Little House On The Prairie By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House On The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder 



Wolves Cashing Man


An important event that happened was when the wolves were running through a man riding a horse. While this was happening the horse was walking slowly even though the rider was scared. This scene was important because the rider’s life was at risk and the horse stayed calm which made him be alive.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo

The Journey of a Bunny Finding his home

Dear reader,

You should read this book. It is an emotional, exciting story about a bunny who is ungrateful, and self minded, so he gets dropped in the ocean and starts to begin his journey to find his true love and his love that he started with, Abilene. This book has some sad parts to it that makes you feel for Edward Tulane and even maybe make you cry, with Edward giving up on the world with not knowing what exciting thing will happen next.

An event from my book that I think is important is when the main character Edward Tulane and her owner Abilene and their family go on a boat trip called the Queen Mary. Edward Tulane is a self minded bunny who cares nothing for Abilene so, when he is on a boat ride called The Queen Mary with his owner and the owners mom and dad, Edward Tulane got thrown off the boat by some bullies and that begins the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

imgresThe Harry Potter series is by J.K. Rowling is a really magical book series. The book takes place in Hogwarts, and the main characters are Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This book is different than the ones before, because there is a twist at the end and it will surprise you. You should still read the series in order, because, if you don’t, you’ll get confused by a lot of things in the books. On a scale of one to five, I’d give this book a four because the book is really magical, but I was a little disappointed: I wanted something to happen that didn’t happen. The book is magical because there are so many cool creatures, spells, wizards, witches, and mysteries. Enjoy the book review comic!



The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

9780064471046_R1_slideshowThe book I am reading is called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. The name of this series is called The Chronicles of Narnia. The main characters’ names are Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They are all brothers and sisters. Another important character’s name is Aslan. Aslan is a Lion. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe takes Place in England and the imaginary World, Narnia.

I think one of the most important scenes is near the end of the book when the four kids and Aslan go to the witch’s castle. Aslan unfreezes the stone statues that the witch had made, with his breath. (The witch froze creatures by pointing her wand at them, then they turned to stone.) I made a diorama of this scene. Aslan is in the center of the scene breathing on the dwarves to unfreeze them. I made him in the center because he is the main and most important character in this scene.

This scene is important because there are a ton of statues that the witch froze and Aslan unfroze all of them. “Everywhere the statues were coming to life. The courtyard looked no longer like a museum; it looked more like a zoo. Creatures were running after Aslan and dancing round him till he was almost hidden in the crowd” Everyone searched the whole castle to find any more statues that were hidden. “Now for the inside of this house!” Said Aslan. “Look alive, everyone. Up stairs and down stairs! Leave no corner unsearched. You never know where some poor prisoner may be concealed.” Aslan didn’t want anyone to be left at the witch’s castle as a statue.

After he unfroze all the statues Aslan made an army of his own out of the creatures that he unfroze. The witch’s army and Aslan’s army then had a battle. In the end Aslan’s army won, the witch died and most of her army died too. Without Aslan unfreezing the creatures they wouldn’t have won the battle. That is why the scene is so important. I would give this book a five star rating.

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The Last Kids On Earth by Max Brallier

51BtFHNN45L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book that I chose to read is called The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier. The book is part of a series by the same author. The main characters are Jack, Quint, Dirk and June. The main problem is that the planet has been invaded by zombies and monsters and the main character Jack is trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. He is trying to turn the zombies into humans again. The setting of the book is at the school, the treehouse in Jack’s backyard and in the neighborhood where they all live.    

One big event that changed the story was when Jack met his friend because he was going to be all by himself and then he just found a partner. This event was important because, it was easier for him to fight because then he’d have another person and an extra person is really helpful. One thing that I found most interesting was when Jack first shows up at Quint’s house and Jack starts killing all of the zombies. I liked that part because it involves a back yard and a person silently killing a bunch of zombies. Another thing that I found interesting was when everyone at once attacked Blarg who is the big monster in the story. I liked that because I like big battles.

The first adjective I would use to describe Jack is brave. He was brave because he would attack all of the monsters. Another adjective to describe him is determined because everyone else wanted to give up at one point but he said “Now, if we just try a little harder, we can do it.” And he didn’t let them give up. He has a big heart so he is caring. All he wanted to do throughout the whole book was to save this girl named June from the zombies. One quote that Jack said was “I’m an orphan.” It is an important quote because it shows that he only needs to take care of himself since he doesn’t have a family.

