The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner

imgres     The book I’m reviewing is called The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner. The book takes place mostly in the woods. The main characters are Gen and the magus (Not capitalized in the book). The magus wants Gen to steal the Hamiathes gift, an ancient object that’s very well guarded. The reason the magus wants Gen to steal the gift is because no one has ever stolen it, so when Gen stole the gift, the magus would take all the credit.

The first important part of the book was when Gen said he could steal anything. This was important because he got thrown in jail because he was bragging about that. The second important part  was when the magus hired Gen to try to steal the Hamiathes gift after years of imprisonment. This was important because Gen would risk his life trying to steal the gift. Of course someone wouldn’t risk their life without a bribe or a gift of some sort, so the magus says if Gen tries to steal the gift, the mangus will give him a lot of gold since Gen is poor. One event that changes the direction of the story was when Gen accepted the magus’s offer. This was important because Gen would be in prison if he didn’t accept offer, but if he did accept the offer he would risk his life. Another event that changes the direction of the story is when Gen says he won’t be the Queen’s thief. This was important because the Queen would try to kill Gen if he didn’t accept. Why the Queen wants a thief is that if she wants someone to steal something for her she would have someone else get it for her. Gen is sneaky because he stole the the Hamiathes’s gift which no one has ever stolen before. Gen is also overconfident because he says he can steal anything.

I thought this book was really good because  you could never tell what was going to happen. I also liked this book because there was a lot of descriptive language. One piece of descriptive language was when the magus said Gen you are as blue as a sea. I would rate this book four and a half stars.

6 thoughts on “The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner

  1. This is a really good book review. It seems like you really liked this book. Why didn’t you give it the other half of the star?

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