Charlie Bone and the Beast by Jenny Nimmo

Charlie is descended from a Welsh wizard and a magical king from Africa. I read Charlie Bone and the Beast over break. The author of the book is Jenny Nimmo who is the writer of The Orchard of the Crescent Moon and is the 7th book in the Charlie Bone series. The book is about a werewolf that betrays the person who “controls” him. The main characters of the book are Charlie Bone and Asa Pike (Wolf Boy). This book takes place someplace in England in 2007 or 2008 and I guess the author kind of does take you to a place. The central conflict is the bad people and the good people who are all descended from the Red King and are trying to get Asa on their side.


I think Charlie is smart, ruthless and friendly. I think He is smart and ruthless because he doesn’t think before doing things but he always does what’s right. I think he is friendly because he has a lot friends and treats them well. One of my favorite parts of the book is when they rescue Asa. I’m not allowed to write about because it is a very important part in the book. Another one of my favorite parts of the book is when they hear the howling and Billy figures out that the howling means help. After that they figure out that it is Asa.

I really enjoyed the book because it has a little bit of everything. Everything like mystery, horror and superpowers. I like the author’s writing style because she doesn’t really write cliffhangers I would recommend this book to people who have the first five books of the series first. I would also recommend this book to people who A lot of book topics. I really do not think this book is related to any other books. I give this book four stars because I really enjoyed but I do not want to read it again.

The House Of Hades


Diego Bey


Diego’s Book Review 3

The House Of Hades is a deadly place where everything tries to kill you. The book I am reading is The House Of Hades, by  Rick Riordan it is  the fourth book in the Hero’s Of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. There are seven main characters in this book; their names are Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, Jason, Leo, Frank, and Bob the titan. The main idea of this book is Annabeth and Percy have fallen into Tartarus (the Greek hell and a giant god), and the other characters try to rescue them by meeting them at the doors of death (the only way to get out of Tartarus) Tartarus is full of monsters and hostile things so they have to get out as fast as they can. There a lot of settings in this book, but the most important one is Tartarus. In Tartarus everything can kill you; the air is acid, the ground is made out of broken glass, the water is deadly, and monsters are everywhere.

Three adjectives to describe my favorite main character, Leo, would be annoying, funny, and smart. First, he is annoying because he is always trying to make jokes even at the worst times. Next, he is funny because he is always trying to make a joke out of everything. Last, he is smart because he can fix and build anything that is mechanical. Something I found interesting in this book was how Tartarus is both a god and the entire place of Tartarus, too, just as the god Gaia is the whole earth. Another thing I found interesting is that Cupid is so violent he almost seems evil. Another interesting thing about this book is the mist. The mist can make things that aren’t happening appear to be happening or make something look like something it’s not. It was also surprising that there is a good giant even though all the other giants are evil.

I like this book a lot. It was super funny and the way the author wrote this book made me feel like I was there watching everything happen as I read it. I would recommend this book and the rest of the series to someone that likes Greek mythology and knows quite a bit about it. One would also like the series if he or she likes the Percy Jackson series. It is very similar to the Percy Jackson series because it was meant to be like a sequel to that series. I give this book FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!

The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

I read the MOST AMAZING book in the history of books called The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate the best book writer ever. The book is about a gorilla named Ivan who lives at a mall in a glass caged domain without his family and not in a Jungle where he belongs. The place where all the action happens is at the Big Top Mall. The author really describes the Big Top Mall and gives a lot of information about living there and working there and being there and watching a show.
The main character Ivan is… smart because he knows a lot about humans and how they act, he is also kind because he makes art for people, and he is strong because he is a big gorilla. The main character is very believable. The most interesting parts of the book are… when Ruby the baby elephant came and when Ruby gets seen on tv. Ruby reminds me of my sister Olivia because she asks a lot of questions and she loves telling stories. The main problem of the story is Ivan’s friend Stella used to take care of Ruby until she died so now Ivan has to take care of Ruby, another problem is that Ivan got separated from his family so now he forgot how to be a gorilla and he forgot a lot about his family and all the fun times they had. Ivan misses his family.

I really enjoyed this book. It is very good. I really like the author writing style because she does not fill the pages with words. The book is funny, sad, and very interesting. I recommend this book to everyone. It is not so hard to read. It is cool that it’s from the gorilla’s perspective. One book that is like this one is Edward Tulane because it is told by the rabbit doll but the rabbit doll can’t speak so it is told by what he is thinking.

I rate this book:


Half Magic By: Edward Eager

Half_MagicIt all begins with a coin…  (or what the children thought was a coin). The title of my book is Half Magic by Edward Eager. I think there are two more books in this series, Magic by the Lake and Knights Castle. This book is about four children who find what  Jane (the oldest child) thinks is a nickel. The kids soon find out that the nickel is a magic charm that wishes only half of what you wish for. You have to wish double of what you wished. The main characters are Jane, Mark, Katharine, and Martha. Through this book the four children travel in their house but, mostly places where the charm takes them.


