Diary of an 8-Bit Villager Warrior

Do you ever need a book to read? If so then read Diary of an 8-Bit  Villager Warrior by Cube Kid. The book takes place in Minecraftia, which is a whole different world. Runt and Stump, the two main characters, are trying to complete their goals in life and become warriors, but they can’t. They’re just every day villagers they can’t be warriors and the mayor won’t let them. They have to be farmers, blacksmiths or librarians. Runt and Stump are in their last year of school and after this year they would have to get a job but they don’t want any of those jobs. Luckily the mayor changes the rule that villagers can’t be warriors because the mobs (zombies, skeletons, endermen, witches, creepers and slimes) are getting stronger and smarter. So now, the top five students can be warriors.


But Runt and Stump have some competition on their hands. Even though Runt is the second best student, a bully Max is in first. Max’s best friend is Razberry but he is not doing too well. When the mobs destroyed Steve and Mike’s house the village know that they were in trouble. Steve and Mike came from this weird planet earth, and got transported into Minecraftia by this weird wizard named Noch. They say that they play a game called Minecraft a lot and Minecraftia is a lot like it. Steve and Mike are really good warriors. Since they lost their house earlier, Steve stayed in Runt’s house and Mike… well, let’s just say he did some bad thing earlier. Anyway Runt is really excited for the first combat class but their teacher knows nothing. Runt insisted on letting let Mike out of jail and he let’s Steve and Mike be the combat teachers. He said yes to Steve but he had to prove himself so he did and then they let Mike try and he proved himself too. So now they are the combat teachers and they are actually learning combate.


I like this book because it has action and there is always something going on and to think about. I like it because it is also funny and fun to read. I would recommend this book if you like those type of things in a book. I would also recommend this book if you like books that take place in Minecraft even though in this book you don’t notice it and it is in Minecraftia, which is a little different. A connection I have to this book and my life is a game I play is called Minecraft and they say that bad people come and take caritas from the farms and steal things from the blacksmiths and I do that all the time in Minecraft. I rate this book a 4 I really like it.


12 thoughts on “Diary of an 8-Bit Villager Warrior

  1. Wow, this book sounds really good! You really pulled me in with the question at the beginning. I mean, this book is about Minecraft people! Awesome!

  2. I think I read this book but I can’t quite remember. This is a great book review because it gives you a hint of what happens in the book without giving away too much.

  3. This book sounds really fun to read because I like when a lot is happening. It makes it so you never get board. I also think it is really funny how it takes place in Minecraftia which is Like Minecraft. It is also cool how it is like living Minecraft. This book sounds really funny and I would like to read it.

  4. I’m glad you found a book related to the minecraft world that hooked you! I can’t imagine why Runt and Stump don’t want to be librarians!

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