Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.

hoot_1024x1024Hoot is a novel written by Carl Hiaasen. The main characters are Roy, Officer Delinko, Beatrice, Mullet fingers, Curly and Dana. Roy is the new kid in town again, but this time he ends up at Trace Middle School and goes on some unforgettable adventures. The story takes place in Miami, Florida, present day.

Roy is the main character of the book. He is brave and smart because once when Roy was on a class field trip he went off the path for a short cut to where the class was going and he found himself near a bear. Roy remembered in a book that bears have bad eyesight and the best way to avoid an attack is to just stay still, so he stood like a statue for about thirty minutes while the bear was there. Once the bear was gone, Roy still didn’t know where the bear was so he stood still for another two hours then his teacher finally found him. Roy is also adventurous. He shows us this when he goes on an adventure to find Mullet fingers. One part of the book I liked was when Roy followed Mullet fingers to his secret hiding spot. I liked this part because I wanted to know more about Mullet fingers. Another part I liked was when Roy found out about the owls and Mother Paula’s All-American Pancake House was being built on the owls’ borrows. I liked this part because I wanted to know what Roy was going to do about it.

I enjoyed the book because I liked the adventure in the book. I also liked the humor in the book. One interesting fact about this book is why Mullet fingers is called Mullet fingers? but if you want to know you will have to read the book. I would recommend this book to people who like a good laugh and a silly sense of  humor. I would also recommend this book to people who like suspense.  This book is similar to other Carl Haasen books because it has a lot of humor and takes place in Florida. I would give Hoot four out of five stars because I liked the book alot but I dont want to read it again. Out of the other two Carl Hiaasen books Chomp and Flush, Hoot would be my favorite.

Number The Stars By Lois Lowery

51dKKLBZ1jL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book I read is called Number The Stars by Lois Lowry. The book is mainly about a girl named Annemarie Johansen  who is living during World War II in 1943. It is about how she lives through this and how she helps her best friend Ellen who is Jewish not get found and captured. The main setting of the book is Copenhagen and some other settings are Sweden and Denmark.

Three adjectives to describe Annemarie are fearless, polite, and honest. She’s fearless because when she first meets one of the Nazi guards she does not get scared and she just tries to stay calm. She’s polite because whenever she gets frustrated she does not get very worked up about it like when her little sister Kristi  was about to tell the Nazis that they were helping Jews go to Sweden. She gave Kristi a serious look indicating that she should not say anything. Annemarie is honest because when she talks about her sister Lise who died, she did not try to sugarcoat it, she just said the cold hard truth.

There were many important things I learned when I read this book. One of them is about this thing called the Resistance which is like a secret organization to stop the Nazis. The second thing that I learned was that the Nazis would somehow know if you are helping Jews stay safe and go to Sweden. I think they know Annemarie’s family is helping Jews because her sister was part of the Resistance. A third thing that I found important was that the Nazi guards had guard dogs and people would carry little handkerchiefs  of  a scent and if the dogs smelled it then it would numb their sense of  smell and then they would be unable to smell. Another thing that I found interesting was that during the war no one could eat butter and if they were lucky some people would have butter but very little. The people did not have butter because the Nazis had better privileges then the people living in the war.  The Nazis had taken most of the butter and they would never even eat it. They did not eat it because they just wanted the people living in the war to suffer.

I enjoyed this book very much because I got to learn a little bit more of people living during the times of dictators and why they might have left their homes. This book is not related to any movies I’ve seen, but this book is similar to Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez. It is also an immigration story around the same time period but in a diffrent place in the world.

I give this book a rating of 5 stars because I really liked it. I would be happy to read it again.


George Washington’s Socks A Time Travel Adventure By Elvira Woodruff

imgresI read a book called George Washington’s Socks, by Elvira Woodruff. I don’t know if this is in a series or not but Elvira Woodruff wrote other books. The main character’s name is Matt. There are four other main characters, Q, Tony, Hooter, and Katie. The setting is in Nebraska and  New Jersey. The time is the 20th and 18th centuries. One night on their first club camp out, they were reading a book about George Washington when he crossed the Delaware River. They didn’t really feel that cool so they wanted an adventure. There was a lake near where they were camping so Q, Tony, Hooter, Matt, and Katie all camped out by the lake. When they got to the lake they saw a boat. Now just think of this, the name of the boat is Emit Levart, if you look closely you’ll see it. Read the title.


