Frindle by Andrew Clements








Over the summer I read a book called Frindle. The author is Andrew Clements and he is one of my favorite writers.  The setting takes place in a class at a school. The school was called Lincoln Elementary School. The main character is Nick. The main problem is that Nick is a troublemaker going into 5th grade. The teacher can see everything behind her back, so Nick can’t pull any pranks on her. He decides to make up a new word for Pen. The word is Frindle. Now instead of saying Pen, people say Frindle. The teacher does not like it so if anyone says the word Frindle they will be staying in after school. Nick has a plan and makes over two hundred kids say the word Frindle in front of the teacher so it will be over flooding the classroom.



What changed the direction of the story was that Nick could not pull pranks so he made up a word. That word got so big that it ended up in the dictionary and he got famous. The character has to make a very big decision by keeping with the word and getting in a lot of trouble or backing away from the word and not getting in trouble. But he kept with it and he became famous and he did not get into a lot of trouble. The conflict is that the principal wants to put an end to the word but at the end of the book the teacher was actually on her side. On page 97 the quote says “I was with you the whole time.”



I enjoyed the book a lot. It was probably the top three books ever. I really liked this book because Andrew Clements is a great writer. One example of how I liked the book is that it had a lot of details, like it said, “One fall day when the leaves were brown, green and red there was a boy named Nick walking down his school street to go to school.” Another example is that the author gets you really into the book. Like he would have some parts when Nick thought he got in trouble but he was really not. My last example why I liked this book was that it was interesting and funny. He made me laugh a lot because of when they made 200 kids stay after school. I would rate this 5 stars. It was a great book.


The End


Zombie Elementary By Howard Whitehouse

20691402The book that I read is called Zombie Elementary. The author is Howard Whitehouse. This book is about Larry Mullet and his friends taking charge fighting zombies.  The setting takes place in Acorn Falls at the Brooks Elementary School and the mall.

The main character is Larry Mullet and he is in fifth grade. Larry is not the most popular but he has a few really good friends.  Larry is not tall and he is not short, he is average.  He is sporty. For example he rides his bike and plays baseball.  Another important thing to know about Larry is that he avoids the cafeteria food. Hint: This is an important clue why he does not turn into a zombie.  You will have to read the book to find out.

It is important to know that none of the adults know that there are zombies.  That means that Larry and his non zombie friends have to save the day in Acorn Falls.  Another interesting thing about the book is that his best friend Alex Bates tried to eat Larry.  It was scary and sad for Larry because he could not hang out with his best friend because there will be a good chance that he will get bitten and turn into a zombie.

It was funny and weird how Larry got rid of the zombies.  Larry would use his baseball bat and swing at the zombie’s head and the head would roll across the park and then another zombie would pick it up and play with it. It was a good thing that Larry was a baseball player.

I enjoyed the book because it was interesting and exciting. There was some scary parts in the story.  For example when the zombies said “bbbbbbrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnssssssss” and “nnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa” while they were chasing Larry and his friends. I also enjoyed the book because the author got me into the story a lot of times.  I recommend this book for people that like zombies and are not afraid of some scary parts.  This is the first time I read a zombie book so I can not compare it to anything but I would like to read and find more books about unusual and scary things.  I would give this book four stars.


My Life As A Book by Janet Tashjian

lifebook2The book that I read is called My Life As a Book  and the series is called My Life As A. It is by Janet Tashjian. The main characters are Derek Fallon and Body which is a dog. The book is about a boy who was looking forward for summer but his mom forced him to go to learning camp and he really does not want to go. The book takes place in a school also in houses and in his mom’s work.

The book is also about Derek and he hates reading. He also loves comic books. The book is also about when he was with a girl that drowned in a riptide. It is also about him visiting his grandmother. Finally the book is about him and a new person becoming friends and them playing games. This was my most interesting ideas about the book. One adjective about the main character is that he is funny because he tells funny jokes. Another adjective is that he is curious because he wanted to know if he killed the babysitter. Finally he is brave because he is not worried when he talks to his mom.He would be worried about talking to his mom because he did not want to go to learning camp so he said his feelings to his mom.

I liked this book because it was interesting and  there was no boring parts in the story. I recommend this book for people who like interesting books and funny books. I can’t compare it to any shows or movies. I will rate this book 4 stars because it was good but I will not read it again.




Double Fudge by Judy Blume

DbleFudgeThe title of the book is called Double Fudge by Judy Blume and the series is called Judy Blume Hilarious World of Fudge. The main characters in this book are Fudge and  Pete and they are brothers. The book is mainly about a boy who has a little brother called Fudge and he is crazy. Also Fudge loves money. He makes Fudge bucks and plans to buy the entire world. Also the book is about crazy relatives taking over their house and Pete doesn’t like that. The book takes place in  New York City and in their small apartment and in the money factory in Washington D.C.  The time takes place in present time because it is like what is happening now.

The book is also about a lot of cousins coming to their house to go trick or treating. Also a thing about the book is that Fudge gets stuck in the elevator. Another thing that’s important is that Fudge and Pete have to deal with twin cousins and it gets crazy. For example, the twins run around and are loud and knock stuff down. Also a  thing about the book is that Fudge is crazy and in the book one of the cousins is like Fudge and they call that person mini Fudge. The final thing about the book is that Pete does not like having a lot of cousins so he is trying to get rid of them. I would think of Fudge as someone who is wild because he runs around the house and knocks down stuff. I also think of Fudge as a funny boy because he plans to buy the entire world. I also think of Fudge as smart because he made his own money.

I enjoyed this book because Fudge is kind of like me because he has a lot of energy and I have a lot of energy too. I also enjoyed this book because it was fun and there was no boring part in the story. I would recommend this book to readers who like funny books. I would also recommend this book to readers who think of themselves as a little crazy  because then they can relate to it.  I love the whole series, and  if you like this book you will like the whole series too. I would give this book a 4 because I loved it but I will not read it again.



Alvin Ho by Lenore Look

alvin_hoThis book that I read is called Alvin Ho and it is by Lenore Look. The main characters are Alvin Ho and his little sister Anabella. The book is about Alvin Ho, a little  boy that is afraid of everything like tunnels, wasabi, airplanes, girls, the dark and a lot of other things. The setting takes place in his  school and his house and a little in the piano teacher’s house.

The book is also about Alvin Ho going to school on the first day. He is a little bit nervous about school but his mom and dad made him feel ready. He is nervous because he doesn’t have any friends. He gets to meet a lot of good and mean people in the book he also makes a lot of good friends. He also has a cousin that knows a little bit of something of everything. He doesn’t talk at school but he talks at home. He is 7 and he is going into 3rd grade. He lives in Concord Massachusetts. He also likes superheroes. He is nice because in the book he was really nice to people by being friendly to people. He also wants to be a gentleman like his dad. He is afraid and he also gets shocked by many things. The last thing is that he doesn’t  want to go to school because it makes him nervous.

I liked this book because  I can relate it to my one life. There are many things that I am afraid of like the dark, pigeons and roller coasters. I  also liked this book because there was no part that was boring in this book. I Also like this book because he would say funny things like jokes. I would recommend  this book to people who like fun and exciting books. I would also recommend this book if you are afraid of things to.I would give this book 4 stars because it was a good book and interesting but I would not read it again. I can’t compare  it to any shows or movies.

