H20 by Virginia Bergin

Image result for h20 virginia bergin

It starts up when Ruby the main character is at a party. They turned on the radio and they heard that the rain is killer if you touch it you die. But it doesn’t affect animals. Then Casper ran out into the rain, after he came in he started throwing up. Zach’s mom took Ruby and Casper to the hospital but she dropped of Ruby first at her house. Her step dad, mom, baby brother were still all ok, but then her mom hugged her and the next day she died with the baby brother. There were people rioting everywhere for supplies. Ruby was in solitary for a while because the step dad didn’t know if she had the rain disease or not so she was in the closet until her mom died.

Ruby is a spoiled 15 year old. She craves her phone while people are getting killed. And you’ll find a quarter of the book about her complaining about her makeup. She is British person and she is not an apocalypse survivor.

They were stuck in the house for a while because there were people that had guns and they would get killed immediately so they didn’t go out for a while. You would think. After time had fixed that Ruby and her step dad went to the supermarket. They couldn’t find anything but plants. Ruby took some flowers for her dead mom and dead baby brother. Then the step dad noticed something he noticed that the plants have water and he thought that they hadn’t been changed in a while so he took the muggy water and drank so much. They were stuck in there for a while. There were still people outside wanting to get in. Finally it all calmed down, they went out and looted some houses but they didn’t find anything. But other than that no one was there.

On the next errand Ruby found some animals that she took home. After that Ruby was stuck in the house for a long time. But then she ran out of water, so she went out and found a nerd from her school in a house. They had some water and a little girl who didn’t talk. The nerd’s name was Darius Spratt and she didn’t really know him but she recognized him. He said that there was people trapped into the school. She went there and found a bunch of men. There was a key and she let them go. She wanted to go to London to find her real dad. She didn’t have a licence yet but she wanted to drive the car to London. The good thing is that it’s only a two hour drive but they get sidetracked a lot so it’s a lot longer than you think, so yeah. Will she get to london and see her dad or will she die from the rain? Find out in the book H20!

I do think i’ll recommend this book because it’s young adult. So I don’t think your parents will let you read this unless your parents are like mine so yeah. I think I would rate this book from 1-5 stars 5 for me but probably not you. But yeah if you’re ready for people dying and alcohol read it!

The Next Woeful Adventure For The Baudelaire’s


Oh the woe and misery of the Baudelaire’s won’t stop now and probably never will, at least with the dastardly Count Olaf and his troupe on the loose, still at large. Lemony Snicket is the writer of the woeful series of the Baudelaire’s. The book that my book review will be about is The Carnivorous Carnival, which I am devastated to say is full of all sorts of nefarious and cruel things. There are three weary, melancholy (and many other woeful words that I do not want to describe their luck as) Baudelaire’s. Violet Baudelaire who can invent or fix almost anything put in front of her or even way away from her. She is smart and acts like a mother towards Sunny. She is also the oldest Baudelaire at the age of 14. Violet has a ribbon in her pocket that she carries around with her everywhere. When Violet is thinking hard she ties her hair up with that ribbon.


Klaus Baudelaire is the second oldest Baudelaire at the age of 12. “Even though Klaus is only twelve, he had read more books than most people do in their whole life.” This is a quote from one of the previous books. Klaus will polish his “Harry Potter like” glasses when he is thinking hard. I compared Klaus’s glasses to Harry Potter’s because a lot of people have read that series. Klaus is by far the smartest in all different categories and has proven his knowledge by helping solve all of Count Olaf’s treacherous schemes.


Then there is Sunny Baudelaire, the last Baudelaire. Sunny was born right before the phantasmagorical fire burned down the Baudelaire mansion. Sunny is very small for her age, not much bigger than a loaf of bread. Being so small Sunny is probably the most overwhelmed by the bloodcurdling schemes of Count Olaf. Although Sunny is small, she makes up for her size with the size of her teeth. Sunny has razor sharp teeth, they are like two daggers in her mouth that have saved the Baudelaires many times. My favorite quote in the whole series is in the first book and it is about Sunny Baudelaire. “Even though the Baudelaires didn’t like their stay with the Poe’s, they were grateful for what they had. Violet tucked the covers in, Klaus put the books in stacks, and Sunny bit two teeth marks in Mr. Poe’s children’s shoes so she would not be forgotten.” The setting of this book is that there is a carnival in a desert in the Hinterlands on Rarely Ridden Road in an unpopular carnivorous carnival.


