For our last book review we had a choice out of many options to choose what we wanted to do. I chose to make a movie. First I made a script and then I did each characters part. I read this book because it helps you understand the struggle of kids with problems, living in World War 2. It tells you about history with a twist. Some things were hard for me to understand because I couldn’t ever imagine that somebody would do something so cruel. In my video, I played all the characters, which was pretty hard. I think one of my least favorite parts was when I had to be a character named Miss Smith, and when I had to fall on the street about six times. Not to forget I was on the STREET! I would rate this book FIVE STARS AND A SMILEY FACE :D!
The Wig In The Window by Kristen Kittscher
For our final book review, our teachers told us to be creative. They gave us options about how to do the review. Some of the options were: a diorama, a movie, dear diary etc. This isn’t just an ordinary, boring review, it’s a dear diary review! The book that I wrote this about is called the Wig in the Window, by Kristen Kittscher. It’s about to girls who are troublemakers. They always need to know what’s going on around them, and sometimes that just gets them in trouble, but sometimes it doesn’t…
Oh Dear…Diary!
Dear diary, as you already know, Grace is my best friend/spy partner. Now we’re in 7th grade, and Dr. Agford (aka Dr. Awkward) is one of the teachers. Agford is my neighbor. She has a group of kids under her “spell” and they’re in a little club of hers. Their group name is S.M.I.L.E. It stands for the Society for Making Improvements in Lives Everywhere. There was always something that seemed a little off about Agford but I could never really put it together or I thought it was just in my head… until our first late night spy mission to Dr. Awkward’s house, and everything fell into place.
First there was blood and a knife (I saw it through the window.) Then the door opened. Then a phone call to some mysterious person, and finally threatening and screaming. It was all so unbelievable. Then I ran, but I tripped and fell in a small ditch. I think she saw me, but I’m not sure. It was dark outside and she might not have seen my face, but she definitely saw someone.
The next day things got even worse, let me just say Agford definitely saw me last night. Then when I got to school the principal made me tell everyone what happened last night. Then Agford cleared EVERYTHING up. The blood was from beets. The knife was to cut the beets. And the phone call still remains a mystery. I still think Agford is very suspicious. I don’t trust her. And I don’t want to leave school because the principal is sending a note home to my parents, and I don’t want to find out what my punishment is going to be.
When I got home my parents were so disappointed in me. They were also very mad, and they said my punishment would not be a good one. My punishment turned out to be even worse than I thought. I was grounded for months and even worse I had to do therapy with Agford every week! And the worse part of this whole thing is my parents think Agford is a nice innocent women. But at least no one suspects Grace was a part of it, and Grace is home schooled so I don’t think Agford even knows her. There’s no way I’m going to rat her out. She’s my best friend!
Now weeks have gone by and Agford is at my house again! She’s not as bad anymore, but there are still some things that still seem a bit off about her. Now she is in my room! She is looking around and then she said something that I never thought about before. She said that I remind her of her when she was my age. When she left I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said. Am I going to grow up like her? Is she right? Agford seems kind of wise now. I wonder if she is that bad person we think she is? She has to be! But what if she’s not? Have we been wrong all along?
Wonder By R.J. Palacio
In this movie I will explain about a book called Wonder that I read and really liked. So I think that if you like sad books with a happy ending you should really read this book too.
I Funny by James Patterson
This is my last book review of fourth grade. I chose to do a diorama because I enjoy working with clay and model magic. Well here it is. This scene is important because this is the first time that Jamie performs at a comedy completion. Also, this is when his friends get mad at him for making jokes about them during his act. He says. “Who needs joke books when I have you guys?” Jamie regrets making fun of his friends, but When Jamie gets home, all of his friends are there. Jamie says that he is sorry and will never do that again. They all have a party and are happy.
My Big Fat Zombie Gold Fish, by Mo Ohara
In fourth grade we have been doing book reviews. This is our last one and our teachers said we can do a diorama or a movie or add drawing, but I chose to do a diorama. I picked this scene because it was the best part of the book to me. I also picked this part because it had a lot of action and I love action so that is why I picked this scene. What’s happening is the older brother was trying to turn an evil eel into his minion. So he went to go try and capture the eel! But his little brother and his friend tried to help the eel.
A Mango Shaped Space By Wendy Mass
I read A Mango Shaped Space By Wendy Mass. I choose this scene because it represents the book very much. The scene is important to the story. The scene is that my main character, Mia, is putting a painting of her grandpa and her cat on her grandpa’s grave. The rain and Mia’s cat destroy the painting. This scene is representing that her grandfather is being washed away from her life. The scene has no dialogue and takes place at a grave. The scene is sad and gloomy and takes place on a gloomy day.
I represented this book in a diorama because that was the best way to describe the scene. I made the diorama with lots of different materials. I made a church, two hills, different culture grave stones, a girl, a cat, clouds, rain, dead trees, and so on. For the hills I used cardboard, green glitter, paper stone pathways, paper grave stones and I used hot glue to put all the things on the cardboard. For the church I used cardboard and a paper church. I used the same of other materials for the rest of the things in the diorama.
Percy Jackson and The Battle of The Labyrinth
I read Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. I chose this scene because I felt like in this book battles mostly happen the forest against his enemy Luke so I did that. I also thought Percy usually wins a lot anyways so I put him next to a river ( which gives him an advantage since he’s son of the sea god.) Also because it feels like it would be major scene in the whole series.
Here is my diorama:
Jack and Louisa by Kate Wetherhead
For our last book review, our class was allowed to do anything we wanted and I chose to make a portfolio of pictures. I love to draw and so I chose to draw pictures of all the things my two characters (Jack and Louisa) like to do, like to wear and their favorite places to go. Also, I put in some of the most important scenes in the book. I worked really hard, so I hope you like it too.
Rumpelsiltskin by Liesl Shurtliff
This is the final book blog post of the year and our teacher said we can do a different type of presentation, so I am doing a diorama for the book Rumpelstiltskin. The diorama will be of Rumpelstiltskin mining for gold in the hard times he lived in. Before he knew he could spin gold, he needed to mine for gold if he wanted food to survive. Over all the years, the gold in the caves he mines in are all collected and now there is nothing left.
Lily by Holly Webb
For our last book review we were told to do something creative. I chose to do a diorama because it seemed like the best way to express this book. My diorama displays a very important scene to Lily. The story to Lily is that their mom is evil and is trying to use Georgie (Lily’s sister) to assassinate the queen. Lily and Georgie run away before Mama kills Georgie (because Mama says she is “useless”). They have to cross an ocean to get off the island and go to the mainland. Turns out Mama’s SUPER smart because she made the ocean VERY rough so they could not pass. Mama has gotten her powers from generations of magicians before her. Her parents were magicians so, so is she. In the end they did pass but it was as very good part for a diorama when Lily is about to fall off the boat. As you can see, there are popsicle sticks sticking out of the box connected to the waves so that the waves are moveable because the waves ARE moving in the scene. Hope you like the diorama!