An Honors Project is an independent course of study proposed by a student or group of students that extends beyond the normal scope of the curriculum. Honors Projects:

  • allow students to explore their interests, passions and questions with guidance from a chosen teacher/mentor
  • are student initiated and driven learning experiences
  • ask students to take responsibility for defining their learning pathway
  • require students to produce some final “product” that demonstrates their learning and can be shared with the LREI community.

Teachers supporting an honors project:

  • help to guide and mentor projects across a range of disciplines in different grade levels each trimester
  • do not design the learning experience for the student, but may recommend paths of study, books or articles to read, etc.
  • provide guidance, help to ensure that the student is meeting key project benchmarks, and work with the student to define the final product of the project and how best to share the work with the larger LREI community.  

Successful completion of an Honors Project is designated on the student’s official transcript. Because of the depth required in the study of an Honors Project, students are generally limited to participating in one at a time. These Projects are graded Pass, Fail or Pass with Distinction.

NEXT: Expectations & Responsibilities