I Funny by James Patterson

IMG_0445 2  ifunny

 This is my last book review of fourth grade. I chose to do a diorama because I enjoy working with clay and model magic.  Well here it is. This scene is important because this is the first time that Jamie performs at a comedy completion. Also, this is when his friends get mad at him for making jokes about them during his act. He says. “Who needs joke books when I have you guys?” Jamie regrets making fun of his friends, but When Jamie gets home, all of his friends are there. Jamie says that he is sorry and will never do that again. They all have a party and are happy.  

8 thoughts on “I Funny by James Patterson

  1. I love this series! I have read every single book in the I Funny series. Great use of model magic. I like the coke bottles.

  2. I also really like your diorama because you used a lot of clay. I also liked the little coca cola bottles you gave the little people. Nice book review.

  3. I really like the materials in your model, (the coca colas are so cute!) and the story totally matches the book. It also is a good book so thumbs up for book reviewing it!

  4. I liked how you chose a scene that showed how important friends are, and how important it is to be nice to them.

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