One thing I think is important to know is when the kids cross the Delaware river  they are wearing 20th century clothes. Think of how strange it would be to be a soldier seeing them. Another thing that I think is important to know is that when they time travelled  they came back at sun rise so the parents didn’t know what had happened. Except when Katie the little sister told her parents what happened the past night. One adjective that I thought goes well with Matt is courage. An example was when Matt was riding Blackjack the horse through the dark woods. Another adjective is bravery. An example was when Matt pick up the muskets to tried to scare the Hessians. He, Hooter, and Tony all failed. The last adjective is confident. The example was when Tony got mad that they could not get home but Matt always said “We will get home, I promise.”

I liked this book because there is always a problem. You can or can’t guess what what the next thing is going to be. I recommend this book to people that like adventures. Also to people that like time travel. This book reminds me of a book we read last year called “The Magic Tunnel.” That book was also about time travelling. But The Magic Tunnel was when the English took over New Amsterdam. I rate this book five stars. *****

Zombie Elementary By Howard Whitehouse

20691402The book that I read is called Zombie Elementary. The author is Howard Whitehouse. This book is about Larry Mullet and his friends taking charge fighting zombies.  The setting takes place in Acorn Falls at the Brooks Elementary School and the mall.

The main character is Larry Mullet and he is in fifth grade. Larry is not the most popular but he has a few really good friends.  Larry is not tall and he is not short, he is average.  He is sporty. For example he rides his bike and plays baseball.  Another important thing to know about Larry is that he avoids the cafeteria food. Hint: This is an important clue why he does not turn into a zombie.  You will have to read the book to find out.

It is important to know that none of the adults know that there are zombies.  That means that Larry and his non zombie friends have to save the day in Acorn Falls.  Another interesting thing about the book is that his best friend Alex Bates tried to eat Larry.  It was scary and sad for Larry because he could not hang out with his best friend because there will be a good chance that he will get bitten and turn into a zombie.

It was funny and weird how Larry got rid of the zombies.  Larry would use his baseball bat and swing at the zombie’s head and the head would roll across the park and then another zombie would pick it up and play with it. It was a good thing that Larry was a baseball player.

I enjoyed the book because it was interesting and exciting. There was some scary parts in the story.  For example when the zombies said “bbbbbbrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnssssssss” and “nnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa” while they were chasing Larry and his friends. I also enjoyed the book because the author got me into the story a lot of times.  I recommend this book for people that like zombies and are not afraid of some scary parts.  This is the first time I read a zombie book so I can not compare it to anything but I would like to read and find more books about unusual and scary things.  I would give this book four stars.


Gabriel Finley and the Ravens Riddle by George Hagen


The book I read was Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen. The the book takes place in Brooklyn.  The main characters are Gabriel20307079 Finley, Somes Grindle, Abby, and Pamela. A wicked torc, a stubborn writing desk, and a group of valravens (evil flesh eating ravens), are obstacles in young Gabriel’s path to his father. Soon Gabriel befriends a young raven named Paladin, and learns the greatest secrets the world has ever held. He, Paladin and a group of friends travel down to the underground city, Aviopolis, where he finds his father. Soon his friends and his father get captured by valravens . To save them he challenges Corax (his uncle and the lord of the valravens) to a duel of riddles. Does he win? You will have to read to find out.


Abby is unique, thoughtful, and smart. Abby is unique because she is confident in wearing one color boot and a different color on the other. Also she does not care what other people think about her. Abby is thoughtful when she snuck caramel candies to Gabriel so he won’t have to eat the terrible food. Abby is smart because she cracked really hard riddles like “The mighty lion runs from me when my legs rise up in fury, yet quietly I serve beneath a judge and all his jury.”


One part that I found interesting was when Gabriel and Paladin formed into one, meaning that Gabriel went into Paladin’s body like a ghost. I thought that was interesting because I never knew what it was like in a raven’s body. How neat would it be to fly? A part that I found important was when Gabriel met his dad. That is important because parents take their children under their wing, and teach them important skills .


I enjoyed this book because it has a lot of adventures. Also I like friendship and family stories and this is one of them. I would recommend this book to readers who like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. I say this because Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are very similar because they are both special types of humans and go on special missions. I would rate this book five stars *****.





