
995468606The book I read for this book reivew is called Ratburger, by David Walliams. The main characters in this book are Zoe (a twelve year old girl), Armitage (a rat), and Burt (a burger vender). What Zoe is trying to change is Burt is taking all the rats in the city that he can find to a beat up old building and torturing the rats. Now Armitage is one of them. The setting of the book is the rusty, dusty, apartment in a tall tall building in the middle of the city, that Zoe is living in, along with her dad, and evil stepmother, Sheila, who just wants a roof over her head and cocktail crackers and nothing else to do with the family.

One big event that happened in the story is when Burt is trying to kill all of the rats and Zoe’s dad was about to fall into the machine that Burt was using to kill all of the rats. This event is so important because Zoe, her dad and everyone who was there had to go through the memory, and that is really suspenseful, someone could have died! Another part of the book that was super important is when Zoe was caught for bringing Armitage into school twice and she got a three month suspension. One other important part of the book was when Zoe and her dad made an ice cream truck (from Burt’s van,) and gave out ice cream. This is so important because, you see, Zoe’s dad always dreamed of giving out ice cream — he didn’t care how, he just wanted to.

One adjective to describe Zoe is fearless, because she was scared, but happy about doing it in some parts of the book. An example is when Zoe was rescuing her rat, she was smiling in the picture. Another adjective to describe Zoe is sad, because Sheila locked her in her room and she was sad that she wasn’t going to get out. Another adjective to describe Zoe is smart, because again, when her stepmother locked her in her room, she decided to take off the braces on her teeth and use them to dig a hole in the wall. A quote that helped me understand Zoe better is: “All I care about is Armitage. I have to save him.” Why that helped me understand Zoe better is because it shows that she loves Armitage, and she would do anything for him.

I LOVED the book. I loved every part of Ratburger, but my favorite is when Zoe found her rat’s name. It is a particularly funny story. I also loved the big fight with Zoe’s dad, Zoe, Burt, and Sheila. It was a funny sight in my head because Sheila is chubby, and makes big effort noises to move. I would recommend this book. David Walliams is a really disgusting, but really funny writer, and his books are so touching. I know for a fact that none of David Walliams’ books are like anything else. It is so unique because it is a book of heart, meaning it is — indescribable! And he is such a good writer, I’ve never liked an author so much in my life! He is just so amazing. I would give this book five stars — millions if I could. I hope if you read this book, you will have the same exact reaction as I did.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School by Jeff Kinney

imgresThe book that I read is called
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Old School. The author is Jeff Kinney. This book is part of a series called Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.  I have read some of other books in this series. The main character in this book is named Greg and a lot of unlucky stuff happens to him. He is in middle school and has two brothers, a mom and a dad, and a lot of friends. This book takes place on a farm and in the town’s park it’s in the school year. The story is about a normal kid just living his life.

The main problem for the main character in this book is that he’s stuck at a farm that he hates. Greg keeps trying to escape but he keeps failing. One really interesting part in the book was when Greg brought baby wipes to the farm. I think this is funny because baby wipes are for babies not for middle schoolers. Another thing that was interesting was when Greg’s dad made up the story of Silas Scratch because he wanted a shed with a workable toilet all to himself. Silas Scratch is a made up story about a farmer that lost his farm land so he grew really long nails and that is why his last name is Scratch. This was interesting because Greg was really scared of Silas Scratch.

Greg is determined because Greg kept on trying to get out of the farm but never could until it was over. Greg is also brave because he went in the woods at night to get firewood. Greg is also unlucky because everything he tries not to do, he does. “Don’t break the car,” Greg says to himself and then ten minutes later, “Dad’s going to kill me, I broke his car!”

I enjoyed this book because it was really funny and I really like funny books. It had a mystery and I love mysteries. I recommend this book because it’s a book that both girls and boys would enjoy because it’s really funny. This book reminds me of Diary of a Wimpy Kid the movie because it’s basically the same thing. I would rate this book 5 STARS!

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

UnknownOne book I read over winter break is called Nimona.  Nimona is by Noelle Stevenson. Nimona and Blackheart are the main characters. The main problem is that Nimona splits herself into two parts, the fear self and the strong self. The strong self turns Nimona into a dragon; the fear self makes her small, like a child. Nimona is a book about power, because Nimona is a villain with Blackheart, who is an evil scientist. Nimona is a shapeshifter, which means she can turn into anything. The book takes place in a lab, where Nimona and Blackheart work.

