Fake Mustache By: Tom Angleberger


So everyone thinks Lenny and Casper are two middle school nerds. Lenny believes that, but Casper just wants power and control, which every typical kid wants, but they do not try to get it the way Casper did. Now I am going to tell you how Lenny and a friend, who I am going to introduce to you later in this story, saved the world from Casper. Oh I forgot to tell you the name of my book is Fake Mustache by: Tom Angleberger. Back to the actual story. So the main part of this story is actually a problem. So Casper bought this mustache that was apparently a really fancy one. The mustache was magical in a way because it hypnotized everybody in town causing them to listen to whatever Casper says. Casper made everyone think that Lenny was the bad guy and he was the good guy. The story takes place in Casper and Lenny’s home town.

I would describe Lenny as brave because he stood up to Casper even though Casper was basically trying to kill him. Lenny is a really sweet kid because he made Jodie like him. I would also describe Lenny as smart because he came up with all these plans to save the world and stop Casper. I would describe Casper as a maniac. What type of person would meaningfully buy a mustache to hypnotize everybody and take over the world? Casper is not a very loyal person because he just turned his back on Lenny to get what he wanted. But I also think Casper is kind of sad because his parents never payed attention to him so he was trying to get attention. Lenny meets this famous actor named Jodie. While he is trying to save the world from Casper. Jodie was from the TV show, Jodie O Rodeo. Her TV show was cancelled. Then Lenny met Jodie. It turns out Caspers plan leads up to him running for President.  He almost became President and took over the world but luckily Lenny and Jodie came to the rescue. At the end of the book surprisingly Lenny forgives Casper and becomes friends with him again. I find that a really big decision. But the book just ends. You could have wrote a whole story about that. I kind of found it really annoying that the book just ended. But if the author decided to make another book in this series people would really want to read it.

I really liked this book. It was very interesting. The book was very silly and wacky. You would never think a author would write a book like this. When you thought something was going to happen something completely bizarre happens instead. I would really recommend this book. It is a fun and quick read. If you like crazy this is the perfect book for you. If you like simple and more predictable books you probably wouldn’t enjoy this book as much. This book is so different. I can not think of anything that relates to this book.

I would rate this book: FIVE STARS

Crogan’s Vengeance by Chris Schweizer

Crogan has a big problem. A pirate who Hates Crogan is the captain of Crogans ship and is  trying to kill Crogan. The setting of this book is Tortuga, another island, and Crogan’s ships. Actually, this book is really set in a random suburb because the author uses a framing device. A framing device is where you have two stories, usually someone is telling the story or thinking of it and the “framed” piece is the main part but the non-framed part is what’s really happening. Crogan is very acrobatic. There’s a reason he’s called “Catfoot” Crogan. He can swing from the crow’s nest on a rope in a semi circle and land next to the captain.imgres


Crogans old captain had a set of rules that keeps the pirates alive. For example one rule is not to plunder French ships because the pirates are helped by the French. A big event is when D’or (the new captain) decides to plunder a French ship so Crogan gets in trouble because too many people knew that Crogan was with D’or in a French island. That is also a problem because it means that D’or will give Crogan a bad reputation. Another important event is when the old captain give Tom Dander the small ship not D’or, his first mate because this makes D’or really mad. Theres a good quote from the old captain that helps prove my point. “In truth,I was surprised he didn’t throw thunder when I named Tom Dander captain ‘stead of him.”

I enjoyed this book a lot because it is good and has lots of action and suspense. Also, the story of Crogan is interesting because he starts as a man working for a crazy captain and ends up joining a pirate ship. I would recommend this book to people who like pirate adventures. I would also recommend this to people who like lots of action. I would rate this book ****4 stars out of five because it wasn’t that funny.

My Name Is Mina And I Love The Night Anything Seems Possible At Night When The Rest Of The World Has Gone Sleep, By David Almond.

“My Name Is Mina” is about a girl who starts to write a journal about her life. But there is a catch. She does it at night. She says anything is possible when the rest of the world has gone to sleep. Well Mina isn’t the coolest kid around. She writes in another diary during the day in a tree. So she gets bullied a lot. This book changes years constantly so you kind of have to keep up. Mina lives in England. She gets kicked out of school because she write nonsense on an important essay the had to write.


Here is a quote from “My Name Is Mina.” “Sometimes I look at the world and I am amazed that there’s anything at all. Why is there anything? Why is there something? Rather than nothing? Why? Why? Why? Why? Was there just nothing? And did that nothing turn into something? And if that nothing turned into something how did it do it, and why? Why? Why? Why?


Well Mina isn’t exactly the worlds, average kid. She is a bit mental. So she is not mental in a way that makes her stupid just in a way that makes her strange. Find out if Mina gets back into school and gets a normal life. If you read this book. I give this book a four and a half star rating. It was good but it was a little weird. At first I thought it would be a complete waste of time.


