Molly-CR #1

In trying to answer my essential question, “How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic?,” I am constantly reminded of why this topic is important to me. Along with[…]

#1: Getting Started

For the first week of my project, I spent most of my time reading Beloved by Toni Morrison and researching artists to inform my art. I found many artists and[…]

Molly- Week 1, Post 2

Community in the Time of Covid-19 Since this week was Passover, I’ve spent most of the past two days with my family celebrating. However, some of what I’ve been doing[…]

Molly- Week 1, Post 1

Community in the Time of Covid-19 This week, I have spent time exploring how to continue my communities online including the track team and my synagogue’s teen group, as well[…]

Molly’s Project Proposal

Essential Question: How can communities stay engaged virtually during a global pandemic? Statement of Definition: Explore how communities can continue being active during a global pandemic limiting social interactions to[…]