One part of Nimona that I thought was interesting is how evil Blackheart and Nimona are. That is very interesting because in most stories the main characters are good. One big event that happened in Nimona was when she split herself into two parts. The dragon part can talk, but also talks back a lot, which is really Nimona (she talks back a lot). Then it was up to Blackheart to either leave her in the fire that she was making as a dragon, or get her out of there. This event is so important because everything was fine but then Nimona burnt it all down. 

Nimona is different because she is a shapeshifter. One time she turned into a old lady, to steal an apple. Another word to describe Nimona is powerful. Because she is a shapeshifter, she can turn into anything, like a dragon or a girl with a monster’s arms, and have that person’s or thing’s power. “I have NEVER lost my powers,” Nimona said. One more word to describe her is unexpected, because she can creep up on you at any time. An example is when she robs a bank, because you don’t see her coming.

I LOVED Nimona because it was so suspenseful. One example is when Nimona turns into a cat and gets stuck in the middle of a carnival. Another example is when Nimona punches down every single door in the lab because she is mad. In both cases, I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see how it would turn out. I would recommend this book because it is really kid-appropriate. It is also a book about changing the way you think about someone when you get to know them and go through something scary together. This is an extraordinary book – there is nothing else like it. It is unique because it is a book about passion and working together, and happiness. I would give this book five stars — maybe even one hundred stars, if I could! This is a one-of-a-kind book, so I bet you will love it if you read it.

The G-Man Super Journal by Chris Guiarroso


The book that I read is called G-MAN SUPER JOURNAL AWESOME ORIGINS written by Chris Guiarroso. The main character in this book is G Man. All of G Man’s friends are getting super powers one by one. G Man is the only one without super powers so he uses a blanket as a cape then he gets super powers. This book takes place at G Man’s school in the future.

One thing that I found that was interesting was that every time one of his friends got a super power then G Man tried to get that kids super power the same way that kid had gotten it. I found this interesting because he fails over and over again. Another interesting thing was that a blanket gave him super powers. G Man’s family had a special blanket that they would use whenever they were sick to make them feel better. He got desperate for super powers and he thought since the blanket had magical powers to make his family feel better that he could use it for a cape to fly. He cut a piece off and he could fly. In the end his brother got jealous that G Man got super powers so he uses the rest of the blanket as a belt and then he flies too. One big event that happened was when there were superhero tryouts at G Man’s school. He couldn’t go because he got detention for talking back to the teacher.  It changed the whole book because he couldn’t go to the tryouts to get super powers because he was in detention.

G Man was determined because he kept trying to get super powers.  He kept failing but eventually he got super powers.  He was determined because when he had super powers he had to fight a bad guy and he didn’t quit until he won.  He was emotional because many times in the book he got mad and sad.  He got sad when he could not go to the super hero tryouts.  G Man was brave because when someone said to him “This is my flying area, you are not allowed to fly here,”  G Man said, “Well guess what, who said we can’t.”

I enjoyed this book because it’s about super heros and I like super heros. I would recommend this book because it’s really fun to read. There is a lot of action in this book. This book reminds me of AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON.  It reminds me of this because at the end of the book they are all fighting the bad guy. In the movie, at the end they all fight the bad guy too. My rating for this book is five stars! It was so fun to read. I felt like it was happening all around me. It was so cool.  

Freaky Friday By, Mary Rodgers

      unnamedThe book I read over winter break was Freaky Friday, by Mary Rodgers. The main character in this book is Annabelle Andrews. Annable is 13 years old has brown hair and brown eyes. The problem in the story is that one night Annable and her mom get in a big fight about freedom. So the next morning when Annable woke up she was in her mom’s body, her mom’s room and her mom’s clothes. The story takes place mostly in their house.

  The fight Annable and her mom had was a big bad one. It was about everything food, clothes freedom, electronics, school, and more. Annable said that it was not fair that she could not eat marshmallows for breakfast. That’s when the whole fight started. Later on in the story, Annable loses her son (little brother) and she calls the police.  In the beginning of the book, I didn’t think that anything crazy would happen like life’s switching but it happened and when it happened it turned the book into a whole different story.


