The Fourteenth Goldfish By Jennifer L. Holm

A Brilliant Discovery

The book i’m reading is The Fourteenth Goldfish by  Jennifer L. Holm. The most important event so far in the book is when Ellie’s grandfather injects himself with a liquid in a Jellyfish that causes anti-aging and he then appears as a 14 year old boy. Ellie’s grandfather is a scientist and talks about things that she does not yet know about, but after living with him for a few months she starts finding her inner science. It is important because her grandfather inspires her to be a scientist later on in her life. I think this is a great book to read because it will teach you new things . This was a good book, you should go read it!

4 thoughts on “The Fourteenth Goldfish By Jennifer L. Holm

  1. Hi Wyeth. I think that Ellie’s Grandfather was probably pretty glad that he turned back into a 14 year old boy. I love your drawing! Why do you think that Ellie’s Grandfather injected himself with a liquid in a jellyfish in the first place though?

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