Molly – CR #6

I began my senior project intending to answer the question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?” and thinking about how my own experiences will help me understand[…]

Onaje CR #6

Coming into this Senior Project, I changed my essential question to “how can I respond to a global pandemic through art?”. Acknowledging there are histories of artists responding to the[…]

Molly – Week 6 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, I have been touching base with different communities and people about their experiences in their communities being engaged. I[…]

CR5: Metacognition

Jacob McKinnon May 11, 2020 CR5: Metacognition   EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion[…]

Onaje CR #5

Over the course of this Senior Project experience, I’ve got an insight into my psychology behind my work. I’ve witnessed the fear and trepidation behind my process. I’ve seen how[…]

Molly- CR #5

Going into Senior Project, I initially wanted to do something hands-on to learn about a topic I’m interested in. I planned to spend the six weeks volunteering on various farms[…]

Molly- Week 5 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, some members of the track team had a virtual “track meet” over Zoom. While I was initially skeptical about[…]

Onaje Cr #4

My essential question is “How can I respond to a pandemic through art”. While figuring out the ideologies and concepts behind my pieces are crucial, the execution is just as[…]

Molly- CR #4

When I was looking at my first source on April 8th, I was considering my essential question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?,” with the assumption that[…]

Henry Pomerance Blog Post#6

Henry Pomerance 4/30/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #6 This week I have continued my microeconomics and environmental economics classes, which are both quite interesting and relate[…]

Molly- Week 4 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week Jess brought a lawyer named Maggie Carlyle from the PAC-12 conference to our cohort meeting to talk about how[…]

Onaje #6

My anatomy and gesture studies are going well. I have finally reached the lower body in my studies, and am currently focused on the humerus, tibia, and fibula. In my[…]

Henry Pomerance Blog Post#5

Henry Pomerance 4/25/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #5 I have started taking a microeconomics online class, and I wondered if and how microeconomics related to ESG.[…]

Henry Pomerance Blog Post#3

Henry Pomerance 4/19/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #3 This past week I have done some research on the environmental effects from the current financial downturn due[…]

Henry Pomerance Blog Post#1

Henry Pomerance 4/8/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Blog Post #1 My first couple of days have been mostly background research regarding corporate structure, finance, and economics as general[…]

Henry Pomerance CR#3

Henry Pomerance 4/28/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #3: Essential Question Reflection What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you[…]

Henry Pomerance CR#2

Henry Pomerance 4/21/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #2: Describe a Moment and Analyze For the past two weeks, I have researched how private sector businesses implement[…]

CR3: Halfway There

Jacob McKinnon CR3: Halfway There   EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion of playing[…]

Molly- CR #3

Reflecting on my project at the halfway point has made me realize that while I have learned a lot about how communities are continuing to engage online, I still have[…]

Onaje CR #3

Over the weekend, I finished the second painting—titled “Unity”—in my series. I feel that it is a step up from the last piece, “The Awakening of Chaos”, in a few[…]

Molly- Week 3 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week our cohort heard from another speaker during our meeting named Brooke Hurley, a ceramics teacher in Chicago. She talked[…]

Molly- CR #2

Monday night, April 20th, was the beginning of Yom Hashoah, the Jewish holiday for Holocaust Remembrance. Every other year on this day, my synagogue’s held a service to honor the[…]

Onaje Cr #2

This morning during my cohort meeting, James revealed that we are now one third of the way into the senior project experience. After the meeting, James talked to me individually[…]

Molly- Week 2, Post 2

Community in the Time of COVID-19 Yesterday in my cohort meeting, I heard from a speaker named Sandra about how her art communities have been moved online. Sandra lives in[…]

Onaje #4

I feel that my quick sketches and anatomy studies are going pretty well. Every once in a while, I struggle to find the dynamism in a certain pose, but through[…]


Henry Pomerance 4/14/20 Senior Project 2020 Business and Marketing Critical Reflection #1: What I Know, What I Don’t Even when the COVID-19 pandemic shut down normal life, my senior project[…]

Onaje CR #1

There are fundamentals to art that trump any stylistic or technical choices, and create the visual language through which one communicates their ideas. Figurative art hones in on a few[…]

Molly- Week 2, Post 1

Community in the Time of COVID-19 Since I last posted, I have continued to explore online community engagement. On Sunday evening, I led a workshop online for the jGirls magazine[…]