The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove

51guorNbKBL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_My book is called The Glass Sentence. It is written by S.E. Grove. The main characters are Sophia Elli, Shadrack Elli, and Theo. Sophia’s parents went missing and and she lives with Shadrack, her uncle. Theo is Sophia’s friend. The main problem is that Shadrack gets captured by a monster called a Lachrima that has no face, so Sophia and Theo have to find him. The setting of the book is a reality where all the countries in the world are in different places in time. For example Canada is in the Ice Age, and Europe is in the time of castles and knights. The book takes place in America/New Occident and The South/Baldlands.

One big event that happened in the book was when Sophia and Theo met the pirates Calixta and Burr, because Calixta and Burr help them for the rest of the story. They help them by taking them to Shadrack who is in the Baldlands. I think one interesting part of the book is when you figure out that Shadrack’s captor is a Lachrima. It is interesting because this Lachrima made herself look like a human and called herself Blanca.  Another interesting part of the book is when Sophia learns about the different types of maps. It is interesting because there aren’t just paper maps. There are glass maps and water maps.

One word to describe Sophia is cartographer because she knows all about the world. She is a straight A student in geography. Another word to describe Sophia is brave because she travels all the way across the Baldlands just to find her uncle. She has fights with Blanca’s goons and almost falls off a speeding train. One last word to describe Sophia is loyal because she never abandons her friends.Theo does but then he comes back.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It has a ton of fake but cool geography about the made-up world that Sophia lives in. I think that the characters are cool and really funny. I would recommend this book to someone who likes geography. You have to be at least in fourth grade to read this book because it has a little bit of violence. This book is very unique. It is so unique because it has such a different type of genre. It has a little bit of dystopian, a little bit of fantasy, and a little bit of magical realism. I rate this book five stars.