Project by: Layne Friedman (11th Grade)
Project Advisor: Charlene Cruz-Cerdas
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Arturo Acevedo

For my project, I ended up focusing on three presidents and their relationships to the press: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. I looked at how each administration managed and worked with the press. I then concluded by doing analysis on how these presidencies relate to Donald Trump’s administration. I have compiled my research into a final website.

You can explore my work by clicking in the image below:



In working on this project I learned new research techniques. Sourcing information for this project was a challenge as the focus of my research meant that even the most “nutural sources” were often biased. Once I found all of the sources I needed I discovered I needed to shift my mindset on what the project would be. I went into it expecting certain answers that fit my preconceived ideas that previous presidents had contentious but respectful relationships to the press, a much less nuanced thought process than the reality. Shifting my thinking to match my findings (which can be read in the conclusion of my website) required openness which I did not expect.


Project Proposal:

Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

The idea for this project started as a curiosity about different types of journalistic writing and reporting. After talking with Charlene about initial ideas it became clear that my interests were tied to politics and how current events influence journalism. For this project, I would like to look at specific presidencies and how they have influenced the news media and how they report on stories and events. I do not yet know which specific presidencies I would like to look at but the goal of the project overall is to gain an understanding of how different administrations at different times have caused shifts in journalism.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project?

I would like to look at about 5 specific presidencies and if/how their administrations influenced journalism. For each presidency, I would like to make either a mini posterboard or presentation on that administration’s relationship to journalism. Depending on the outcome of what I learn/find about each presidency I would like to write a short overall conclusion tying each of the individual findings together.

When do you plan on meeting?
Thursday X-Blocks

2 thoughts on “How Presidents Influence Journalism – Layne F.

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