When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead

When You Reach Me  is a book about a girl named Miranda who breaks up with her old friend named Sal. Miranda meets a store owner named Jimmy who has a stash of two dollar bills.  Miranda finds a man who kicks his foot out on the street and sleeps under a mailbox and says a chant that says “book, bag, pocket, shoe” over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over v and over and over and over and over  and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and many more times again. Miranda also meets the kid who punched her old friend Sal, and thinks time travel is possible. I rate this book 5 stars. I think this book is good for ages 8-14. If you have read the book A Wrinkle In Time, you will like this book.


My Book Review Of  Gone-Away-Lake! ! ! ! !

Benjamin’s  Book Review Of  Gone Away LakeBy

Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum

 The book that I just read is called Gone Away Lake! I finished it a little while ago but now I can finally write about it!!   It is By Elizabeth Enright

The reason I liked this book is because it has  one picture per chapter. So I know what the scenes from the book look like when I need a picture in my head !    I also like this book because they describe it from the perspective of a child named Portia who is exposed to be looked at as the narrator/main character !  I also like the book because it is in the perspective of two time periods now(35 years ago)and 5,555 years ago!  Also another reason I like this book is because about five people are the feelings in the book and that one person is telling all of the people about it!  I also like that it has a bit of make believe in it!!

The plot is that there are two kid’s Portia and Julian (main characters).  The two kids find a lake in the forest and they then start to explore and have adventures in the swamp.  But they also  might meet some people or things that you would  not normally see in real life or in a swamp !!

There  are tons of interesting flashbacks and stories of that some people tell that they meet in the story !!There are lots of people you will meet in this adventure and lots of names of animals.  So if you like animals this is your book and if you are a story or surprises lover this is also your book !!

I recommend this book to you because it has laughs and screams and tells you stories that are fake but seem real.  It gives you tips about nature!!  That is why I recommend it to you to read !!!!

This is why I liked this book. It is called Gone Away Lake for you who do not remember !!  So if you like anything that I said in this book review you should check this book out because it is in the public library’s.  There are two books in the series Gone Away Lake and Return To Gone Away!!  My name is ben and this is my book review for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Published By New York Times!!!!

Pish Posh, by Ellen Potter

In Pish Posh by Ellen Potter, the main character Clara is 11 years old, rich, and a bit of a snob. After going to her parent’s restaurant Pish Posh, she goes to her apartment which has so many rooms in it, for example: the roller-coaster room, the beach room, the Brooklyn village room, the tree climbing room, and many more. She went in the tree climbing room. In that room there is a big tree in the room imported from Australia. The tree is so big that there is a special ceiling for the tree. While Clara is climbing the tree, she hears police outside her building and a voice asks Clara if she could come into Clara’s apartement. Clara lets the mysterious girl in and her name is Annabelle. It turns out she is a thief. I really enjoyed this book because it is full of mystery.


My favorite part of the book was when Clara went to Annabelle’s house and Annabelle says, “You still think SpyFocals are fancy walkie-talkies?” I like that part because it’s funny.


I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries because there are a lot of surprises. I would also recommend this book to people who like friendship stories because Clara and Annabelle stick together. Lastly, I would recommend this book to people who like action because a lot of exciting things happen.


I would give this book 5 stars!

The Name of This Book is Secret By Pseudonymous Bosch

Very Surprising Book

I recently read a book called “The Name Of This Book Is Secret.” by Pseudonymous Bosch. My rating is five stars!  Normally, every chapter I read, I am gasping because something really surprising just happened in the book. In the book, the two main characters find a magician’s house and everything goes wrong. If you like books that are very surprising, than this book is the book for you. This book is for people who like reading about VERY surprising things, like someone being evil instead of good, or something happening that you know but the good characters do not. The book also has lots of secret codes. The codes are the type of codes where there are scrambled letters or something like that. The characters are very wacky, one named Cass who is training to be a survivalist and who keeps weird things in her backpack and the other character named Max-Ernest who talks so much, you can barely hear what he is saying.This book has an ending that is not the way you think it would end. I can not tell you anything else, the only way to find out more information is to read the book yourself.

        By Margaret MacGillivray