Martha is stubborn, curious and impatient. She is stubborn because when they went to the movie she wouldn’t stop saying she wanted to go home so she walked out of the movies. Curious because she wanted to know what had happened to her mother. She is impatient because when her siblings were watching a movie she wouldn’t wait until it was over she just ran out of the movie theater. The problem was when Mr. Smith wanted to marry their mother because their dad died. Their mother wanted to marry him but she thought she was ill because the children kept using the charm and things were disappearing in front of her eyes. So, the children were trying to prove to their mother that the whole time she was seeing things and she thought she was ill was just the children using the charm. And the kids had to convince her that she wasn’t seeing things and that the charm really is magical. I also think it was interesting when Jane went to another family and she was the total opposite to the real Jane. I think it was really interesting when they first found the charm and didn’t know what it was or how to use it. The children thought it was a nickel, and by accident made a fire.


I really enjoyed this book because I really like books about magic and this book was sort of like realistic magic. I really enjoyed the parts of the book when the four children use the charm and the magic begins and they’re just trying to figure out how to use the charm. I think the author did a good job of describing one scene where knights were fighting and I thought he was a little too descriptive about the body parts being chopped off and the blood. It’s really exciting when something happens and then the children have to fix it. I would recommend this book to people who like books about: Magic, Friendship, Adventure… I think this book is like another book I just read called Howl’s Moving Castle. I chose Howl’s Moving Castle because in both Howl’s Moving Castle and Half Magic the characters travel all over the area and are both about magic. I rate this book Five stars!!!!!.


Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Harry Potter, “the boy who lived”, goes on an adventure with his friendsimgres-1 in the book Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix By J.K Rowling. The first part of this book is about Harry at Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ministry of Magic (like the government but for wizards) has hired a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, but the thing is, they don’t really learn anything in class so Harry and his friends make secret meetings so others can learn. The other part is about Harry going to the Ministry to save his godfather (who everyone thinks is a murderer) who he thinks is in danger from Voldemort. The beginning happens at Hogwarts and the end in the Ministry.

Harry is a pretty curious person, when he doesn’t know something he will try to figure it out, like in the 2nd book (The Chamber Of Secrets) he puts on his cloak of invisibility  (a cloak that makes him invisible) to find out who was stunning everyone when he wasn’t allowed. Harry is also a really nice person and is only mean to the people who are mean to him like all the Slytherins (one of the 4 houses at Hogwarts, there is also Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor). They are always teasing him so he is mean back to them but he is really kind to all the people who are kind to him. Harry is a really brave boy because he risked his life just to save his godfather. Harry also figures out that the reason Voldemort was at the Ministry was so he could find a prophecy that had to do with him and Harry.

I liked this book because it has some action in it, it didn’t have as much as I had hoped but it still had about 75% action. I also liked it because it is in the Harry Potter series and I like all of those books no matter what. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes books with 75% action/adventure in it. You also might like it if you like the other Harry Potter books. This book is a lot like books 1 2 3 and 4 of the Harry Potter series.

I would rate this book:



Because of Mr. Terupt

Because of Mr. Terupt


Because of Mr. Terupt is a wonderful book♥. The author’s name is Rob Buyea. There is Jessica, who is very smart, Alexia, who is sometimes nice and sometimes mean, Jeffery, who hates school, Peter, the troublemaker, Luke who is also very smart, Anna who is very shy, and Danielle, who is very friendly. The book is about a class that has all of those characters. There is a teacher named Mr Terupt. Not all of the kids get along. One day the kids all go outside with their teacher Mr. Terupt. Everyone is having fun. Then suddenly something tragic happens. There is an accident. Someone gets horribly hurt.


Mr. Terupt is very nice. He helps kids learn, but in a fun way. He is very smart. He always helps kids with their problems. He is also very brave. He was a wrestler when he was young so he has gotten very hurt before. Some parts that I found very interesting, was when the accident happened. It changed the kids life’s. They were different, they thought different, they had different perspectives on life. This book is very sad. It made me cry. But it is very well written.


I LOVED this book. It is my favorite book in the whole world. It is so well written! It was so emotional. It was sad, exciting, funny, and extremely well written. I loved reading about what happened. In this book, there are trips to the hospital. It makes you sad. But you should still read the book because it is amazing! It is told from different perspectives. I like that because you can see how all of the characters experienced it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who can take sadness. But mostly it is great! I think a Mango Shaped Space is a lot like this book. They are both sad but interesting. From one to five stars, I would give this book: FIVE STARS!


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Because of Mr. Terupt


imgresThe best days of school are the ones where you actually have fun learning. That’s everyday in Mr.Terupt’s class. The book because of Mr. Terupt was written by Rob Buyea. The story is about a fifth grade teacher at  the Snow Hill School who has an interesting class. Jessica, Alexia, Peter, Danielle, Luke, Anna and Jeffery are all very different but they all like their teacher. One day, they get to play in the snow because the students had been on good behavior. Things get out of control and something terrible happens.


Mr. Terupt is kind, fun and creative. I think he is kind because he treats everyone equally and is never unfair. He is fun because he does cool learning activities like the dollar word project. Mr. Terupt assigned every letter in the alphabet a number, and the students had to create a word that added to one hundred. I also think he is creative because he thinks of unique ways to teach. One of my favorite parts of the book is when the kids go to the collaborative center. The collaborative center is a class for kids with special needs. I like it because all the students get along. Another interesting part of the book is the last day of school. I like this part because some really cool things happen  (I can’t tell you because it will spoil the ending).

I really, really liked the book. I enjoyed it because it is something that could happen in real life, but the author’s adds a twist. I think that it is very interesting and you should read it. There is a sequel to this book that I also read and it was really good as well. I give this book a 5 star rating.