George by Alex Gino

“George” is a book by Alex Gino. This book is Alex Gino’s first novel. The main character is George. “George” is about a transgender girl, but George’s mom doesn’t know that George is transgender neither does her friends. Another thing that happens in “George” is that the teacher is casting for Charlotte’s web. George wants to be Charlotte but she can’t because she is a “boy.” The setting of the book is in New York. I know this because at one point,  George goes to the Bronx Zoo with her best friend and the friend says the zoo is an hour away and George says she lives in New York.


George is friendly, nervous and brave. George is friendly because she nevers gets in fights with anyone, even if she’s mad. I think George is nervous because she only tells her best friend that she is a girl but she doesn’t tell her mom or brother. I think George is brave because she is not scared when she auditions for the play.

Another important part in the book is when George says to her mom and older brother “What if I’m a girl?” I think this quote is important because she is finally telling her mom what she is. She is also expressing herself by finally letting go of what she has kept a secret for so long.


I really liked George because of the concept and how unique it is, I think George is unique because of the beautiful language. I also really liked George because it is not all over the place and there isn’t too much going on at once and there is only one plot. I do recommend this book if you like extraordinary books. I would also recommend this if you like quick and easy books. This book reminds me of Gracefully Grayson because it has the same concept of a girl inside a boy’s body.  I would give this book five stars because of it’s uniqueness.

Are You There God Its Me Margaret by, Judy Blume

The book I read is are Are You There God Its Me Margaret by, Judy Blume. This book was about  a girl named Margaret who moved from New York City to the suburbs. And meets a girl named Nancy who is in the same class as her Mr. Benedict’s Sixth Grade. The end up being friends. Nancy also stared a club called the PTs’s which stands for Pre Teen Sensations. If I had to give the book a rating it would be five stars.

Password: littlered!

Penny’s Book project from LREI on Vimeo.

George, By: Alex Gino

For our last book review we were aloud to show an important part of our book, we could make a diorama, or even a newspaper! I made a newspaper of some important parts in my book. I looked at newspaper templates on Google and used my favorite. I decided on a question and answer interview with the play director and the actor (George). I also threw some ads in there along with an editorial.


The Daily Journal
Breaking News! April 2016
Boy Wants to Play Girl In Play But Teacher Will Not Let Him

By: Elijah Floyd


Interview with teacher, Mrs. Hernandez:

Reporter: So, why can’t he play charlotte?

Teacher: Because he is a boy and charlotte is a girl. It would not sound the same if he played her in the play.
Reporter: But it really sounds like he wants to play her.
Teacher: I do not care I will not let this happen.
Reporter: Thank you for your time.

“I want this play to be the best it can be!” – Mrs. Hernandez
Bob’s Gas only 6.99 per gallon!

The book George takes place in a small school. In the school they are having a play. In the play they have a character named Charlotte who is a girl but George wants to play Charlotte but he is a boy! Then George’s friend Kelly steps up and changes everything.

I really think that this is unfair. I am on George’s side because I also stand up for the transgender community. I am on George’s side because I live by the words BE WHO YOU ARE.
Boy Wants to Play Girl In Play But Teacher Will Not Let Him
By: Elijah Floyd

Interview with boy, George:

Reporter: So why do you want to play a girls part?
George: Because on the outside I might appear a boy but on the inside i am true to who I am.
Reporter: You don’t think people will laugh at you?
George: I know they will but I have to be strong and support the transgender community.
Reporter: Thank you for your time.

“Be who you are”- George
Williams Beans only 2.99!
Page 1

The Surprise Attack of Jabba The Puppet: A Origami Yoda Series by Tom Angleberger

51qv88fYzCL._SX317_BO1,204,203,200_The book I read is called The Surprise Attack of the Jabba the Puppett. It is part of the Origami Yoda series. The book was written by Tom Angleberger. In my book, the main group (because there are a lot of main characters) is the Rebellion. But the character I’m focusing on is Dwight, the owner of Origami Yoda. The big problem is that on the capital state test, Mcquarrie Middle School is doing really bad. So to pass the grades, everybody’s activities are taken away and instead replaced with FunTime. This doesn’t sound so bad, but it’s just  short  for Fundamentals. FunTime is a boring, head spinning, cheesy video with a singing calculator (Gizmo),  Professor Funtime, and a break dancing dictionary.

The Rebellion of little Star Wars finger puppets are going to stop FunTime and make their principal (Mrs. Rabasski) give back their activities. Some of the puppets are Han Foldo, Fortune Wookiee, Darth Paper, and Art-2-D-2. The setting of this book is on Earth at their middle school.