The Baudelaires always find a way to work around Count Olaf’s malicious schemes. The only sparks of good luck that The Baudelaires have is that: Violet’s inventions always work. Klaus always finds the right answers in his research. And Sunny’s teeth always come in handy. This time one of the most interesting things in the Carnivorous Carnival is that for the first time, the Baudelaires are the ones who disguise themselves. Violet and Klaus disguise themselves as a two headed freak to go in the freaks show. Sunny is disguised as a wolf baby. The attraction is that the two headed freak will eat sloppily and have people laugh at them. And Chabo (the wolf baby) will attack the audience while the acquisitive villains watch in delight.


One day Count Olaf and Madam Lulu (the leader of the carnival and a fraud fortune teller that is actually good but doesn’t want Olaf to know) go up to the Mortmain mountains to find out the real answer of the secret of V.F.D. Coming back with no evidence of the headquarters of V.F.D. they do bring back lions from the mountains that haven’t eaten in two days and are whipped by Olaf to do his bidding. Olaf and his troupe work all night to make a horrible pit which the lions will go in. In the morning when it is ready Olaf releases his dastardly scheme. “In the morning every day I will have one of the five freaks dive into the pit and perish for the amusement of the crowd. The audience will love it because it is sloppy eating and violence!” With the luck of the Baudelaires you can kind of tell who would be pick first to plunge into the pit first.


The only problem was that Esme Squalor threatened all of the freaks to throw Madam Lulu into the pit instead of jumping in themselves. It turns out that Esme wants Madam Lulu dead so she can have her boyfriend (Count Olaf) to herself. So there the Baudelaires were on the edge of the pit, about to jump into the pit. They didn’t want to throw Madam Lulu into the pit because Lulu was going to take the Baudelaires to the Mortmain Mountains to find the true meaning of V.F.D.


I enjoyed this book very much, actually I enjoyed all of the books in the series of A Series of Unfortunate Events. When I think of these books I think of some of the Roald Dahl’s tragedies like James And The Giant Peach. James was orphaned by a horrible tragedy that killed his parents and was sent with unsuitable guardians. I loved this book 5 STARS but there are thirteen books in this series that I don’t think that I would want to read it again so 4 STARS would be my final rating.

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins


Gregor the Overlander is about a boy and his little sister who fall through a grate in their laundry room. They land in a strange world full of giant spiders, mice, bats, cockroaches, rats and more. Gregor’s dad is missing. It turns out he’s been trapped in the Underland for the past two and a half years. There is a prophecy, the Prophecy of Gray, that includes Gregor. Gregor teams up with a group of humans, their bats,  two cockroaches, two spiders, and one other very important creature from the Underland to find his dad and rescue him. This book is the first in a series called The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins.


Gregor is pathetic, bored, and scared. He becomes awesome in the second book. In the first book, the best characters are Rip Red, Luxa, Ares, and Boots. Luxa is brave, annoying, and stubborn. Luxa is stubborn when she is mad at Gregor, even when he is not upset with her. Luxa is brave when she fights the rats. She is annoying all the time; she’s a queen and overuses that responsibility on Gregor and always tells him what to do. As the books go on, there are more common characters who you learn more about.


My favorite part was probably at the very very end (warning: spoilers) when Gregor and Ares bond. This is significant because Gregor gets his own bat. Ares has a sad back story. Also Now that I have read the whole series it’s also kind of sad because I know sad stuff is coming. (spoilers over). Another favorite part is when Boots and Temp the cockroach meet. That is very funny and throughout the series Boots and Temp serve as comic relief. It’s funny because it’s a 2-year-old and a giant cockroach having a conversation and the 2-year-old isn’t even scared.


As the books go on you learn just how many prophecies Gregor is in. If you love the first book, be warned the other books are gorier. If you don’t like gory stuff don’t read them. This is a very fast paced book. The first two chapters are kind of slow. Like Harry Potter, it takes a while to get into the action but once Gregor falls into the grate it’s like snap snap snap and he’s on an amazing quest. Some important things happen before that so you need to read those two chapters (some very funny stuff happens like when his Grandma calls him “Simon”). those books where there are tons of characters and also it’s kind of a mystery with the prophecies – they need to find them and unravel them. This series is sad, happy, and violent. If you know how Suzanne Collins writes, if you read the Hunger Games, you will see this is much better. I rate this book on a ten star scale 100 stars.


