When My Name Was Keoko, By Linda Sue Park

Japan own Korea?

KOREA JAPAN- It was fine until the Japanese took over. Korea used to be its own country, but the Japanese took it over. The Japanese were losing World War 2. They needed the rations Korea had. The Japanese made a lot of new laws that made it hard for Koreans to live. The main characters are trying to help their family. The book I am reading is called When My Name Was Keoko by Linda Sue Park. The author decided to name the chapters Sun-hee and Tae-yul for each character’s perspective. The setting is in Korea and Japan starting in the 1940s to 1945.

Sun hee is the girl in the family and has to stay quiet most of the time, but if she’s lucky someone will tell her something, she’ll have a good guess or overhear something. A long time ago Korean women and girls were not supposed to listen or hear big talks. They were only for men to know. Sun-hee is an adventurous character who doesn’t like the Japanese ways. She cares a lot about the people in her family and her friends. An example is when she ran to save her Uncle when the Japanese were going to “supposedly” raid the Uncle’s store. Tae-yul never gives up, is 3 years older than Sun-hee and always wants to help some how. He’s daring, Tae-yul volunteered to be a kamikaze. A kamikaze is someone who steers a plane with a bomb on the bottom of a plane, they dive for the enemy ships and if they land the attack the whole ship explodes along with the pilot and plane.

I enjoyed this book very much because it’s a very adventurous story and it teaches you about history. It’s historical fiction and Linda Sue Park makes it fun enough you don’t realize you are also learning facts. It is adventurous because there are a lot of things going on in the time period and because both main characters are daring, smart, and courageous.

I would recommend this book for people who like historical fiction and adventure stories. I also like it because the author describes the perspective of each character very well and there are funny, sad and adventure parts.                                                                       

I give this book a five star rating. It’s REALLY amazing!!!

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6 thoughts on “When My Name Was Keoko, By Linda Sue Park

  1. I read this book too and when I was reading it i thought you like it :D. I also thought you did a great job describing what the problem was!

    Makeda 😀

    • Sorry Gigi. I don’t remember if Tae-Yul became a kamikaze, but I’m pretty sure he survived. Ask kk and see if she remembers. I am answering late and after a long time when I read the book.

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