One big event was when the Rebellion sent a letter to Mrs. Rabbasski to ask for their activities back. When she called the main Rebellioners (including Dwight) to her office, they were definitely in trouble. When the Rebellioners got to the office, Mrs. Rabbaski tried to compromise. Since that did not work, she decided to call their parents. Dwight really did not want his parents to know about this. But Master Yoda (Dwight’s puppet) still believed in the Rebellion, so he stayed in the Rebellion. Another important event was when the head people of the Rebellion did not know that Jabba the Hut was behind the FunTime screen and kept turning FunTime on when Mrs. Rabbaski was speaking! It was a silent victory but Mrs. Rabbaski thought it was them!

The one of the words I would use to describe Dwight is weird, because Dwight has his own finger puppet and believes that it is alive. Dwight is incompetent at having manners and listening to people, like when Dwight started to try to kiss his elbow in the middle of class. He is also passionate  at being himself, and going with the flow. Dwight is very passionate in what he does, which is being the leader of the Rebellion, known as Captain Dwight.

I enjoyed this book because the plot was very interesting, and all of the characters had really great finger puppets and were great at playing them. I recommend this book to readers who love Star Wars, comics, chapter books, and funny, fantastic plots. I think this book that is similar to the novel Archie, because the main characters are both going through similar issues in school. Like that sometimes in the book Archie (the main character) would go against their principal in situations. Like when Veronica and Betty (Archie’s friends)  wanted their newspaper a different way and had to have this whole trial with their principal. That is very similar to what’s happening to the Rebellion at their school I would rate this book 5 stars *****.

The Vanishing Violin By: Michael D. Beil



Can you solve three mysteries at the same time? Well, the Red Blazer Girls can. The Red Blazer Girls are from The Vanishing Violin by Michael D. Beil. The Vanishing Violin is very different from my other books because I usually read realistic fiction or magical realism but this book is mystery. Mystery is very different than realistic fiction because a lot can happen that is not realistic but depending on the book a lot can be realistic too. This book is part of the Red Blazer Girls Series. They call themselves that because they wear red blazers for school. “They” is Sophie St. Pierre, Rebecca Chen, Margaret Wrobel and Leigh Ann Jaimes.


In the first book – The Ring of Rocamadour – they found the ring of Rocamadour and now in the second book they have to figure out who is sneaking into the school and cleaning it, crack a bunch of codes that lead to a violin and last try to find yet another stolen violin. This book does not ever mention when it takes place but I am guessing around the same time it was written which was 2010. I also think it is about modern time because there are iPhones, motorcycles and the subway. This all takes place in New York City and sometimes at their school, St. Veronica’s.


I think I would describe Sophie as silly. For example,  When someone says “Hey, loooosers.” she responded “Nice to see you, too, my dearest darling pal,” She also really likes math so that helps her figure out some mysteries. Like when she said “The ring is about three inches in diameter, so the circumference is a little over nine inches. (That’s pi times the diameter, if you’re keeping score-I love math.)” This book is interesting because it is from Sophie’s perspective like when she says “I” or “me”. An important part of the story is that Margaret is getting mystery letters from somebody that leads to the mystery violin. All the friends help her and figure out more clues. Will the clues ever stop? Also, the head of their school is counting on them to figure out is cleaning the school but with two other mysteries on their hands that can be lot!


Some of the events that change the direction of the story is at Mr. Chernofsky’s (Margaret’s friend) violin shop he hires someone else that seems a little suspicious considering he went to jail…  I really enjoyed this book because of how the author sets up the story and I also really enjoyed the ending that the author makes. Another reason I enjoyed this book is how everyone’s personalities. I would recommend this book to readers that like series since this is part of the The Red Blazer Girls series. Some connections is to the friends because I feel sometimes I feel like the friends are a lot like my friends. I would definitely rate this four stars. ☆☆☆☆
How does it all connect? 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School by Jeff Kinney

imgresThe book that I read is called
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Old School. The author is Jeff Kinney. This book is part of a series called Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.  I have read some of other books in this series. The main character in this book is named Greg and a lot of unlucky stuff happens to him. He is in middle school and has two brothers, a mom and a dad, and a lot of friends. This book takes place on a farm and in the town’s park it’s in the school year. The story is about a normal kid just living his life.

The main problem for the main character in this book is that he’s stuck at a farm that he hates. Greg keeps trying to escape but he keeps failing. One really interesting part in the book was when Greg brought baby wipes to the farm. I think this is funny because baby wipes are for babies not for middle schoolers. Another thing that was interesting was when Greg’s dad made up the story of Silas Scratch because he wanted a shed with a workable toilet all to himself. Silas Scratch is a made up story about a farmer that lost his farm land so he grew really long nails and that is why his last name is Scratch. This was interesting because Greg was really scared of Silas Scratch.