My book is Warriors. The author of my book is Erin Hunter.

 Image result for warriors book 1

The main character of my book is Rusty. Rusty is a cat but not an ordinary one. He has yellow and orange stripes. Meaning he is a tiger cat, a tiger cat is actually just a cat that looks in a way like a tiger. He has a lot to talk about and a lot to think about.

One night Rusty was just taking his nightly nap. Rusty has been having this one dream where he goes to the forest just across his owners fence and tries to catch a mouse but every time it runs away. Rusty’s owners give him the duelist worst tasting and ugliest cat food ever. He can’t even taste it, but it is the best he has so of course he eats it.

One night Rusty just happened to go outside and when his owners called him to come sit on the bed and cuddle with them. He ignored them and stayed outside and “talked” to Smudge. Smudge is a White and Black cat with a big attitude. He says that another cat went into the woods but Rusty denied it.

If I would give this book blog a rating it would be a 4 because it was ok I would prefer more exciting books.

















Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen

I read a book called Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. Hatchet’s main character is named Brian. The story takes place in the Canadian wilderness in a few years before modern day. Brian Robeson and a pilot go through a deadly plane crash and only Brian survives. He only has his Hatchet that his mother gave him as a birthday present, and a tattered windbreaker. He has a family secret. His parents are divorced. Now, Brian has to get help.


Brian is resourceful, persistent, and smart. He is smart because he knew when to eat, when not to, and when to go outside. He is persistent because when he saw dead bugs in a lake, he used a small dam to block the bugs, and drink the water. He is resourceful because he made fire, and a small home.


Two of the most interesting parts of the book were when the plane was crashing. I liked this part because I didn’t know if Brian and/or the pilot would survive. Also, it was full of action. Another interesting part of the book was when Brian saw a bear, and even though the bear didn’t attack Brian, he still was not intimidated. An important quote from the book is when Brian thinks, “Spearwood, he thought, and it rolled all over him…

There were these things to do.” This quote is important because it tells you about Brian’s experience in the Canadian wilderness.


I didn’t really like the book, it was too slow, not enough suspense, etc. I’m not saying it was terrible, but it wasn’t the best. But if you like challenging reads, or survival, this is definitely your choice. This book is related to many books, including Holes, Percy Jackson, Spy School, and more. In Spy School, Ben is trying to survive in The Academy of Espionage, in Percy Jackson, Percy, Grover, and Annabeth are trying to survive alone; on a quest. In Holes, (if you read my last review, you already know.) Stanley and Zero are trying to survive at Camp Green Lake. I would give this book a three-star-rating. It was okay.

Shadowmagic by Joshua Khan

The book I read is called Shadowmagic by Joshua Khan. The book is about a boy named Thorn and the leader of Gehenna, (grand city) Lilith (Lily) Shadow. There is a person trying to kill Lily Shadow and Thorn arrives and they find out who the killer is. In the book it takes place in Gehenna. To be more specific it takes place in Port Cutlas before moving to Castle Gloom and ends in the City of Silence. I have a zero percent clue of when it takes place.

Thorn is a smart, fearless, and a strong boy. Thorn is smart because he figured out who was trying to murder Lily. Thorn is fearless because he defeated a few of Gehenna’s and Lumina’s (also a grand city) soldiers while trying to get into Castle Gloom. Thorn is strong because he fell off a roof and did not break any bones or injure himself.


Three important parts that happened were when Thorn found his father, when Lily used magic and when a guard said to Thorn, “Your father murdered Lady Shadows family.” It was important when Thorn found his father because he said he did not kill Lily Shadows family. It was someone else! It was also important when Lily used magic because boys are only allowed to use magic. This was important because if a girl uses magic they would be sentenced to die but she summoned a ghost puppy named Custard and nobody knew!!! Lastly it was important when a guard said to Thorn, “Your father murdered Lady Shadows family.” Even though this is not true it was important because it made Thorn look like a bad person even though he is a great hunter and was trained and raised in the woods and he knew his father wouldn’t do that.

