The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg is a novel written by Rodman Philbrick. The book is about a boy named Homer Figg. Homer is trying to get his brother Harold back. He was illegally sold into the Union army by their uncle, Squinton Leach. The book takes place in the 1800s during the Civil War.
There were many events that changed the direction of the story. For example when Homer’s brother Harold was drafted into the army this caused Homer to leave his uncle to try to save Harold before he was killed in the war. Another important event was when Homer’s guardian left him in New York City when they were trying to find his brother. Homer then met someone that offered to help him find his brother. One big decision Homer made was when he shot his brother in the leg to stop him from getting killed in battle. Homer does save him, but after a while his brother gets an infection where he was shot so they amputate his leg. ”Now all rebel eyes-and rebel guns-will be upon him.” Homer knew he had to shoot his brother so he would drop the flag and this would prevent him from being killed by the rebels.
I enjoyed this Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg because it had a lot of action and adventure. I also liked reading this book because I learned a little more about the Civil War. People who enjoy books with suspense and people who like historical fiction books will enjoy Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg. I give this book four out of five stars because I liked the book, but I didn’t love it.
I read the same book!