Annable Andrews is brave, nice, and awesome. Annabel is brave because when she found out that she was her  mom, she didn’t panic she was excited to be a mom. Annable is nice because she cares for her children (siblings).

I really enjoyed the book, because I love all of the Freaky Friday books, stories, and movies. I also really enjoyed the book, because I always wondered what it would be like for a child to be a parent. If you liked the movie Freaky Friday  you’re also going to like this book. I rate this book 4 and a half stars, because it is a fun, short, easy book to read and it’s a really good book.

When Life Gives You .O.J By, Erica .S. Pearl


This book is about Zelda ( but everyone calls her Zelly ) a eleven year old who just moved from Brooklyn to Vermont. This girl lives with her Mom, Dad, Brother, and her grandfather Ace. Zelda really wants to go home to her house back in brooklyn, she also wants a dog but her parents just say no, because they think it’s too much to take on in there small apartment. Ace is pretty crazy and has a big booming voice like an elephant you could probably hear his voice from a mile away. One day she wakes up with a jug on the side of her bed that says, “meet me in my room it’s important!” – ACE. When she goes to Aces room Ace is at the side of his bed watching .T.V   she asks what the jug thing is all about and Ace says it’s a practice dog and she could use it to get her a dog but if she is going to have to name it, so she names it OJ after all it is a orange juice jug! In astonishment she takes on the challenge and walks the dog three times a day (morning, day, and night) , and feeds him at lunch time with dog food and water, and on every walk she must unscrew the cap of the jug and pour out the wet dog food on the curb of the sidewalk. Her goal is to get her parents to notice her responsibility, and get Ace’s scheme done by the end of the summer. The setting of this book is in the summer in Vermont mostly at her house mostly outside and mostly with OJ.


At some point in the book she meets a new friend besides her other friend at sleep away camp. The new friend is Jeremy who is her neighbor     and surprisingly thinks oj is a great idea and that changes her perspective in moving to vermont ( that moving to vermont was not a bad idea ). Also at one point she has a sleepover at her friend’s house and then it really  backfired and everybody started being really mean to her. And that changed her perspective in staying friends with allie the girl who went to sleep away camp. One part was when ACE her grandpa gets a heart attack and goes to the hospital and she has to go home from her sleepover and that really changes her emotions and life. Before ACE has the heart attack she throws out ok because she thinks it’s her fault that ACE had a heart attack and that really changes the way she thinks about everything and ACE. The two adjectives i would describe Zelda with are, serene because she is quiet and keeps a lot of things in her head and to herself. Then for the second adjective, she is very circumspect because she was very catious and made sure nobody saw her walking OJ.


I really enjoyed the book for a fun- to read book and learned some things from the book and reading the book was a senior adventure into this 10 year old’s life. I really liked this book because it was about dogs and a girl with the love for her grand father. This book is also really interesting because it’s about her grandpa and usually it’s about the mom or the dad or BFF. And that’s why i found this book really interesting to read. I would rate this book a 4 because at some points in the story it got really boring.


Henry Huggins By Beverly Cleary

81VDSr07o4LHenry Huggins by Beverly Cleary, is about a nine year old boy who is pretty normal. The main character is Henry Huggins. He lives with his mom and dad in a house on Klickitat Street during the 1950’s. One day Henry finds a dog and names it Ribsy and brings it home. Ribsy gets Henry into a lot of trouble. For example, Henry, accidently throws a very expensive football in a car because Ribsy barked at him. Ribsy saw a car coming that Henry did not see, so Henry let go of the football because he was so surprised by Ribsy’s bark. The ball belonged to his friend Scooter. So Henry has to buy another football for Scooter by Sunday and if he does not, he’s going to be in BIG trouble. Henry was also going to buy the football that Scooter had but now he has to buy two and they are very expensive.

