Project by: Finn Barden (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student’s Advisor: Stephen MacGillivray

Description of the Project:

In my project I am making an art piece that I was inspired to do because of a contest that raises awareness for ocean health by bringing people together and displaying people’s artwork. I will not be submitting my work to the contest but the purpose of this project is to make people more aware about the contest and maybe make more people participate next year because the people who run it are helping out a ton to raise awareness for ocean health and safety. Also, if there are more people that are a part of the contest it makes it more of a big deal and more likely to reach even more people and spread more awareness.

Final Product Poster:

Final Reflection on Learning:

One moment where I surprised myself during the process was when I looked up what a turtle looked like near the beginning of the project because until then i had been going off of my memory. I found it to be pretty interesting how the way I remembered a turtle looking like and how they actually look like were both very similar in some ways, but very different in other ways.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3:

The first week I began brainstorming what I was going to do for the project with James and I decided to so a drawing with colored pencils of a turtle that has a straw in its nose because I remember seeing a video on YouTube and it was very impactful to me. The second week I made some rough drafts on different ideas of what everything would look like and where everything would go and discussed with James what the best options were. The third week I focused in on some of the ideas that I liked the most and did more in depth sketches of the and having different proportions for each one to see how it looked. Then me and James talked about it and we agreed upon the final two best ideas that we both liked the most.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6:

The fourth week we just discussed how I would sketch my next drafts and we went over some ideas I had for some parts of the final product drawing. The fifth week I did some more in depth drawings of the last two ideas that we chose and I did one color draft of each and decided which one to focus on. The sixth week I did a larger scale draft of my final concept for the drawing and me and James went over it to talk about what I could change.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9:

The seventh week I did my final draft and James gave me some tips on how to improve it for the final piece. The eighth week I was about halfway done with my final product so me and James just went over it and reviewed it and we discussed some strategies for the final portion of the drawing. The ninth week we went over the finished final product and we were both happy with how it turned out. We then started working on the ‘poster’ which was a photo of the drawing with text pasted onto it digitally. Once we were done with the poster and we felt we had completed everything, we had one last talk about maybe working on something like this project again which I was definitely down for.

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