Frindle By Andrew Clements


Sorry, I need to borrow your Frindle

By Madiba Johnson

Nick Allen (the main character) lives in Westfield and goes to Lincoln Elementary School in New Hampshire.

I think the two main characters are interesting. Nick (the student) is extremely and greatly consumed by his own creativity and his teacher, Mrs. Granger is strict and super powerful and that is all because of her eye’s. She can give looks that are very strong. Nick is the central character.

I think that Nick  is a very adventurous, daring and exceptionally creative. In the story Nick creates his own word using something that already has a name. He calls a pen a Frindle. He makes his friends use the word and over a little bit of  time the town and even the country starts to use the word Frindle. Mrs. Granger wants Nick to stop this word from spreading but there is nothing they can do to stop it because the word is not his anymore. The word has spread around the state and then the the country and then then the whole world. I like this book because this story can actually happen in real life. I think I can see myself doing something like this in real life. In the first chapter the title is “Is Nick Allen a Troublemaker?” That makes me think because later in the story it seems like he is a troublemaker but he’s also at the same time not a troublemaker. He is a troublemaker because he creates a word that some people want to stop from spreading but he is not a troublemaker because he did not know it would become a world wide known word! In the first chapter Nick makes his first grade classroom into a replica of a beach while the teacher says “It’s so creative!” And “It’s so colorful!” I think that the author took his time to really think about this book. I would give this book ✮✮✮✮✮ because it makes me realize how things that happen in books can really happen in real life!  


6 thoughts on “Frindle By Andrew Clements

  1. Isn’t it interesting how Nicky can be a troublemaker but not be a troublemaker even though he is the same person? I like this book because I think it gives the reader a lot to think about!

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