Under The Egg By Laura Marx Fitzgerald

One of the books I read this summer is called under the egg. The setting is New York City, in the summer around present days. The two main characters names are Theodora A.K.A , and Bodhi. The main problem is that Theo’s house is basically falling apart and her Mom doesn’t have the money to fix it or ay the bills.

One day Theo’s Grandfather Jack died in a car accident his last words were “You’ll find the treasure under the egg.” Theo soon finds out that her grandfather meant the painting of an egg that he had painted, when the first layer of it came of in a accidental rubbing alcohol spill. The problem gets resolved at the end of the book when Theo and Bodhi find the rightful owner of the painting under the egg.

I enjoyed this book because it tells you a little bit about the World War II and how people in the war felt. In one chapter it is almost all about the war. I also liked how it was mostly about art, and real artists. The painting under the egg was based on a real painting called La Fornarina by an artist named Raphael. A reader that likes realistic fiction and art would like this book. I rate this book four stars.

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