I enjoyed this book because it involved a lot of war and it involved monsters and zombies. I like those things because they both involve weapons. I recommend this book because it has a great story, great author, and great illustrations. I think this book is related to the TV show called The Walking Dead because that’s like a town that gets invaded by zombies and the book is like a town that gets invaded too. I would rate this book 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

The War That Saved My Life, Kimberly Brubaker Bradly

For our last book review we had a choice out of many options to choose what we wanted to do. I chose to make a movie. First I made a script and then I did each characters part. I read this book because it helps you understand the struggle of kids with problems, living in World War 2. It tells you about history with a twist. Some things were hard for me to understand because I couldn’t ever imagine that somebody would do something so cruel.  In my video, I played all the characters, which was pretty hard. I think one of my least favorite parts was when I had to be a character named Miss Smith, and when I had to fall on the street about six times. Not to forget I was on the STREET! I would rate this book FIVE STARS AND A SMILEY FACE :D!

Bridge To Terabithia


The reason I chose this scene from the book to be in my diorama because I think it’s an important scene in the book. It is also when Jess (the main character) and Leslie (Jess’s best friend) made their land which they call Terabithia.Terabithia is a made up fairy tale place that sort of takes them out of the real world. I think this is an important part of the story because Jess and Leslie go on little missions, like to slay a giant (really just a big bully in school). This story is very thoughtful and fun, but take your time when you’re reading it don’t rush. Even though it is a good book it can be confusing. This diorama is showing the scene in the story that most speaks to me.Sofia's Diorama

Flora And Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo


   flora-ulysses  Do you like superheroes? If you do check out Ulysses the Super Squirrel!! The title of this book is Flora and Ulysses, written by Kate Dicamillo. The main characters are Flora, a girl who has few friends and likes superhero graphic novels,  and Ulysses, a squirrel who is a superhero and likes poetry.  The problem in the book is Flora’s mom doesn’t like Ulysses near Flora, and she wants to get rid of him for good. This book takes place in a neighborhood in present day, even though the plot might seem a little crazy.

Ulysses is comforting to Flora like ! In the beginning of the book Ulysses gets swooped up with a vacuum cleaner and becomes a superhero!! when he sleeps near her bed. Flora feels safe because Ulysses is a super squirrel that means he saves the day as a Superhero. Ulysses is also very poetic. He loves to write poetry and express his feelings through poetry. For example when he wrote a poem to Flora about how he liked how he felt near her. Most importantly he is heroic like once he punched a evil cat off Flora’s dad’s head Also later on in the book a cat seems to attack Flora’s dad on the head! But then Ulysses save him by vanquishing the cat. Can’t you wait to hear the next thing that Ulysses confronts! Well I’ll tell you a little. The enemy kidnaps Ulysses! You’re going to have to read the book to see who the enemy is. Remember how there Ulysses got swooped up by a vacuum cleaner. When he did something happen to him… he became a superhero!
      I enjoyed this book because I liked how the Kate Dicamillo made the superhero the squirrel and the sidekick a human instead of the other way around! I also liked how whenever Ulysses writes a poem they show it on the page. I recommend this book 1 because it tells you in the way that you’re capable of doing great things even if you’re a different species. 2 because it’s such a nice book and it teaches you lessons maybe that you knew or didn’t know. The genre of the book is a mix of comedy (it’s actually not so funny) and adventure. I would rate this book four out of five stars because some parts I either didn’t get or thought were boring. Other than that, read the book to see who the enemy is and what she will do to Ulysses.        


995468606The book I read for this book reivew is called Ratburger, by David Walliams. The main characters in this book are Zoe (a twelve year old girl), Armitage (a rat), and Burt (a burger vender). What Zoe is trying to change is Burt is taking all the rats in the city that he can find to a beat up old building and torturing the rats. Now Armitage is one of them. The setting of the book is the rusty, dusty, apartment in a tall tall building in the middle of the city, that Zoe is living in, along with her dad, and evil stepmother, Sheila, who just wants a roof over her head and cocktail crackers and nothing else to do with the family.