Greg is determined because Greg kept on trying to get out of the farm but never could until it was over. Greg is also brave because he went in the woods at night to get firewood. Greg is also unlucky because everything he tries not to do, he does. “Don’t break the car,” Greg says to himself and then ten minutes later, “Dad’s going to kill me, I broke his car!”

I enjoyed this book because it was really funny and I really like funny books. It had a mystery and I love mysteries. I recommend this book because it’s a book that both girls and boys would enjoy because it’s really funny. This book reminds me of Diary of a Wimpy Kid the movie because it’s basically the same thing. I would rate this book 5 STARS!

The School For Good And Evil

SGE-CoverThe book I read is called The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani. The main characters are Sophie and Agatha. The problem from Sophie’s perspective is that she is in Evil school when Agatha is in Good school. The problem from Agatha’s perspective is that she and Sophie are at the School for Good and Evil and she wants to go home. This book takes place at The School For Good And Evil.

I found it interesting and important when at the end of the Trial by Tale, which is a competition where the top 15 Evers (good people) and top 15 Nevers (evil people) fight in the forest until a winner is declared, Tedros (the prince) finds out that Sophie was using Agatha to get good grades. I thought this part was interesting and important because if Sophie wasn’t mad at Tedros for breaking his promise, she and her roomates, Hester and Anadil, wouldn’t have attacked the School for Good. I liked the part when Agatha got attacked by the Wish Fish. The Wish Fish is a magical fish that you make a wish on. I thought it was really important when Agatha agreed to go to the ball with Tedros because at that part, Sophie realized that Agatha was her nemesis, not Tedros.

In the beginning, Sophie is loyal, kind, and beautiful because she is always doing good deeds. In the end, Sophie is wicked, demanding, and dreadful because she is always ordering people around and she kept trying to kill Agatha. In the beginning, Agatha is rebellious, lonely, and frantic because she’s always alone and never really talks to anyone. In the end, Agatha is friendly, peaceful, and loving because she has a lot of trust in everyone. A quote that describes Sophie in the beginning is when Hester says, “she smells like an Ever.” A quote that describes Sophie in the end is when Agatha says to Sophie, “You brought me here to kill me.” A quote that describes Agatha in the beginning is when Reena says, “she looks so evil.” A quote that describes Agatha in the end is when Agatha says to Tedros, “I won’t help a Captain leading his army to their graves.”

I enjoyed this book a lot. I enjoyed it because it has a topsy-turvy plot that is action packed with a little bit of violence. It also gives a good laugh. I would recommend it to everyone! This book does not remind me of anything but it’s probably related to something I haven’t read or seen yet. I give this book five stars.

Henry Huggins By Beverly Cleary

81VDSr07o4LHenry Huggins by Beverly Cleary, is about a nine year old boy who is pretty normal. The main character is Henry Huggins. He lives with his mom and dad in a house on Klickitat Street during the 1950’s. One day Henry finds a dog and names it Ribsy and brings it home. Ribsy gets Henry into a lot of trouble. For example, Henry, accidently throws a very expensive football in a car because Ribsy barked at him. Ribsy saw a car coming that Henry did not see, so Henry let go of the football because he was so surprised by Ribsy’s bark. The ball belonged to his friend Scooter. So Henry has to buy another football for Scooter by Sunday and if he does not, he’s going to be in BIG trouble. Henry was also going to buy the football that Scooter had but now he has to buy two and they are very expensive.

Some adjectives that describe Henry are kind, funny, and hardworking. Henry is kind because he took good care of his guppies. Henry is funny because he says “Golly” a lot which in my opinion is funny. Henry is hardworking because he earns enough money to pay for Scooters football by collecting Nightcrawlers (which are worms for fishing). One interesting part in the story is when Henry finds Ribsy. Henry finds Ribsy outside the drugstore on his way home. He tries to bring Ribsy home on the bus, but the bus driver tells him he has to put Ribsy in a box. It takes three tries before Henry gets on the bus with Ribsy. Henry gets in trouble with Ribsy on the bus and a police car comes and brings Henry and Ribsy home.  Another interesting part is when Henry is in a school play and he gets the part of a little boy and does not like it. Henry is very angry because everyone is making fun of him. Ribsy saves Henry by spilling green paint on Henry’s face so he has to play a green elf and not the little boy. One thing that changes the story is when Ribsy wins a dog show and Henry and Ribsy become popular.

