Women: Maternal Health

Danielle Frank Interview

We interviewed Danielle over face time about her pregnancy experience. Danielle explained to us the struggle she had during delivery and taught us lots more about our topic.

Nazdeek Organization Webinar

We went to Every Mother Counts where we sat in on another webinar with the Nazdeek Organization. They also were proposing to partner with Every Mother Counts. The Nazdeek Organization is focused more on bring Justice to India incorperating women’s rights into maternal health care.

Planned Parenthood / Chakshu Patel Interview

We met with Chakshu Patel and talked to her about her job at Planned Parenthood and what they do. We learned how passionate she is about maternal health and the needs women deserve to have. This organization is supposed to make women feel safe when they come to this organization and that they have a choice to get an abortion if they choose.

Every Mother Counts + Nazdeek

Recently we went to the Every Mother Counts office to sit in on a webinar with them and an organization in Delhi, India. Nazdeek is an organization that is dedicated to training people. They discussed various approaches in how to achieve getting equal healthcare in India. They told us about their program and strategies. We took many notes and in the end, we were able to ask questions that we had for them relating to the organization.

Planned Parenthood Interview- Chakshu Patel

Recently we met with Shakshu Patel, the Strategy officer for planned parenthood. We had many questions that we wanted to ask her. We interviewed her about what she does for planned parenthood and what they do as an organization.

Jacaranda Health Webinar

We went to Every Mother Counts headquarters and sat in on a webinar with Jacaranda Health. Jacaranda Health is an maternal health organization that was proposing a partnership with Every Mother Counts. When we got their we at in their conference room and wrote notes about Jacaranda Health and what they do.

Every mother Counts+Jacaranda Health

Recently we went to the every mother counts office. Every mother counts is an organization that focuses on making sure all women have a safe pregnancy and childbirth. We met with them and sat in on a webinar with another organization which is located in Kenya, Jacaranda Health. We sat in on the video conference where they discussed various strategies. It was really interesting and we got to ask questions in the end.

Webinar with Jacaranda Health + Every Mother Counts

Our group visited the Every Mother Counts, a non-profit organization focusing on maternal health. We sat in on a webinar, where EMC conversed with Jacaranda health about a partnership. During this we learned about what Jacaranda health does for Pregnant and post-natal womxm in Kenya Africa.

Maternal Health

Our group is passionialy studying maternal health. We are trying to help all women have access to the healthcare they need during and after their pregnancies. We want to ensure that all mothers around the world have a safe environment to give birth, and for prenatal care. Every day, 830 women die during childbirth from…