One big event that happened in the story is when Burt is trying to kill all of the rats and Zoe’s dad was about to fall into the machine that Burt was using to kill all of the rats. This event is so important because Zoe, her dad and everyone who was there had to go through the memory, and that is really suspenseful, someone could have died! Another part of the book that was super important is when Zoe was caught for bringing Armitage into school twice and she got a three month suspension. One other important part of the book was when Zoe and her dad made an ice cream truck (from Burt’s van,) and gave out ice cream. This is so important because, you see, Zoe’s dad always dreamed of giving out ice cream — he didn’t care how, he just wanted to.

One adjective to describe Zoe is fearless, because she was scared, but happy about doing it in some parts of the book. An example is when Zoe was rescuing her rat, she was smiling in the picture. Another adjective to describe Zoe is sad, because Sheila locked her in her room and she was sad that she wasn’t going to get out. Another adjective to describe Zoe is smart, because again, when her stepmother locked her in her room, she decided to take off the braces on her teeth and use them to dig a hole in the wall. A quote that helped me understand Zoe better is: “All I care about is Armitage. I have to save him.” Why that helped me understand Zoe better is because it shows that she loves Armitage, and she would do anything for him.

I LOVED the book. I loved every part of Ratburger, but my favorite is when Zoe found her rat’s name. It is a particularly funny story. I also loved the big fight with Zoe’s dad, Zoe, Burt, and Sheila. It was a funny sight in my head because Sheila is chubby, and makes big effort noises to move. I would recommend this book. David Walliams is a really disgusting, but really funny writer, and his books are so touching. I know for a fact that none of David Walliams’ books are like anything else. It is so unique because it is a book of heart, meaning it is — indescribable! And he is such a good writer, I’ve never liked an author so much in my life! He is just so amazing. I would give this book five stars — millions if I could. I hope if you read this book, you will have the same exact reaction as I did.

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell

9780553751758The title of my book is called Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. The main character’s name is Won-a-pa-lie which means The Girl with Long Black Hair. Her secret name is Karana (she is a Native American). The setting of the book is on an island in the middle of the sea and the time of the book is in the mid-1800s. The main problem in the book is that Karana is living on an island all by herself with no people, just animals. She has to survive all alone, just by the things she remembers.  One big event in the book is when a boat came and took all of her people, including Karana, away from an island (the people from the boat were nice people) and Karana’s tribe brought all of their stuff with them. But her little six year old brother went to get his fishing spear at the last second and the boat left without him. One minute later when the boat had not moved that far away from the island Karana noticed that her brother was not with her. She looked back to the island and there her brother was running on the island to the boat. Karana had to decide if she wanted to stay on the boat with her people and leave her brother behind or jump off of the boat and leave her people to be with her brother. She decided to jump off of the boat and be with her brother. That is important because it changes the whole story and it means that she cares more about her brother then everything else. One part of the book I thought was really interesting was how she made stuff, like her fence and her house. I think that is interesting because she was so creative about what she made it out of because she did not have that much stuff to build with. For example, she made her fence out of whale bones.

One adjective that describes Karana is brave. She is brave because she survived on an island all by herself. Another adjective that describes the main character is skillful. Karana is skillful because she can make a bow and arrow, house, a lamp made out of a fish and a fence made out of whale bones.The last adjective that describes the main character is loving. She is loving because she jumped off of the boat and left everything and everyone she knew and had, to be with her brother.  After Karana jumped off of the boat and swam back to the island to be with her brother. She thought “I felt the sand under my feet and saw him standing at the edge of the waves, holding his fishing spear and looking so forlorn, I forgot all those things I had planned to to do. Instead I fell to my knees and put my arms around him.” This quote/thought makes me understand the main character because it tells me that Karana cares more about her brother than creating a new life at the new island and all of her belongings.

I liked this book because it was very interesting. The parts I found interesting were how she made the things she used to survive, for example, it was interesting how she made a fence, a lamp and weapons.  (It also won a Newbery award so it has to be good). I would recommend this book because I thought it was very interesting. It also grabbed my attention and made me want to read it a lot. This book reminds me of a book called Swiss Family Robinson. The thing that is sort of in common is that the family was shipwrecked and they had to survive on an island by themselves. I would give this book a five star rating!