My Life As A Book by Janet Tashjian

lifebook2The book that I read is called My Life As a Book  and the series is called My Life As A. It is by Janet Tashjian. The main characters are Derek Fallon and Body which is a dog. The book is about a boy who was looking forward for summer but his mom forced him to go to learning camp and he really does not want to go. The book takes place in a school also in houses and in his mom’s work.

The book is also about Derek and he hates reading. He also loves comic books. The book is also about when he was with a girl that drowned in a riptide. It is also about him visiting his grandmother. Finally the book is about him and a new person becoming friends and them playing games. This was my most interesting ideas about the book. One adjective about the main character is that he is funny because he tells funny jokes. Another adjective is that he is curious because he wanted to know if he killed the babysitter. Finally he is brave because he is not worried when he talks to his mom.He would be worried about talking to his mom because he did not want to go to learning camp so he said his feelings to his mom.

I liked this book because it was interesting and  there was no boring parts in the story. I recommend this book for people who like interesting books and funny books. I can’t compare it to any shows or movies. I will rate this book 4 stars because it was good but I will not read it again.




7 thoughts on “My Life As A Book by Janet Tashjian

  1. The book sounds very interesting. There seemed to be a lot of different story lines and I am curious about what happens. I just may have to read this book.

  2. I have read a lot of reviews about funny books on the blog. I noticed that you described Derek as a funny person so I am wondering why you did not tag this book for humor. Have you tried searching the other books people have tagged for humor?

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