Project by: Samuel Beacher (10th Grade), Tatsuya King (10th Grade), Timothy Hyun (10th Grade)
Project Advisor: Damon DueWhite
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Sergei Mikhelson, Jonathan Segal,

Description of the Project: This project is a podcast centered around music and LREI’s students’ and faculty’s experiences with it. From favorite songs and artists to concept albums, this podcast will explore all facets of music. Some weeks will be solely interviews while others might be discussions on a specific topic, we hope you tune in each week and enjoy. 

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

Final Reflection on Learning:

All three of us have found this project extremely rewarding. On top of the lengthy and fruitful conversations that we have with each guest, we have also found interactions with listeners to be very interesting as well. Going in, we did not think that the podcast would get very much attention and we were very surprised at the number of people who actually showed interest. In the beginning, some of the conversations took some time to get going but we found that by the last episode we had gotten into the groove of it all and were holding engaging conversations for extended periods of time. With our own music tastes, we also saw major changes that came from this podcast. Each new guest brought great music suggestions and stories to the conversation and after every episode we found ourselves walking away with something new we wanted to listen to or try. Not only did this podcast help us grow our musical minds, but it also enhanced our conversational skills, pushing us to find more intriguing topics to discuss each new episode. Although the whole experience was somewhat taxing, we all look forward to continuing the project next year.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

In these first few weeks, we honed our vision for the podcast, centering on people’s favorite songs. We have recorded a pilot episode with only the hosts, and have sent out an email asking for others in the community who would like to be interviewed. So far, we have a couple guests lined up, and by the next update will have published the first episode online.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

In these last few weeks, we have accomplished a lot. We have interviewed 5 more groups of people and edited together 6 episodes so far, with one two-parter. We have also released three of them. Linked here is the podcast website. By the end of the trimester, we will have interviewed and edited one more episode, as well as releasing all of them.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

In these final few weeks of the project, we have finished recording and editing all of our episodes and have released them on various sites including Spotify. Right now, we are monitoring the performance of the episodes and are showing the interviewees the finished products. We are also gauging interest from possible future guests to help us plan for the future of this project.

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