A Bear Called Paddington Michael Bond

515ohf3YZjL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book I read is called A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond. This book is part of a series. This is the first book, the series is called Paddington. This book is about Paddington and how he finds a home in London and about his new life in London. He came from Darkest Peru and his aunt Lucy sent him to London. The main character of course is Paddington and the Browns which is the family that takes Paddington. They took him because there is a tag on Paddington that says please look after this bear thank you. The setting takes place in a lot of places. Two of the sites are the Browns house and the beach. It does not say when it takes place in time but I think  maybe in the middle of the past and present.

Paddington is very polite because he always wants to help, make things right and he has good manners. He also can get people to do what he wants because he has this hard stare and he does it when people insult him or do something he does not want. Also he is very small because he is that way and adventures very adventurous all he does is go off and have many new adventures. Some things that were very interesting about the book is when he went to the theater he thought the whole play was real and some how he got on stage. Also for his birthday he got a magic set from Mrs. and Mr. Brown and he performed a Magic show and things went a little crazy but you will have to read the book to see what happens. He also comes to London with this red hat from his aunt Lucy who is back in Darkest Peru for the home for retired bears. He takes his red hat with him everywhere. He keeps marmalade sandwiches in it until he got his new green beret. Which he also wears but his red hat is very special. He also came to London with just a little suitcase with a jar of marmalade and a couple coins.

I recommend this book to people that like adventurous books with bears and lots of fun and funny stuff. I really liked this book and it is one of my new favorites.  I think everyone will like it because its so great. There is a movie of Paddington Bear but it is so different from the book and the book is better. Because it has a better story the movie is a whole nother story and it does not have as much action  From a 1-5 I would give this book 5 stars *****.


The Magician’s Nephew


The book I read was The Magician’s Nephew written by  C. S. Lewis. The book that the series is  part of is the Chronicles of Narnia. The book is about a girl named Polly. She becomes friends with Digory, a boy who moves in next door to live with his Uncle and his Aunt.He never really gets to talk to his uncle Andrew because he is always up to something. The book takes place in England, the wood between worlds, Narnia, and Charn

Polly is curious because she wants to know where her never ending attic leads to. She is also very gullible because she is persuaded by Uncle Andrew to touch the rings that teleport you to the wood between worlds. She’s also a risk taker because she convinces Digory  to jump into a portal to another world. There were a ton of interesting parts in this book. One interesting part was when Polly first meets Digory, what happens is that they just started telling each other stories about themselves. Another interesting part was when they are in Charn and all of these statues are sitting at the table. They notice that the farther down the table they go, the more stern the faces are. One more interesting part was when Digory goes to the wood between worlds for the first time to rescue Polly. Digory finds Polly and they have a hard time remembering everything. They said it’s a confusing place.

I loved the book so much because it seems like you are actually in the book. It’s also a friendship story and it makes you want to know more about the book.I would recommend the book because it is story about friends who go through a lot together. They also never leave each other behind. This book doesn’t really remind me of any other books because it’s like a lot of different books combined into one.One of them is A Wrinkle in Time because they both travel through different worlds. I would rate the book five stars.


The Meaning of Maggie By Megan Jean Sovern

The name of this book is called The Meaning Of Maggie and it is by Megan Jean Sovern. This book is not part of a series. This book is mainly about a girl named Maggie. Maggie’s Dad’s legs are slowly falling to sleep and everyone in their family is trying to figure out a cure for him. The main characters are the Mom, Dad, two sisters, (Layla,Tiffany) and imgresMaggie. The setting of this book is mostly at their house. This book takes place over two years when Maggie was 11 and 12.

Some ways to explain Maggie is  very lovely because she helped her older sister Layla with her homework. I also think Maggie is very secretive because she sneaks into the kitchen and gets some candy with no one even knowing. Maggie is very smart because she gets really really amazing grades. In the book I really liked when Maggie, her Mom, and her two sisters had to drag her dad all the way down to the beach each of the days they were on vacation. I also really liked it when Maggie tried to come home from school early but failed. She did not want to run 5 laps in gym. Lastly I really liked it when Maggie’s mom distracted her when her dad was getting a shot. It was really funny because her mom was making all of these excuses to get her away from her dad. She did this because she did not want Maggie to get scared that her dad would not be ok.

I really enjoyed this book because I loved how funny it was! I also liked how surprising the book was! I would definitely recommend this book for a friend because I think it was awesome! I would also recommend this book for people that like funny books! This book reminds me of The Little Mermaid [Ariel] because it is about one girl who has a few sisters that fight. This book also reminds me of High School Musical because one of the main characters has a crush. I would rate this book 5 stars!


