The Zombie Chasers, By John Kloepfer

The main character of this book is Zach. One day his town gets invaded by zombies.  The zombies try to make the humans into zombies by biting the humans, his friend thinks he is the “zombie expert”.  Zach’s sister (Zoe) gets bitten by the zombies and her friend Madison (Madison is Zoe’s friend) is the only one is the house besides Zach that is not a zombie.  Zach says that the only way to get out is through the laundry chute and to the car.   So Zach and Madison think that Zach’s friend Johnston Rice (who is called Rice) is the “zombie expert” and they go to pick him up so they can ‘destroy’ the zombies.  They have figured out the case that created the zombies in the first place. Sorry, it would be a spoiler if I told you what it was.

I would rate this book 5 stars because everything about it is so good.  I would recommend this book to people who like fiction and fiction survival.