I enjoyed Shadowmagic because it always left you hanging so it really didn’t matter where you ended. For example when you finish chapter 47 which is the end of being in Castle Gloom and move into the City of Silence, Thorn realizes that Lily’s uncle (Pan) is using the Mask of Azeroth or the mask of the ,undead, to kill Lily and Thorn jumps on a  bat that is dying named Hades to save Lily. I would recommend Shadowmagic because it always gives enough detail to make you feel like you are there. For example on page 293 it says “The spectators surrounded them on all sides. She tried to back away but it was too late. They caressed her with icy fingers.” This made me feel like I was actually there that is why I recommend this book. This book reminds me of Heroes of Olympus: the House of Hades because it mostly takes place in the underworld and that is where it probably takes place (look at the map in the front if you read it). I would give it an infinity star rating but I can only give five so five!

The Land of Stories, The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

Will Alex and Conner ever return back home? I read The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer only over two days in late May. It is part of The Land of Stories series, which has five books (so far), all very long. The sixth and final book is coming out in July. The Wishing Spell is the first book in the series.

Alex and Conner Bailey are twins. Their dad died right before they turned eleven. They don’t see their mother much because she has to work to support their family. On their twelfth birthday, their Grandma comes and presents them with her big book of fairytales, The Land of Stories. Alex loves fairytales, and she wishes that all of it was real, in a world where they could visit all the characters. The first night they have the book, after Alex rests it on her bedside table, ready to drift off to sleep, she notices that the book is glowing and humming. A week later, she’s at school and the book starts glowing and she has to explain to Conner what’s happening. After school that day, she has an idea. As well as the glowing and humming, anything that she drops onto the pages sinks in and disappears. She wonders what it would feel like to sink into the book. She starts with her arm, gently swirling it into the pages. Suddenly, she falls face first into the book. She lands in The Land of Stories (Conner comes too) where one of her greatest wishes is true: fairytales are real.

Now, the reason this book is named the Wishing Spell is because if you succeed in the spell, you will granted a wish. No matter how large, if you succeed, the spell will grant you one wish. They don’t know how to get back home, so that is what they are wishing for. In order to complete the spell, they must collect eight items all over the fairytale world. They are following a journal written by a man who was also on a quest for the spell. They have experiences with Goldilocks (the fugitive on the run), Red Riding Hood (the self-obsessed queen), Sleeping Beauty (the wise, trusting queen and my favorite of the queens), and many other famous and not so famous fairytale characters. It is set mostly in The Land of Stories, which is located in… a book. It’s very interesting, and a real page turner!

I am going to describe Conner’s personality. Most people would describe Alex, as her personality is pretty easy and she shows a lot of it, but Conner’s personality is more complicated. He is popular in school, unlike his sister, and keeps falling asleep in class. As you can tell, he’s not a very good student. Maybe the total opposite of his sister, who is attentive, intelligent, and a bit of a know-it-all. Conner is a bad student, but a good brother, as he saves Alex in many sticky situations. He has good ideas. For example, he has a trick to keep himself from falling asleep in class. He wears a rubber band around his wrist, and any time he feels himself getting sleepy, he snaps the rubber band. He presents this idea to the Sleeping Kingdom (Sleeping Beauty’s kingdom), as their citizens are sleeping 24/7, and no work is getting done. The kingdom adopts this idea and it works. Conner can be very logical and smart at times. You just can’t force him to be smart and logical. For example, when they first arrive in The Land of Stories he is the smart and logical thinking about all the things that could go wrong in their world while they’re gone. There might be a huge time change! Something big politically might happen! Literally anything could could go wrong, or they could miss something super huge. Alex loves sightseeing, and while the logical voices in her head were repeating what Conner was saying, but her curiosity got the better of her. So Conner is a logical intelligent person, you just need to catch him at the right moments.


One of the most interesting and important parts of this book is when Alex and Conner go the Sleeping Kingdom for the first time. They need to collect the original needle that Sleeping Beauty first pricked her finger on for the Wishing Spell. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite of the queens. Conner is presenting the rubber band idea and suddenly one of Cinderella’s glass slippers falls out of their bag. The slippers are one of the most prized possessions in all the land. It makes them look like thieves. They didn’t actually steal the slipper. They tell this story to Sleeping Beauty and her guards (the guards are attacking) and Sleeping Beauty has faith, trust, and wisdom, for she believes them and calls off the guards. She is very wise, and she gives them the needle gladly, with the promise that they will return it as soon as they are done with it. It is important because it teaches Alex and Conner that some people in the fairytale world are also reasonable and wise, even people that you might least expect to be. That’s also just a general lesson in all life.