The Bad Apple by T.R. Burns



I read The Bad Apple by T.R. Burns and it’s the first book in the Merits of Mischief series. The main character is Seamus Hinkle and the book takes place at the Kilter Academy for Troubled Youth. I think it’s set in the present because there’s a reference to a SUV but there is some stuff that most people did in the past. 12 year old Seamus ends up at Kilter after an accident at his old school. Kilter isn’t a normal school. It’s a school that rewards bad behavior. At Kilter, it’s good to get in trouble but it’s bad to get gold stars. The book is about Seamus trying to fit in and make friends in a weird new school with lots of strange rules.


I think Seamus is responsible because he calls the Hoodlum Hotline (technically, the police) about bad things that keep happening at Kilter. When you call the Hoodlum Hotline, you are given gold stars. (Remember, gold stars are bad.) This is why students at Kilter don’t call the hotline; it actually gets you in trouble. Seamus calls the hotline because he thinks it’s a way to see his parents. I think Seamus isn’t a troubled kid because the accident that put him in Kilter really was an accident. No one at Kilter believes him. I think Seamus is loyal to his new friends Abe, Lemon, Gabby and Elinor because when they tried to do something bad and it backfires, Seamus goes to help them even though he doesn’t agree with their idea. Something that was interesting to me is the demerit system at Kilter Academy. Kilter has its own store. It sells paintballs, boomerangs and fire extinguishers for people whose heads catch on fire (which happens a lot there). Kids can go shopping whenever they have enough demerits to spend. The best fire extinguisher costs 2,000 demerits. That’s a lot of demerits. If you surprise a teacher with anything like a smoke bomb, you get 100 demerits. Kids save their demerits to get the better stuff. One thing that is interesting to me is the way Annika, the founder of Kilter Academy, treats her niece, Elinor. It surprised me because when Elinor once got hurt at school Annika barely lifted a finger . I thought that she would care more about her niece. Annika says that Elinor isn’t doing anything bad and regrets letting her into the school. This means Elinor can’t earn any demerits, which is the whole point of going to Kilter.

I liked this book because it had a lot of action and friendship in it. It has action when Seamus and his friends are trying to trick the teachers. It has friendship in it when one of Seamus and his friends plan backfires and Seamus comes to save his friends when their powers get used against them. I recommend this book to people who like mystery because you never know what’s going to happen next. Also, it’s a book about friendship because no matter what Seamus’s friends do, he does the same thing. I think it’s kinda related to fighting in hockey because hockey teams want people that can fight but fighting is bad in hockey. I would give this book 5 stars because I never wanted to put the book down.



Half Magic by Edward Eager

The title of the book that I read was Half Magic and it was written by Half_MagicEdward Eager. This book is about Jane is roughly fourteen, Mark is roughly twelve , Katharine is definitely nine and Martha is I think five or six. All four of them are siblings.They find a coin but no ordinary coin, it can grant wishes but only by halves. An example of this is, if you where to wish that you were in China you would only go half the way there! There are so many settings in this book but the kind of main one is the house. I think it takes place in the 19 hundreds because of their cloths. And the vehicles.

I would describe Jane as fierce, kind and scared. I think Jane is fierce because she never gives up and always protects her family. I think Jane is kind because she is always nice to people no matter what. I think Jane is scared in an emotional way not like scared of a monster or something. I think this because she is scared about what is going to happen next in her life. Some parts of the book that I found interesting were when Jane found the coin. I found this interesting  because right then you knew that the adventure would start and you fest exited. Something else that I found interesting was that the mom experienced the magic too. That was interesting because in most books the moms do not experience what the whole book is about. Like in some of the Harry Potters she just hears about what is happening and is not in the whole seen but in some books she is but that is just my opinion.

I enjoyed this book a lot because it is very exciting and you never know what the next disaster will be. I will recommend this book to people who likes fantasy. I also recommend this book to people who like history and knowing what is going to happen in the future. It’s kind of like seeing the future and maybe predicting it. Some other books and authors that write like Edward Eager is an author named Roald Dahl. I think this because he kind of writes like Edward Eager. I think this because there style and stories are alike and their pictures are a little alike. I would rate this book five stars and it is an awesome book!