I like Henry Huggins. Henry gets in trouble a lot and he is always really funny. I really like the part when the green paint falls on Henry’s face. I also like the part when Henry finds Ribsy. I would recommend this book to everyone because there are no bad words or bathroom humor and it’s a good book. I also recommend this book because it’s almost like a real story from a long time ago. Henry Huggins is a realistic fiction book. This book reminds me a little bit of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days. I would rate this book four stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is the first book in the Henry series and I recommend reading the other books in the series, even though I have not read them yet.

Frindle, By Andrew Clements

    The book Frindle is a frindle about a boy named Nick Allen who lives in a small town in a suburban area with bigger towns further away. I think Nick is unique because he has so many factors to him. He is not solely a happy type, a mean type or a funny type, he is all of the above and more. For example, in the text it says, “If you asked the kids and the teachers at Lincoln Elementary School to make three lists-all the really bad kids, all the really smart kids, and all the really good kids, Nick Allen would not be on any of them. Nick deserved a list of his own, and everyone knew it.” This shows how Nick is unique and not like anyone else. Nick wanted Lincoln Elementary to be more exciting so he thought of a great idea and involved some friends.  His Language Arts teacher, Ms. Granger, loves the dictionary. She absolutely cherishes it. When they are learning why words are words and why they are called what they are, he wanted to change the word “pen” to “frindle.”  Ms. Granger does not like this one bit, because she thinks all words should stay the same if there no point in changing it but that doesn’t stop Nick.

When Nick launches his new word, he gets the whole fifth grade to hold up a pen and say, “Frindle” on Picture Day.  The photographer that was taking the school picture didn’t have any film left over to take another since fifth grade was last. Ms. Granger decided this was taken to far and wants to put a stop to it. Another really important part in this book is the penalty for whenever a kid in Lincoln Elementary School says the word, “Frindle”. Ms. Granger will keep him or her after school and force them to write the sentence, “I am writing this punishment with pen” 100 times. The school office started having mad parents on the phone very often, and everyone was tired of it except the children. Nick was finally making his school a more exciting place, but it came with consequences.

About two weeks after the big punishment, Ms. Granger gave out and things started to get too crazy. The principal, Ms. Margaret Chatham, is sent over to Nick’s house to talk with his parents about the “Frindle” situation. When Ms. Chatham arrives in the room she is big, scary, and firm. Very firm. She talks slow but meaningful, and always sticks to her word. For example, in the text it says “Once Ms. Chatham on my first day of kindergarten promised me a gummy if I did a good job at school that day. At the end of the day, I got a gummy. A big red delicious gummy.”  This shows how she always sticks to her word. Ms. Chatham asked Nick, “…”  Oh, wait. You have to read the book to find that out…

I really enjoyed this book because I thought that the author developed the characters really well, and they all had a backstory with a distinct personality which I thought made the book that much better.  Another reason I really enjoyed the book is at the end of almost every chapter there was a cliffhanger.  I thought this was a smart idea so the reader will question the next chapter if they have stopped reading,  and will encourage them to continue to find out what happens next.

 Whenever I had to stop reading at the end of a chapter, I always wondered what was going to happen next. I would recommend this book, because you won’t ever get bored with it. There’s always something exciting or fascinating happening that you won’t want to stop reading. One connection I have to this book and my life is one time my friend started calling carrots “Pushas.” Everyone started saying it, so our teacher decided it went too far and made us stop. Some kids kept saying the word and had to talk with the teacher. I would rate this book five stars because it’s funny, interesting, and tells a good story about a boy and his bond with the 5th grade language arts teacher, Ms. Granger.

Nightbird, By Alice Hoffman

51errxztrCL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The title of my book is Nightbird the author of my book is Alice Hoffman. The main character of my book is Teresa Jane Rose. The main problem in my story is that the whole town thinks there is a monster. The setting of my book is a small town deep in the woods.

I think the book is good because you hear a lot about the monster. Which is incredible: some claim they saw the monster. Teresa’s family has a curse, all the men/boys in the family have wings so they need to keep her brother a secret and that is a problem for Teresa because she does not make friends quickly, because no one is allowed to come to her house and she is not aloud to go to other people’s house.Teresa decides to hunt for the monster because she thinks it has something to do with her brother.

Teresa also decides to sometimes fly with her brother in the night on his back. Because flying is really fun. Teresa is kind of shy because she never talks to anyone. She is also very helpful because she helps her mom bake.

I like that the book is very descriptive with the words because sometimes I can’t understand what a book is saying. I also like that they talk about what she looks like and what she wears and even what her hair color is (her hair color is brown like wet mud). Also she is very peaceful like when she stayed calm at the fire in the book. I think the book is 4 stars and a half. I definitely think you should read it, at least give it a shot.