The Tale of Desperaux, By Kate DiCAMILLO

Lately I have been reading books by Kate DiCamillo and I like her books a lot. The book I am reading by her now is called The Tales Of Desperaux. It is about a tiny mouse that is so different than other mice that it gets thrown in the dungeon with the rats. But Desperaux is not scared because he promised himself he would stay brave for Princess Pea the human princess he is in love with. The setting takes place in the palace where royal family leaders of the Kingdom of Dor live.


There are three parts ,“books.” The 1st one is about Desperaux the 2nd is about Chiaroscuro one of the rats that lives in the dungeon. Chiaroscuro wanted to see light he had never seen light before he was a very curious rat. So one day when a new prisoner came in the dungeon Chiaroscuro snuck out the door and  he went up the stairs into the dining room where the royal family was eating. So he wouldn’t get seen, he climb up to a chandelier and dangled from there listening to wonderful music and looking at light  “wonderful light.” But princess pea spotted him and he was frightened so he fell landed in the queen’s soup and killed her. After that Chiaroscuros heart was broken and he wanted revenge on light.


Part three is about a girl named Miggery Sow she’s very boring and falls for things really easily . Her mother died when she was six. Her dad sold her for a chicken a table cloth and a pack of cigars also when she was six. Also the man she was traded to “Uncle” would give her clouts to the ear. She was treated like a slave for 6 years and on her 7th b-day when she went to tend to the sheep. The royal family came by and from then on she decided she wanted to be a princess. 5 years later, the same year  when  Chiaroscuro  fell into the soup, a man working for the king came by to tell them soup is banished and while he was there he found out Mig was a slave. So Mig was let free and worked as a servant in the castle but this time a PAID servant.


In the last “book” Chiaroscuro tells Mig that if she threatens to kill the princess and leads her down to the dungeon then she will for sure get her dream and become a princess. So since Mig did not know this rat was tricking her she did as she was told but then was trapped down in the dungeon with princess pea.  A few hours before this chaos Gregory ,a prisoner in the dungeon, helped Desperaux get out. This plan seems tricky but it was quite simple actually. All Gregory had to do was when Mig came down to give him his dinner he put Desperaux in the napkin and when Miggery went back upstairs with the tray Desperaux was still in that napkin being carried upstairs. After he got out of the napkin Desperaux found himself thread to to wrap a needle around his waist (Of course since Desperaux is so small a needle resembles a sword for him ) and then very bravely went down the dungeon stairs to rescue the princess … but did he ever come back out? Read the book and see.


I do recommend this book. Because it it very exciting when I started reading this book I could not stop. I  recommend other books by Kate DiCamillo like Because Of Winn-Dixie and The Mysterious Journey Of Edward Tulane which we already read in 3rd Grade. I liked it so much I would read it again.

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4 thoughts on “The Tale of Desperaux, By Kate DiCAMILLO

  1. Nice work editing, writing, and reading for details! I like when I find one author I enjoy and then pursue reading their other books and it sounds like you’ve found that in…get ready for it…Kate DiCAMILLO.

  2. I really like the sound of that book. I have never heard of it before, and if I didn’t have so many books on my list I would have definitetly read it. I loved the review, but there was maybe a little to much detail it over loaded.

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