The Kneebone Boy

The KneeBone Boy by Ellen potter 

The  Kneebone boy is spooky and mysterious and that’s why I liked it soooooooooooooooooo much. Many things don’t go the way you expect it to. That is why it is spooky and mysterious.

The three main characters Otto (13), Lucia(11/12), and Max(10) Hardscrabble live in Little Tunks, England. Otto hasn’t spoke a word since he was 8, Max has a fact for everything and Lucia is  bossy (in a good way), protective and curious.

Everyone in Little Tunks either avoids them or asks them too many questions. Ever since Otto was 8 he has never taken his scarf off and never spoken. Ever since Otto was 8 is also ever since there mom disappeared.

When there father leaves for a business trip they find themselves alone in london, meeting a helpful taxidermist, living in a castle folly, meeting a new relative, and possibly find out the truth about their mom.   



5 thoughts on “The Kneebone Boy

  1. Thank you Makeda for making me REALLY FEEL THE NEED TO READ THAT BOOK! I loved the ending because it was a cliffhanger which I like a lot.

  2. Hi Makeda!
    This book looks so good. Even the cover looks awesome! I want to read it so bad! Where could I get it.
    All the characters sound so creepy. Why hasn’t Otto spoken a word since he was 8? Does he just not want to?

  3. Are the people in Little Tunks scared of the Hardscrabbles, or are there rumors so they don’t go near them????

  4. Hi KK. I agree with Alden. Another thing, even though you don’t explain much the book already sounds super good, you explained the characters well, so I can tell who is who on the cover.

    • Thanks you guys! I agree I didn’t explain much (partly because I turned my book review book in early so I didn’t remember much) but thank you for the complements too!

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