The Three Investigators #5 an Ear For Danger

This book is about three kids Jupiter,Pete,and Bob who like to investigate things.This book is very good and exciting and may I ad a little bit scary and funny like when they meet this kid Brit  who is dyslexic (sees letters in the wrong order.) and jupe showed him a business card and he thought it said the three nivetsitagors  another exciting part was when they realized that they were on a  volcano. I give this book five stars. 

Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave by Deron R. Hicks

by Jack

What I liked about Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave was that it was a mystery. I liked that when I thought something good was going to happen it didn’t.


I thought this book was really well written and I enjoyed it.


My favorite character in Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave was Julian Letterford. I liked him because he started the whole mystery, and he would quote Shakespeare in parts of the book. He was smart, and funny, and really nice in the book.


I would give this book four out of five stars because it was a really good book, but the book could’ve used a couple more pictures and a little more action.


I am excited to read the second book because the first book was really exciting and that the first book left me at a huge cliffhanger.


Secrets of Shakespeare’s Grave takes place in Manchester, Georgia and England and Stratford upon-Avon. This book is exciting, and mysterious! I would recommend this book to kids from ages 8+.

A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle is a book about a girl, Meg, who doesn’t really fit in with all the other kids. One night she cannot fall asleep because of a hurricane and goes downstairs and finds her little brother Charles Wallace. Charles Wallace knows everything about everything and was expecting Meg to want hot cocoa. Meg actually did want hot cocoa. Their mother Mrs. Murry woke up, also wanting hot cocoa. The twins stayed asleep. All three of them had sandwiches and after a while, a visitor arrived, Mrs. Whatsit. Mrs. Whatsit lives in “the haunted house” in the woods.


Charles Wallace, Meg, and their dog, Fortinbras go into the woods to see Mrs. Whatsit the next day. Suddenly they find a boy who’s name is Calvin. Calvin is a couple of grades above Meg. He is on the high school basketball team. They all introduced themselves and headed towards the house. Charles Wallace knocked on the door. A woman named Mrs. Who was knitting on a rocking chair inside the house. Mrs. Who is a friend of Mrs. Whatsit. They live together. Mrs. Who can only speak in quotes because it is too hard for her to verbalize her thoughts. Mrs. Whatsit wasn’t there so Calvin, Meg, and Charles Wallace went home.


Calvin stayed over for dinner. After dinner, Calvin took Meg on a walk and in the middle of the walk, Charles Wallace appears and says, “we’re going.” Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin head to the house in the woods. (Charles Wallace thinks that they’re going to find their father). When Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin are walking to Mrs. Whatsit’s house they find Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and a little silver shimmer in the air. The little shimmer start’s to talk, “ Alll rrightt, girrllss. Thiss iss nno ttime forr bbickkerring.” Charles Wallace says to Meg and Calvin, “That’s Mrs. Witch.”


That’s all I’m going to tell you because after that comes the part where you don’t want to put the book down. I loved this book because during a few of the chapters I couldn’t put the book down. When I stopped reading, I felt dizzy.


My favorite part of the book was when Meg, Charles Wallace, Calvin, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Witch all travel to a woman named Medium. And as they’re approaching Medium’s house, Mrs. Witch says “WWEE ARE HERE!”. I like that part because it is a little funny. (You will understand it if you read the book.)


I would recommend this book to people who like books that you can really get into because when I was reading it I literally could not put the book down. I would also recommend this book to people who like to read a book and want to be surprised because trust me, there are a lot of surprises. Lastly, I would recommend this book to people who like fantasy that is kind of realistic because the characters are easy to understand but what happens to them is fantasy. I think that ages 9+ should read this book. If you have read When You Reach Me you will love this book.


I would rate this book five stars!


This Isn’t What It Look Like by Pseudonymous Bosch

I recently read a book called This Isn’t What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch. It is a very mysterious book. One thing that makes it mysterious is that the author shows you chapters sometimes that seem random when you are reading them but by the end of the book, you know exactly why he showed you that chapter at that time.


The book is about a girl named Cass, who by eating a piece of chocolate, hopes she can find one of the most important pieces of information in the world. Then she falls asleep and goes into a coma, but in her brain, she is on a mission. Will she find out the information, or will she not? Will she get out of her coma, or will she die? I am leaving that for you to figure out. At some times, the book is really relaxing and funny, but at some times, you are not sure if the main characters (Cass and Max-Ernest) will make it back alive.


