Under The Egg By Laura Marx Fitzgerald

One of the books I read this summer is called under the egg. The setting is New York City, in the summer around present days. The two main characters names are Theodora A.K.A , and Bodhi. The main problem is that Theo’s house is basically falling apart and her Mom doesn’t have the money to fix it or ay the bills.

One day Theo’s Grandfather Jack died in a car accident his last words were “You’ll find the treasure under the egg.” Theo soon finds out that her grandfather meant the painting of an egg that he had painted, when the first layer of it came of in a accidental rubbing alcohol spill. The problem gets resolved at the end of the book when Theo and Bodhi find the rightful owner of the painting under the egg.

I enjoyed this book because it tells you a little bit about the World War II and how people in the war felt. In one chapter it is almost all about the war. I also liked how it was mostly about art, and real artists. The painting under the egg was based on a real painting called La Fornarina by an artist named Raphael. A reader that likes realistic fiction and art would like this book. I rate this book four stars.

Liesl and Po By Lauren Oliver

51gbkJYoFaL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book I read is called Liesl and Po by Lauren Oliver. The main characters are Liesl, Po and Will. Will is the alchemist’s apprentice.An alchemist is a person that mixes potions. One day Liesl’s father dies and Liesl meets a ghost named Po. Po lives in another dimension that Po calls “the other side.” Liesl decides one day to bury her father’s ashes next to where her mother was buried. Meanwhile Will made a mix up between two boxes: one containing the most powerful magic in the world, another the ashes of Henry l Morbower, Liesl’s father. The setting is in a city right outside the the country.
I would describe Liesl as brave because she left her house even when she knew she would get in trouble. I would also describe her as kind because she became friends with a ghost. Lastly, I would describe her as shy because she is afraid to speak up for herself. Liesl’s problem is that her stepmother keeps following her and causing trouble. Will’s problem is that the alchemist is really upset about the “mix up” and now he wants to kill Will. One important event was when Will woke up and was really tired and without thought grabbed the wrong box and walked out the door. I enjoyed this book a lot because I really like fantasy stories. I would recommend this book to people that like fantasy and adventure stories. I would also recommend it because the book uses a lot of descriptive language. I rate this
book four stars.

White Fang by Jack London









The book I read is called White Fang by Jack London . The main character is a wolf named White Fang. White Fang is part wolf and part dog. White Fang is born into the wild and one day there is a big famine, and all of White Fang’s sisters died of starvation. One day White Fang went to the stream to get water and he saw five men. One of the men walked up to White Fang and tried to pet White Fang but he bit the man. The man started to beat White Fang but his mother burst through the bushes, and the man recognizes his mother as his own dog. The man takes White Fang and his Mother Kiche back to his camp. The rest of the book is about how White Fang learns how to trust mankind. The setting of the book is in the north and in small villages.

It was interesting when a human took away White Fang’s mother and how she didn’t even look back at him when they were taking her away. It was interesting because in the past she had been so protective but now she hadn’t even tried to go back to her son. Another interesting part is when White Fang went out of the cave for the first time. It was interesting because there were so many things that he didn’t know about, and he kept falling down cliffs. I would describe White Fang as strong, curious, and brave. He is strong because he survived three bullets and a broken rib. He is curious because every day he would look outside and one day he finally went exploring outside. He is brave because when he saw a new creature he wasn’t afraid of it instead he went closer to look at it.

I enjoyed this book because my favorite animals are wolves and the book is all about them. I also enjoyed it because it teaches you a little bit more about wolves. I would recommend this book because it’s not too sad. This book is also like the movies Sounder and Old Yeller. It’s similar to them because they all involve animals and them running away and having to trust humans. I rate this book four stars.

Counting By Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan

51P+NH7nQyL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_My book is called Counting By Sevens by Holly Goldberg Sloan and there are three books in the series .  The main character’s name is Willow Chance, who is really smart . One day Willow’s parents die in a car accident and Willow gets really sad and starts loosing parts of her old self and a lot of her old habits. Some of those are counting by sevens every day before going to bed and planting a big giant garden filled with exotic  plants and foods, and saying at least five giant words  that grown – ups might not even know in every sentence. Just letting you know she’s a genius.It’s mainly about how Willow bit by bit gets parts of her old self back. The setting is in a town called Bakersfield in California.

Two parts that were interesting was when a person named Jairo won twenty – thousand dollars just for buying two books and being the 1,000,000th customer!!!! It’s funny because when he bought the books he won like a million bucks. Another interesting part is when they describe a person named Dell Duke’s A.P.T house. They say it has wet leaves in it and orange fur lying around (Dell had a cat until he lost it) and empty beer bottles lying around. This was interesting because his apartment sounds really messy . I would describe Willow as shy, very smart, and easygoing. She is shy because in one chapter she said, “I don’t speak unless someone asks me a question”. She is very smart she always gets her tests right. She is Easygoing because when it was Willow’s special day, somebody  was kind of making her special day a person ignored it and did what he wanted to do but she didn’t care.

I liked the book because the book did not just focus on only the main character it focuses on all of the characters, I also liked it because it could have been a real life story and I don’t really like a lot of fantasy stories. I recommend this book to people that can take sad story’s. I never really seen a movie or read another book like this. I rate this book four stars.



Son by Lois Lowery


The book I read is called Son, by Lois Lowry. There are four books in the series, number one is called The Giver, number two is Gathering Blue, three is Messenger and the last one is Son. The main characters are: Claire, Jonas, Gabe, and Trademaster. In the book there are Elders, who are the leaders of the community. Their community is a place without freedom, the people never get to choose or pick anything. There are a ton of rules. Every year there is a day called were a group of twelves get assigned a job to do, and a girl named Claire got assigned Birth mother which is when a group of twelve girls give birth to a baby three times then they get out of the Birthing unit and they get to rest for a lot of time. Claire gives birth to her first baby and her eyes are covered up in a mask so she can’t see the baby come out of her body, but the people that are working at the birthing unit call her baby a failure to thrive. So Claire gets sent to the Hatchery where they take care of fishes and their eggs. Secretly, Claire goes out to see her baby and pretend she doesn’t know it’s her baby. Once birth mother’s have their  baby, their baby gets sent off to new parents. So Claire goes every day to see Gabriel her son. One day a person named Jonas runs away from the community, which is against the rules. He takes Gabriel with him, and now Claire has her heart set on finding him.

One very interesting part of the book is when the author describes how Claire felt when she was birthing Gabriel. It’s interesting because I  would describe Claire as heart set, strong, and loving. I really enjoyed reading Son and the whole series.

It’s kind of a mix between fiction and non fiction, but it’s more fiction. I also enjoyed it because it’s also educational at points. I would recommend this series to 3rd grade and up, this series is actually for young adults. I would rate this book four stars.