But this book really taught me that we are lucky about what we have. And what our brain is like. We have normal brains. Some kids are really messed up in the head. But we are lucky enough that that did not happen to us. I also liked the book because it was they gave you interesting facts and fun things to do when you have free time.


Mallory on the move by Laurie Friedman


Mallory On The Move is a book about a girl named Mallory who has to move away from her lifelong BFF. When she moves she will have to make new friends with new people she is not so happy about that. She meets a boy whose name is Joey and Mallory likes that she has a friend. Mallory and Joey love the street that they live on because the street that they live on is called Wish Pond Road. Wish Pond Road has a wish pond.


Mallorys BFF Mary-Ann comes to visits Mallory and she is not expecting Joey to be friends with Mallory. “How about we all play,” Said Mary-Ann. That is a good idea to her, but most groups of three don’t work if they all play. Bad decision. Read the book to find out what happens next so I don’t spoil the ending.


This book is a really good book because there are 14 books in the series so you can read them all. The names of them are  Mallory on the Move,  Back to School Mallory, Mallory vs. Max, Happy Birthday Mallory, In Business with Mallory, Heart to Heart with Mallory, Mallory on Board, Honestly Mallory, Campfire Mallory, Step Fourth Mallory,  Red White & True Blue Mallory, Happy New Year Mallory, Mallory Goes Green and Mallory in the Spotlight. ( they are in the order to read them.) I rate this book 4⅔. If you are 8-12 This book is good for you.




Popular Clone By M.E. Castle

Popular Clone is about a boy named Fisher Bas. He is very unpopular. He is bullied by three kids called “the Vikings.”  When he makes a clone (which he calls “Two”) to live is horrible life for him, Two becomes popular. He starts causing trouble. Fisher is afraid that someone will find out that Two is a clone.

To make the clone,  Fisher used his mother’s very dangerous AGH (Accelerated Growth Hormone). The evil Doctor X is trying to find it. If he finds out that “Fisher” is a clone, he will take over the world. When Doctor X captures Two, Fisher must go on a dangerous adventure with his loyal pet flying pig to save him. Can Fisher keep  the secret away from Two, that he is not a clone, but his brother on a mission to find his mother. AND save Two?

I liked this book because it was really funny and the characters were interesting. My favorite part was when Fisher tried to find out what Two was doing at school. I liked that part because we learn how Two becomes popular, because Fisher didn’t know what was happening with Two at school.

This book is in a series called “The Cloneward Chronicles.”

I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.


Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant is about a girl named Tris who used to live in a city that was divided into factions. This book is about her and her boyfriend, Four after they leave the city to see the outside world because the first tyrant, Jeanine gets overthrown. But the  power just changes to the next tyrant, Evelyn  who got rid of the factions. Evelyn tries to kill Tris and the Allegiant, a group of people who want factions back.


The Bureau of Genetic Welfare hate “genetically damaged” (people with damaged genes) and try to fix the genetically damaged  by making experiments (cities with factions) namely the city Tris and Four lived in. Four, Tris’s boyfriend is genetically damaged (Tris isn’t genetically damaged), but doesn’t like it. If the experiments backfire the bureau resets the city with a memory serum so the experiments don’t all get shut down because if the government  sees that the experiments don’t work all the experiments will get shut down.

At one point everyone in the city is about to die because the Allegiant are trying to kill Evelyn and the people that are with Evelyn. Evelyn has death serum and if she releases it everyone will die, so the bureau will try to  reset the city. Tris and Four try to figure out how to stop everyone from dying without resetting them.I would recommend this book to people who like dystopian action books. I rate this book 5 out of five even though it is a little intense.

Insurgent By Veronica Roth


This book is great for kids ages 10 and up. It gives you a peace of your mind that you would never think of, it also warns you that the government is great. I also liked it because it is full of adventure it has guns in it though. So if you don’t want a hard core adventure book this book is not for you. I would not recommend this book to younger kids because it is kind of intense and it might get them to cries a little bit. I also want to tell you that it’s the second book in a trilogy. The first one is Divergent. The plot is that a faction over through the government, and the main character a girl named Tris and her friend Tobias have to return it to all the factions instead of just one. Will they win or will they lose and die, find out if you read this book. I give this book a five star rating, it also one a book award that is how good it is. Let its magic take over and read that trilogy now.

The Chocolate Touch, By Patrick Skene Catling

The title of my reading partnership book is The Chocolate Touch, by Patrick Skene Catling. The main character is John Midas and the book takes place far in his town. After John finds a mysterious coin, he buys a box of chocolate and everything he eats or touches his mouth, turns into chocolate. John starts to have problems with this. My favorite part is when the song from the play comes up in chapter eight, “Where the pools are bright and deep, Where the gray trout lies asleep, Up the river and over the lea, That’s the way for Billy and me….” I enjoyed this book, I would give it three stars on a scale of five stars because it wasn’t my favorite book. I would still recommend it, especially to people who like fun, fiction books.