Lunch Money, by Andrew Clements

453392I am going to talk about a book I read called Lunch Money by Andrew Clements.  Who also writes other series and books. It is about a boy named Greg and a girl named Mura who are trying to find a way to be allowed to sell comic books that they made by hand at school. This story takes place in a school a suburban city and a little town in 2001.

While they are trying to figure out how to sell their comics the two kids are constantly fighting until greg decides to let Mura join the business.  Also they make a big decision to let the math teacher join Mr. Z he is nice and funny and likes there comics  and the principal does not allow them to sell their comics at school because she thinks they’re inappropriate . So they bring it up to the school committee because they figured if the book clubs could sell their books why couldn’t they.

I enjoyed this book because it was interesting the choices they made and why they made them. I also enjoy that they talk about money and how to handle it. Finally because he made a friend and he never stopped trying till he got what he wanted. I would recommend this book to you if you are interested in money how to spend it how to use it or if you like business decisions. I give this book four out of five stars.

Stuart Little, By E.B. White

703203 This story takes place in the city of New York where the Little family including their cat, have one big or should I say very small problem. One of their sons is a mouse!

This story is about a tiny mouse that was unexpectedly in a human’s family. His name is Stuart Little. He is used to do all of the “hard work” like pushing ping pong balls for the other kids if the balls went under tables and chairs and having to go into the piano to fix the hammer and emerging quite deaf. He also has some hair-raising events like being thrown into the garbage and at the same time finding a friend and deciding to run away from home. In the middle of the end of the story, Stuart declares “Goodbye, beautiful house, I will miss you.”

I like this book because it is a fiction book. For example Stuart is a talking mouse and any human that gave birth to a mouse would go running for the hills. Also there is a cat in the house that has so much self restraint that he does not chase or eat Stuart. I would recommend this book to adventurous people because the book would not be interesting without some big decisions and some action. For example in the beginning of the story he decides to help a captain of a toy boat win a race against another boat captain. I would give this book 100 stars! Just kidding I would give it 5 stars. 

The School for Good and Evil, By Soman Chainani


 16248113  The book I read was called The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani. Agatha and Sophie the main characters, are from a town called Gavaldon. One day they are taken away at night by the school master. The school master runs the “School for Good and Evil.” Everyone at Gavaldon thought Sophie would go to Good and Agatha would go to Evil.  There was one “mistake” though, Agatha ended up going to the school for Good being clueless of what to say and do, “She did the first thing she thought of and delivered a swift, loud fart.” And Sophie ended up at the school for Evil looking like a pretty princess.  

Agatha wants to get home but Sophie wants to stay thinking that the girls will switch schools. Sophie always tried to be good. She would use Agatha as one of her deeds for being good. She used Agatha by tricking her that she was her friend. She did that by going to Agatha’s house everyday and give Agatha her favorite cookies. She used Agatha because Agatha’s father left when she was young and she lived in a graveyard with her mother who was a doctor that had no patients.  Agatha was shy and had no friends except for maybe Sophie. She had a cat named Reaper that kept her company, but she had a very weary life. She never left the graveyard because people made fun of her and called her Evil when she walked by.

Sophie had lost her mother when she was young and had a very selfish father who was never proud of Sophie because she was a girl. Sophie’s father always wanted a boy so he could be worshiped and have more similarities with him. Sophie dreamt often about going to the School for Good and getting a handsome prince. She wanted to have her own fairy tale. Sophie is also obsessed with beauty. Every day she would put makeup and lipstick on. Boys didn’t care that she was selfish and rude they just thought she was pretty.

I really enjoyed this book, it was funny, exciting and sad. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who likes fairy tales, chapter books, and illustrations.


I rate this book five stars!


If you would like to take the test to see if you’re an Ever(Ever After) or a Never(Never After) go on to Also if you really like the book you can read the other books in the series. And you should also check the date to see when the movie comes out on the website.