I rate this book four stars because the book is mysterious, but not quite a mystery.

Alice-Miranda At School by Jacqueline Harvey

The name of this book is Alice-Miranda At School by Jacqueline Harvey. The main character is Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones. She goes to a boarding school called Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for proper young ladies, when she was only seven.

While at school, Alice-Miranda finds that there are many unhappy people and that something is wrong. She finds that the Headmistress, Ophelia Grimm/Miss Grimm is nowhere to be found. There also seems to be someone hiding out on the premises. Alice-Miranda starts interrupting Miss Grimm’s study and Miss Grimm gets annoyed so Miss Grimm finds a way to get Alice-Miranda kicked out. Alice-Miranda has to do all different challenges to stay in the school.

I enjoyed this book because Alice-Miranda has her way of doing certain things that she should or shouldn’t do. My favorite part is toward the end of the book, when Alice-Miranda finally reveals a mysterious twist about Miss Grimm’s life- I have to keep it a secret though! I would recommend this book to people who like suspenseful books and mysteries. I really loved reading it because it kept me on my toes. Even though it was exciting, I would only give it 3 out of 5 stars.

The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley.

This book is about two girls, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm whose parent disappeared and were sent to live . The last trace of the person who kidnapped their parents was a bright red hand print. This book has a lot of emotion because Sabrina has a lot of anger in her. Daphne is very inthusiastic about life while sabrina is  a grump.

I give this story five stars.

The Forgotten Door, By Alexander Key

The Forgotten Door is a great adventure with many different twists keeping you on your toes.


Little Jon walks into a door/portal that sends him to a different planet (Earth). He falls and does not remember anything. But a family picks him up and drives him to their house and takes care of him. Later on they realize he can read minds and he tells people that in court when he gets blamed for stealing something. All of a sudden everyone wants to get a look at the mindreader. How will Little Jon get back to his own planet find out when you read it.

My favorite part is when everyone hears he’s a mind reader and gets scared.

Personally I did not enjoy the book so much.

I would rate this book 2 out of 5 stars.

I recommend this for 8 and up.

So if you like a cool adventure through space and a fun ending this is the book for you.

Kiki Strike, by Kristen Miller

In this mystery filled book a 13 year old girl named Ananka Fishbein thinks her life is boring until one day when she finds a sinkhole and sees a girl named Kiki Strike. you will meet a girl named sodionia in my opinion she is stuck up and snobby.Later on Ananka meets some mysterious girls Kiki Strike introduces her to. The girls names are Oona Wong, Betty Bent, Luz Lopez and Deedee Morlock. The series is set in New York city.

 I really liked this book and would give this book a five star rating.

THIS BOOK IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU! By Pseudonymous Bosch


My book is called: This Book Is Not Good For You! By Pseudonymous Bosch. It is part of a series. The first book is called : The Name Of This Book Is Secret. The second book is called: If You Are Reading To Late. The fourth book is called: This isn’t  What it Looks Like. There is a fifth book.

The main characters are Cassandra, Cass for short, Max-Ernest (By the way that is one name) and Yoji, Yo Yoji is what  his friends call him. The setting is all over the place because it is an adventure/mysteries book. The bad people are called The Masters Of The Midnight Sun.The two main bad people are called Ms. Mavuis and Dr.L. You find out in the first book that they look like they are 20 but they are really 200. The club that Cass is in is called The Terces. That is secret backwards because they are protecting a secret that the reader dose not Know about.


I would recommend this book to someone who likes mystery and adventure. I would rate this book 5 stars out of 5. *****.



Pish Posh, by Ellen Potter

I read Pish Posh, a book by Ellen Potter. The main character is Clara. She is eleven and has her own apartment because she’s rich. But a girl named Annabelle tries to steal from her. What do you think Clara thinks about that? Meanwhile she was still working at Pish Posh, her parent’s restaurant. Thinking about Dr.Piff  someone she met who is very mysterious. You will find out more about Dr.Piff if you read the book yourself.

I would rate this book five stars out of five.This book would be good for 3rd and 4th graders.