CR1: Rigorous Basketball Training

Jacob McKinnon

CR1: What I Know vs What I don’t Know


EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion of playing basketball at the professional level? Or rather how can I perfect my craft?


I know how to answer my essential question and the steps that I need to take. To be more specific, I know how to train myself as well as the amount of hard work that goes into getting better at a particular sport or skill. I have grown to understand my weaknesses and I’m learning how to strengthen those weaknesses as well as break bad habits I have when it comes to basketball. Some of these weaknesses are shooting off balance or from bad angles, successfully scoring after performing combination moves, and maintaining the same shooting form once I get tired. Becoming a better basketball player is important to me because it is my main goal in life to play professional basketball. I have been working hard at this goal ever since the age of 10 when I received my first basketball. My motivation to become better lies in the hopes that I will succeed and can motivate others like me. I want to prove everyone who ever doubted me wrong and I want to support my family. As I start this experience I bring along with me all of my past experience and knowledge of the game. I almost have a complete mastery of the fundamentals and I seek to polish my game as well as stand out from others who play basketball. I want to be extraordinary. My outside source has helped to put into more general terms the importance of discovering a weakness and analyzing it/finding ways to strengthen said weakness. 

What I don’t know is how long it will take to strengthen my weaknesses. It’s important for me to find out more about my question so that I can be successful in the future. If I’m able to analyze my own weaknesses and strengthen them I’ll be a much more efficient player. I can prevent myself from making mistakes while on the court. Other questions that are lying beneath the surface are: How much training can my body take?; How much untapped potential do I have?; How much better can I get in this short time?

3 thoughts on “CR1: Rigorous Basketball Training

  1. Jacob, it seems like you have a good understanding of both what you already excel at and what you need to work on. You seem to have a solid plan for how to proceed with your project.

  2. Great job, Jacob! It’s great that you’re pointing out your weakness. Attacking them and increasing your fail rate is the best way to achieve mastery.

  3. It is inspiring to see how dedicated you are to improving your performance and very smart to acknowledge your weaknesses. 10/10

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