Project by: Molly Voit (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jacqueline Baker

Trimester 3 Reflection:

Continuing my honors project into third trimester, I felt like I had more compositional tools to create interesting art. The first assignment I did third trimester was about incorporating text in an image while using the elements I had learned about in the previous trimester (rule of thirds, symmetry, etc.). This was difficult for me because there were more decisions I had to make such as what text, what type of font, how many words, where and how I would place the text, and more. This, added to other aspects of a piece without words, made this assignment a challenge. I was able to create two sketches that worked well, and one that did not. Going over what did not work in the one piece with James and what did work in the other pieces helped me further develop my understanding of composition.

My improvement was evident in the next assignment – using text in image again, but in color. I made the two successful images in color and added another design to account for the one that had not worked. Through recreating these images, I learned that it helps to make the image interesting if the colors coincide with what the words are saying; for example, I made one piece with the words “The World is Ending” and initially made it earth colors, but after going over it with James, I realized that using red and orange might convey the message better. I also applied this to the other piece I had worked on in which I drew a bee and the words “buzz buzz” over it. After trying out various fonts and sizes, I realized that writing the words in a sharper, uppercase font worked better than lower case or softer ones. Through this process of redrawing and seeing what sketches worked best, I learned that I learn best through trial and error and experimenting.

The project after all of the text in image pieces was to choose a place in the school and design a mural for it. This was intended to help me apply all of the techniques that I learned throughout the project to a place in the school. I chose the three arches on the second floor by the 3D art room and designed various images that could work in that space. I ended up choosing one that I was most excited about; I chose to make the arches look like windows to the ocean or an aquarium through which you could see fish and seaweed and more. Initially, this design also had a person swimming, but after talking through it with James, I realized that placing a person in the design actually made it more difficult to follow. Next, I redrew the design with color and as a finished piece with the correct dimensions of the arches. Then James and I photoshopped the drawings into an image of the arches to see what it would look like. The process of brainstorming, choosing a design, revising it, and then creating a finished piece taught me that there is a lot of value in exploring all of the ideas I have before settling on one, in addition to the importance of trusting in the process of composing an image in order to finish with a great piece.


Trimester 2 Reflection:

Throughout the second trimester, I completed individual projects about composition. First, I chose 10 images from google images or magazines and used a viewfinder to change what the picture was saying in two different ways by changing composition. This helped me start understanding how the frame of an image influences the message it sends. Next, I made six sketches with half using one color as well that made the viewer’s eye move throughout the page. This was a fun project for me because I had a chance to focus more on the composition rather than how accurate my drawing was which allowed me to have fun with the image. Next, I created six black and white collages with half of them being symmetric, and the other half asymmetric. I chose to use planes in all of my images, and I was able to accomplish the task in most of them, but for others, the incorrect anatomy of the plane moved the focus away from the composition and was not as successful. My next assignment was the same thing except with colored paper. I chose to focus on dogs in these images and completed five colleges that I really enjoyed and had fun exploring the composition with. However, the next assignment was a lot more challenging for me. I had to make three collages that used the golden ratio in some way. This was difficult for me because using math within art is not my strong suit, but after having trouble the first time, I tried again the next week and came back with much better results. I want to continue developing these kinds of skills and other complex composition techniques next trimester.


T3 Project Proposal

Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

I am going to be continuing the 30-minute drawings honors project I started in trimester 2. I have learned a lot from the skills and prompts I practiced last trimester, but feel that there is a lot more to explore. I hope to especially practice composing images that have more than one figure in it and improving the skills I started last trimester.

Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

Creativity is essential to my honors project because I have to find creative ways to make an image interesting while also being pleasing to the eye. This takes a lot of thought and a unique way of seeing things that I am hoping to develop through this project.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

As was my goal for last trimester, I hope I wil be able to show a noticeable improvement in my art and be able to draw more independently by the end of the project. Specifically, I want to show that I am able to create compositionally interesting images. Additionally, I want to be able to present the small projects I make in a way that shows improvement.

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

I hope to be able to complete one piece/project per week to discuss with James during our meeting time.

When do you plan on meeting?
Wednesday lunches



Project by: Molly Voit (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jacqueline Baker

Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

I want to practice drawing for about half an hour a week to improve my drawing skills and to work on my composition skills. I want to do this because I am in 3D art this trimester but want to continue working on my 2D art skills.

Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

I will be using creativity throughout this project to find and come up with interesting scenes/images to draw.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

By the end of the project, I hope to be able to show a noticeable improvement in my art and be able to draw more independently. Specifically, I want to show that I am able to create compositionally interesting images.

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

I hope to be able to complete one drawing a week so I have something to go over with James during our meeting time.

When do you plan on meeting?
Monday X Block


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