Some adjectives that describe Henry are kind, funny, and hardworking. Henry is kind because he took good care of his guppies. Henry is funny because he says “Golly” a lot which in my opinion is funny. Henry is hardworking because he earns enough money to pay for Scooters football by collecting Nightcrawlers (which are worms for fishing). One interesting part in the story is when Henry finds Ribsy. Henry finds Ribsy outside the drugstore on his way home. He tries to bring Ribsy home on the bus, but the bus driver tells him he has to put Ribsy in a box. It takes three tries before Henry gets on the bus with Ribsy. Henry gets in trouble with Ribsy on the bus and a police car comes and brings Henry and Ribsy home.  Another interesting part is when Henry is in a school play and he gets the part of a little boy and does not like it. Henry is very angry because everyone is making fun of him. Ribsy saves Henry by spilling green paint on Henry’s face so he has to play a green elf and not the little boy. One thing that changes the story is when Ribsy wins a dog show and Henry and Ribsy become popular.

I like Henry Huggins. Henry gets in trouble a lot and he is always really funny. I really like the part when the green paint falls on Henry’s face. I also like the part when Henry finds Ribsy. I would recommend this book to everyone because there are no bad words or bathroom humor and it’s a good book. I also recommend this book because it’s almost like a real story from a long time ago. Henry Huggins is a realistic fiction book. This book reminds me a little bit of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days. I would rate this book four stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is the first book in the Henry series and I recommend reading the other books in the series, even though I have not read them yet.

Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself, By Judy Blume

imgresI read the book Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself. The author is Judy Blume. The book takes place in the year 1947 in Miami, Florida. It is about a girl named Sally and her life after World War 2. Sally is in 5th grade. She is nine years old. Sally has many ups and downs in her new life in Miami. A down is that her father cannot stay in Miami with them, because of his job he has to stay in New Jersey. An up is that Sally has many new friends in Miami.

Her father visits every once in awhile, so Sally’s only communication in between visits, is to write to him. Sally tells her father all about Miami, and recent activities, and things that have happened. I love Sally’s letters to her father. They are very descriptive and interesting. I especially like how her letters to him start with, Dear Doey-Bird. That is Sally’s nickname for her father. I think that nickname is pretty funny!

Sally and her family moved to Miami because her brother Douglas got a kidney infection. I will not tell you why Douglas got a kidney infection because I don’t want to spoil an important part in the book. I can relate to this part of the story because my brother has many food allergies and eczema. Eczema is when your skin starts to bleed and gets very itchy and uncomfortable. Every year my family goes to Hawaii for the summer. The weather helps my brother’s eczema. This is similar to how Douglas feels better in Miami because it is not cold. Another connection is that I live in New York and they live in New Jersey. New York and New Jersey are right next to each other.  

Sally is a very interesting character. She is cautious, smart and sometimes brave. For example, on page 102 and 103 it says After years and years of her mother’s warnings it was finally happening. A strange man was offering her candy!He shook the bag of candy at Sally. Go on take ” “No!Sally said and rode off, almost knocking the man over. She likes and thinks some things that you might think are odd for a nine year old girl. Sally likes to call herself a detective because that is her favorite game to play. On page 27 Sally says, I’ve got this really great detective story ready. We’re after this murderer who cuts people up and stuffs the pieces into brown lunch bagshe leaves the bags all over town and the people are really scaredthis is no ordinary murdererthis guy is dangerous. This gave me the idea that Sally enjoyed different types of games than other kids.

A case that Sally worked on was the case of old scary Mr. Zavodsky, the man who offered her candy. Sally thinks that Mr. Zavodsky is Adolf Hitler(A.H.). She thinks he looks like A.H. because he has slick, dark hair and a small black moustache. There are no pictures in the book but you know what the characters look like because Sally is very good at explaining them.

If I were Sally I would write another note to Mr. Zavodsky. I would say to him, I know who you are, and you can’t hide forever! So admit who you are now or I will tell everyone your real identity. I will not ever call you Mr. Zavodsky again because that is your fake identity. Don’t try to trick people that you’re good by trying to give them candy that probably has poison in it! You can trick my friend Andrea but you can’t trick me! From Detective Sally, your worst nightmare.

I enjoyed this book so much! I liked it because it is funny, exciting, sad, well written and the characters are like a never ending maze! When I read this book I couldn’t stop! I personally think that it is an amazing book. Out of all the Judy Blume books I have read, I think that this one is my favorite. Judy Blume really captures the moments and describes the scenes. It is such an amazing book I didn’t want to stop reading it! I want you to have that feeling too, so that is why you should read this book!

Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself is a great book for 4th graders and higher. If you like mysterious, funny, interesting, breathtaking books, then you should definitely read Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself.

I rate this book FIVE STARS!




Sisters Grimm 2, By Michael Buckley


I read a book called The Sisters Grimm 2 by Michael Buckley that was commendable. This book is part of a series called The Sisters Grimm. The central characters’ names are Daphne Grimm and Sabrina Grimm. This book takes place in Ferry Point Landing. The complication in this book is that there are monster problems at Ferry Point Landing Elementary, Daphne’s and Sabrina’s school. The girls try to solve the mystery of their school and go on an adventure.

Other characters in this book are Mayor Charming, the Mayor of Ferry Point Landing, Snow White and Mr. Grumpner.  Snow White is Daphne’s teacher and Mr. Grumpner is Sabrina’s teacher. Sadly Mr. Grumpner meets his death by a giant spider and is replaced. Other characters are Mr. Sheepshank, a teacher, and Relda Grimm, the girls’ Grandma and Puck, a “friend” of Sabrina’s.

Sabrina is tough and angry because in the first few days of school she already got in many fights. Another example is that she is always getting mad at people. Daphne is goofy, silly and kind because she tried to ground her older sister. Another example is that she loves making silly faces. The last one is that when her sister got a broken arm she gave her sister a big hug. I enjoy that the two sisters have very different personalities.

The plot is fascinating. One part that is very interesting is when a giant frog girl starts chasing them. It was very interesting because I did not expect that to happen. Another thing that was interesting is when Sabrina gets in a fight with someone she loves. That was interesting because those people had never fought before. The main character made a big decision when Sabrina tried to fight something much bigger than her.

I enjoyed this book very much because there were a lot of twist and turns and when you think you know something it ends up being much different than you thought. Another reason I enjoyed this book is because there were some classic fairytale characters like Rumpelstiltskin and Snow White. I would recommend this book to people who like twisted fairytales because this book is like a fairytale book just with lots of things you would not expect. At the beginning of this book you think it is going to go one way when it actually goes another. A connection I have with this book is that my personality is very similar to Daphne’s. I think it is a four out of five stars.            



I Even Funnier, By James Paterson


f906044348db44a554e9e441e04869ddThe book I am reading is I Even Funnier  by James Patterson . The main characters are Jamie, Pierce, Cool Girl, Gaynor,and Gilda. The story takes place in Long island in the present time. The book is about how Jamie’s friends are trying to help  him become  a good comedian. Jamie’s parents died in a car crash. Jamie survived but his legs do not work anymore and he was in the hospital for almost a year. In the hospital the nurses told him laughter is the best cure, so he watched comedians, he read joke books and he did everything he could to become funny.  When he was released from the hospital he hoped to become a comedian.  

When Jamie was released from the hospital he went to live with his aunt and uncle and his cousin, Stevie, who was the biggest bully in the world.  Stevie beat him up every day.  In the town where he lives there is a Planet’s Funniest Kids Contest.  Of course, Jamie entered the contest. The contest consisted of   several rounds of stand-up comedy to get to the finals. Jamie entered the first round not knowing anything about how the contest worked. He ended up winning the first round and the second, but then his uncle (a different uncle than the one he lived with) got sick so Jamie withdrew from the contest. Then Gaynor’s mom got sick and so he decided to make a Youtube video to help Gaynor’s mom feel better.

  The contest was still going on and two other people got to move on to the semifinals. However, there was also a wildcard slot and the judges picked him to fill that slot thanks to his Youtube video. When his uncle got better, Jamie went to the semifinals and then on to the finals, which was held  in Las Vegas. Jamie is very determined because he keeps on trying to win the contest and he does. He is also very nice because he helps other kids become good comedians. Also when people are bullying other kids he stands up for them.

I enjoyed the book because it was very funny and helped me understand that if someone is disabled, he or she can still do things like if they can not walk they can still play a game just in a wheelchair. I  also liked the book because Jamie got to the finals of the contest  by working hard and doing things for others like making the video for Gaynor’s mom to help her feel better, which was how he was able to move on to the finals. I would  recommend this book to somebody who is determined,somebody who likes comedy, and  somebody to whom friendship is important. I give this book four out of five stars.