everything in Peter’s life changes. What changes is his parents tell him that they are moving to New Jersey and they are having a baby. Peter is not keen with the idea though. He literally freaks out. He thinks the baby is going to be just like Fudge, his naughty little brother.  In New York City, a family living right next to Central Park lived in a normal apartment. There is a mom, that is just really a mom, a dad, that is just really a dad. A main character, that really is called Peter. A little brother, his name is Fudge. They are a normal family. Until something happens…

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

imgresThe title of my book is The Lightning Thief. It is the first book of the Percy Jackson series and the author of my book is Rick Riordan. The main characters in my book are Percy Jackson and his best friends Annabeth and Grover. The main problem in this story is that Percy Jackson gets attacked by a bunch of monsters and is blamed for stealing the bolt, a lightning bolt that belongs to a Greek God.  Percy Jackson is trying to get the bolt to Zeus. The setting of my book is in New York City, but sometimes they travel.

A big event that happened in my book was the first time Percy battled a monster. The monster was a “Fury”. He had no clue what to do until his teacher threw him a pen, and then when he uncapped the pen it was actually a sword. Percy trembled as he couldn’t believe his eyes. What I found to be most interesting was when he is in water, he is always dry. He can breathe underwater because he’s the son of Poseidon, which is a God.  This is interesting, because it is like having superpowers in the water. Another thing that I thought was interesting was that there were so many Gods, because I did not know very much about Gods.

One adjective to describe Percy Jackson is brave, because he went on a scary quest in the book to find the lightning bolt to give back to the owner. Most people who go on quests never come back. Another way to describe my character is prey, because all of the monsters want to attack and eat him. Another adjective to describe my character is sneaky, because in the book he snuck into the teacher’s office. In the office, he quietly listened to what the teacher and Grover were talking about. He also had to sneak into the underworld and pretend he was dead. One quote in this book that I think describes the character is, “I have to save these people.” This describes him well, because he will do whatever it takes to save other people before he saves himself.

I enjoyed this book a lot because it is very mysterious, and I love mysteries. It is also a good bedtime story because it is spooky and gives me fun dreams. I definitely recommend this book because it is an amazing story to read: it is happy and sad at the same time. If you like happy and sad mysteries you will like this book. This book reminds me of the movie Goosebumps because it has mysteries and fairytales in it. I would give this book five stars ★★★★★.

I TOTALLY FUNNIEST, by James Patterson

51KQihg1QYL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Are you really low on jokes? Well here’s a book that can help you and it is a great read. I read I TOTALLY FUNNIEST by James Patterson. The main character in this story is Jamie Grimm. Jamie is going onto the final rounds of the world’s funniest kid comic, and he needs to be extremely funny to win the competition. The competition is in Hollywood, and that is very far away from his home, Long Island. The time period is modern, so it isn’t a history kind of book.


Jamie loves comedy, and he is really great at it, that is what makes him Jamie. For example, “He is funny,” said someone else. Plus, everywhere in the book he says a joke. For example, when he is at the diner he tells a joke to every customer. Jamie is a disabled kid in a wheelchair, so he likes to help all the kids like him, because he understands what it is like. An example is, when all the people in Long Beach were a disappointed about a storm, because it had  been a terrible tragedy, he helped them out by giving them a laugh. He also admits when he has done something wrong, like when he said, “I was a jerk.” And then his friend said,“I know.” An interesting part was when he forgot what he said during his comedy act. He said jokes, and then forgot if people laughed or what he even said. So when they announced the winners of that round, he had no idea if he did well. Another interesting thing was when he went mean.  A very, very, kind guy, went mean. (Started to be mean and selfish to his friends and family.) I didn’t think a competition could separate him from his friends and family. And Jamie has to choose between concentrating on the competition or being with his friends and family. He has a lot of trouble trying to do both.


I like this book because it was different, but it was also good. I normally read Action and Adventure, but this was more, Comedy. An example is, the title. I TOTALLY FUNNIEST. It really made it clear this was a different type of book. Then you read it and it is about a guy who loves comedy. I also liked it because it started with a guy who was a normal person, living in Long Island, then he becomes a famous comedian. For example, this is a kids reaction when he sees him, “Hey, you’re Jamie Grimm!” It is everyone’s reaction actually. I also like that the author included himself in the story for a little while. I would definitely recommend it to everyone who sets eyes on it. It is a comedy book, and it is really good so at least read a chapter of it. I would recommend this book to kids, that are  8-14. But there are a few bathroom words, so just be careful of that. I have never ever read or experienced any kind of thing like that so it was cool to read those books. But, before you read I TOTALLY FUNNIEST, make sure to first read I FUNNY and  I EVEN FUNNIER first. I would give this book five stars.