I enjoyed this book SO MUCH! I honestly loved it so strongly and this series in general that it’s the best thing since Harry Potter. It is so rich and full of information and twists around every corner that you just don’t want to stop reading it. All the other books are that same. I am one of those people that like to find out the true hidden meanings of famous stories, and that is basically exactly what this book gives. If you love that kind of stuff too, you need this series in your life. There are many other books that uncover hidden secrets from famous tales and you can look at multiple perspectives. These books might not be for everyone, but I highly suggest you give them a try because I’m 99.99999999999% sure that you will love them.

My rating of this book is (drumroll please): 5 STARS! This is maybe one of the greatest books I’ve ever read (and I’ve read a lot of books) and as soon as I finish the rest of the books I will definitely be rereading!


My Last Best Friend


This character’s name is Ida May and she’s not having the best time of her life when her friend goes away. Now she has the mean girl, Jenna Drews, to deal with all by herself. She has no other good/best friends and her friend Elizabeth who moved away likes all the things Ida does. Jenna is so mean that she calls Ida, I-duh. One day Jenna invites all the girls in her grade for her birthday sleepover at her house. Jenna’s mom makes her invite Ida. Jenna has a little sister named Rachel, a dog named Biscuit and her mom is head of the PTA.  (PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION)

I think Ida is daring, daring to take on her class a.k.a. Jenna Drews and followers without her friend. (Followers are the people who like Jenna, everyone else is afraid of her, technically even followers. The people who follow Jenna are Jolene, Meeka, Brooke, and Stacy.) Stacy just wants to be friends with Jenna. I also think she is caring and selfless because she wrote to her best friend, Elizabeth, and she never wrote back besides a birthday invitation (written by her mom) and she still thinks good thoughts about Elizabeth.

Mini SPOILER ALERT in first part of book.

At Jenna’s sleepover birthday party they paint rocks. Ida gets paint on her shirt and goes upstairs to change her shirt. By the time she comes back downstairs everyone had gone out to play but Ida’d rather stay inside. Rachel is still there under the table playing an imaginary game. Ida thinks it is Biscuit but it is Rachel. Rachel is playing a game where the coats are monsters and she is a princess. Rachel is protecting her “castle” from them. Ida decides to play with Rachel and she is the queen, Rachel names her Cordelia. That is one reason how the secret notes to Stacey start.

Stacey Merriweather is the new girl in town and is “friends” with Jenna. She makes up lies to tell to Jenna so she would like her and not be mean to her. Some of Stacey’s lies are, she lives with her rich aunt, her parents are news reporters, and her real name is Anastasia. So what I meant about how the notes started is Ida used the name Cordelia because she didn’t want to tell Stacey her real name and besides that, they would tell the truth the whole time. Their hiding place for the notes was behind a cow shaped hedge named Bessie and there was a loose brick so they slipped the notes in there.

I recommend this book. It is a series called, Friends for Keeps. I would give it a four or five star rating depending on where it is in the book. The first few paragraphs totally relate to your life if you are in Fourth Grade according to me.

A Wrinkle In Time

A Wrinkle To My Book Review:

A Wrinkle In Time By Madeleine L’Engle


By Avery Rosen


Will Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace save save Meg and Charles’ father and live to tell the tale to the planet Earth? Find out by reading this book review about A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle. The book A Wrinkle In Time is part of a series, A Wind In The Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet. All consist of amazing fast paced stories that are sure to make you stay on your toes. A Wrinkle In Time will take you around the world. . . No wait, around the Universe! The main characters in the book are Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace, all of whom I will introduce more in the next paragraph.


Meg is a girl who doesn’t fit in at all and always feels like she looks atrocious and loathes some of the other kids who are normal. She has the impression that her little brother is being bullied by older kids. Even though they just hear rumors about Charles Wallace. She gets beat up a few times because of this reason. Meg will soon realize though, how special her little brother Charles Wallace really is. After their big adventure Meg is almost never oppressed by other kids. Three words that would describe Meg are, one, afraid. Afraid of her little brother being taken away, and that she will never see her father again. Two, she knows when to do the right things in certain breathtaking situations. She’s confident and insightful. Three, she is shy and doesn’t like to shine, even though she is a good student, and is very helpful.


