These Paintings Are Leading Elsewhere

Books of Elsewhere by Jacqueline West 

NYC-At 1:00 this afternoon the parents of eleven- year- old Olive Dunwoody called 911. They claimed their daughter was missing. They had no proof that she wasn’t hiding or just at their neighbor’s house but either way they called the police.

When the police got to their street which is Linden Street they searched the whole house including the “rather creepy basement,” the officers said. They found no trace of Olive in fact barely any trace of anyone ever being in any of the rooms other than their bedrooms, bathrooms and the library. The only exception was the guest room with lavender wallpaper where they found an open drawer with lace, hair clips and more old and fancy clothing.

One police officer who was sent to search in Olive’s bedroom was walking down the second floor hallway admiring the paintings. “When I got to the last painting right in front of the bedroom door I had to stop because I saw something moving in the painting that looked like a girl I knew right away it was Olive,” the officer said.

“Now we know why no one could find her because she was stuck in a painting and no one ever thinks to check in paintings,” says the officer. “She fell in the the painting and no one knows how she got in or how we are going to get her out so if you know anything about the history of the house please let us know,” said the chief.

Right now the police do not have any idea how to get this girl out but like the officer said you can help if you know any history of the house or the paintings. Also to donate money to help the police department get more equipment for research please go to      


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2 thoughts on “These Paintings Are Leading Elsewhere

  1. Hi Makeda! I love your book blog it was funny and had good details about the time and place. It makes me want to read your book. (Books of Elsewhere.)

  2. Makeda the story with the painting is so nerve racing I want to know what is next but at the same time I don’t. It’s kinda sad. – Suko

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