Liesl and Po By Lauren Oliver

51gbkJYoFaL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book I read is called Liesl and Po by Lauren Oliver. The main characters are Liesl, Po and Will. Will is the alchemist’s apprentice.An alchemist is a person that mixes potions. One day Liesl’s father dies and Liesl meets a ghost named Po. Po lives in another dimension that Po calls “the other side.” Liesl decides one day to bury her father’s ashes next to where her mother was buried. Meanwhile Will made a mix up between two boxes: one containing the most powerful magic in the world, another the ashes of Henry l Morbower, Liesl’s father. The setting is in a city right outside the the country.
I would describe Liesl as brave because she left her house even when she knew she would get in trouble. I would also describe her as kind because she became friends with a ghost. Lastly, I would describe her as shy because she is afraid to speak up for herself. Liesl’s problem is that her stepmother keeps following her and causing trouble. Will’s problem is that the alchemist is really upset about the “mix up” and now he wants to kill Will. One important event was when Will woke up and was really tired and without thought grabbed the wrong box and walked out the door. I enjoyed this book a lot because I really like fantasy stories. I would recommend this book to people that like fantasy and adventure stories. I would also recommend it because the book uses a lot of descriptive language. I rate this
book four stars.

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