Calvin, a big boy who is about three years older than Meg is strong, and I do not only mean his physical strength. Calvin is abused by his mother who will physically hurt her children. Calvin has saved many of his friends with his gift to persuade his friends and enemies, some may be both. Calvin in tall, strong, vigorous, caring and red-headed. Charles Wallace is a boy who is very, very smart. Unfortunately he hasn’t gone to school which makes him seem strange. His reputation is one that is very quiet. Many people bully Charles Wallace but he really doesn’t mind. He likes not being noticed and keeping his brilliance to himself and his family. It turns out, though, that Charles has many, many gifts and talents. I would describe Charles Wallace as intellectual, determined, and he is very brave. He is the kind of guy who would “Take one for the team.”(His vocabulary is also quite impressive.) Together they make a great team.


There are many plots in the book. One of the many is saving their father. At first they are living a normal life, until their father disappears for many years and Meg starts to get worried. Her father had vanished before Charles Wallace was born, so naturally Charles Wallace doesn’t know his father. One day though, in the very first few chapters of the book a woman named Mrs. Whatsit comes into their lives. She has a very bizarre, perplexing and demanding behavior. It turns out that Charles Wallace knows this Mrs. Whatsit and her very bizarre, perplexing and demanding friends. Mrs. Whatsit and her friends take Calvin, Meg and Charles to different universes to save their father and more. “I don’t want Charles Wallace to grow up to be dumb like me,” said Meg. “Oh my darling you’re not dumb,” her father answered. “How do you know I’m not dumb? Isn’t it just because you love me?” This is an example of how Meg is always too hard on herself, as I said before she is quite smart, but she doesn’t always get respect for it. This is on page 10 & 11.


I enjoyed this book a lot. The only thing was that there was a little too much fantasy. I loved it for all of the description during the suspense. Madeleine L’Engle slowed the big suspense down with description. Like it was at a part where Meg, father, Calvin and Charles Wallace were stuck on a mysterious island and to slow the pace, it explained the feelings of the characters. I would recommend this book if you are into fantasy worlds, and magical creatures that live on them. The creatures in this book remind me of greek mythology and Lord Of The Rings. I would rate this four stars.


Darkmouth: the Legend Begins by Shane Hegarty

The book I read was called Darkmouth: The Legend Begins by Shane Hegarty This book is in the series Darkmouth. The main characters are Finn and Emmie. Finn hunts monsters called legends and he is really bad at it. To make it worse his father might move away and he will have to protect his home town, Darkmouth. His best friend Emmie knows everything about his family after Finn tells her.

Finn is smart, brave, and scared. Finn is smart because he figures out that his mother is in trouble and someone is at his house trying to free the leader of the Legends, Gantrua, while he is fighting manticores. A manticore is a beast with the body of a lion a scorpion tail and the head of a lion. Finn is brave because he doesn’t stop for a second while being chased by a minotaur( a minotaur is part bull part human)  and figuring out how to stop it without his desiccator (which is a gun). Finn is scared because he will probably fail keeping Darkmouth safe without his father’s help.

An important part that happened was when a legend called a hogboon helped Finn and Emmie defeat a minotaur. This was important because legends and humans won’t stop fighting and this showed that they don’t need to fight. Another important thing that happened was when Finn’s father Hugo was looking at pictures and talked about how Finn tried and that is when Finn said “Mom admitted it.” “Admitted what?” said Finn’s dad“That I was special.” said Finn This was important because it gave Finn hope that he could protect Darkmouth.

I liked Darkmouth: The Legend Begins because it always keeps you hanging and making you want to read more. Another reason that I liked Darkmouth: The Legend Begins is that it was very intense when Finn was being chased by a minotaur and was running through Darkmouth. The entire book from there was intense.

I recommend Darkmouth: The Legend Begins because it always is pulling you into the story and if you close the book it takes your mind back into reality again. It is like a whole new world. For example when you are finished with chapter 20( which is about 3 quarters through the book) and  you close the book it is like you were just a cloud that had a plane go through it. while this is happening you are watching a portal open with a man next to it holding a desiccator like it is a dog looking at something strange. This book reminded me of Percy Jackson because there was a lot of monster slaying. It reminded me of Ghostbusters because they have these guns that capture monsters. It reminded me of medieval times because at one point they use swords and maces. I would give it a 5 star rating!