Wonder By Raguel J. Palacio

The book I read was Wonder. It was written by Raquel J. Palacio. This book is kind of in a series because there are special chapters that the author made to show the other characters that are mentioned in the book. The main characters are: August, Jack Will and Julian. This book is about how August has been homeschooled his whole life and when he finally goes to school he has such a hard time. He has a hard time because of his facial deformity. Like how Julian says have you been a fire or something. But when Julian says it Jack Will steps in and tells Julian to shut up. And that’s when August made his first friend. One day August walked in and saw Jack Will and Julian looking for August because he was supposed to where a Boba Fett but came in as bloody scream. So August listened to there conversation and heard Jack Will say that I look like Darth Sidious (Julian’s costume). So he told him something like I don’t want to be friends anymore. (Couple days later) After some months they did make up. After that Julian started to put notes in our during the locker because Jack Will punched him in the face. But Julian did get suspended for two weeks. During those weeks they went on a nature retreat and on that nature retreat the seventh graders started a fight and then amos came in and wrecked them and they ran. When they went back to school August was popular. And Julian was super suspicious. And Julian was really unpopular. In the end August was awarded the award of being brave and stuff like that.

I believe August is brave, smart and sensitive. I believe August is brave because he went to school and put up with all of that teasing (even when he wasn’t in school he was teased). I believe August is smart because when he came into the school tour he wanted to join the science elective which is the hardest class in the whole school. August is sensitive because when Jack, Will, and Julian were talking August heard them and got really upset. He was upset because August heard that Jack Will said that August looked exactly like Julian’s mask, which was Darth Sidious a.k.a Emperor Palpatine. I believe that Jack Will is caring, ingenious and two faced. Jack Will is caring because when August came to the tour and Julian said something really mean Jack Will stood up to him. Jack Will is ingenious because the things he does just makes him seem really original like how he was kind of popular and caring because some people let popularity get to their head. Like how Julian did and started to be really mean. Jack Will is two faced because he is good friends with August but he was talking to Julian about something really mean about August. I believe Julian is short tempered, untrustworthy and popular. Julian is short tempered because after him and Jack Will had their “beef” soon after he started to do these really mean post it’s and putting them in their lockers. He is untrustworthy because he and Jack used to be best friends but then he stabbed him in the back and got punched in the face because of it. Julian is very popular because the second he made “plague” everyone believed him. There is only one rule do not touch August or you have the plague.

The most important part of the book in my opinion was in the end of the book when August won the award of being brave and things like that. This was important because August has some serious facial issues which made it more important, that August won the award it.The second most interesting part of the book in my opinion was when the seventh graders were bullying August and Amos and Miles stepped in and started a fight with the 7th graders.This is important for two reasons. One reason is this shows that even with a kid like August involved who grosses everyone out, there are still allies. The other reason is that people can change because Amos and Miles used to be in Julian’s group and now they are with August. Another interesting part of the book is how Charlotte only ever pays attention to August when the teachers teachers are around, otherwise she only nods hello. Jack Will is nice to him automatically but Julian I think we all know how he is to August. This is interesting to me because they were both asked to be August’s welcome buddy but only Jack Will was nice to him other than summer were nice to him. An important quote from the book was the first paragraph. The paragraph is, “I know I’m not an ordinary ten-year-old kid. I mean, sure, I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. I have an Xbox. Stuff like that makes me ordinary. I guess. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at wherever they go.” This is an important paragraph because it really shows what August feels and who he is. It shows that August is pretty normal but people are judging him by his cover not the inside.

I enjoyed this book very much. I enjoyed this book because it  has many different ways you can think about the book. Like which side are you on, Julian or August. Another reason is because it has a very interesting backstory and a even more interesting story line like how everything changes when August came into the school. Another reason is that this kind of continues the talk about bullying and allies. I would recommend this book. I would recommend this book to people who lies the kind of books with things happening on every page, not to readers who like take things in slowly. This book reminds me of nothing because nothing really has this book’s same story line, well nothing has the same story line of this book. What I’m trying to say is that this book really sticks out to me and many of other people have read this book and liked it to. Now for the one to five rating. One = I didn’t like it that much. Two = I didn’t like it. Three = It was pretty good. Four = I really liked. Five = I loved it. I want to read it again. And I would rate this book five.

Wish By Barbara O’Conner

The book I read is called Wish by Barbara O’Connor. Wish is about this girl named Charlie Reese, her Friend Howard, and Wishbone the dog. Charlie is sent to live with a family she does not know that well. When she goes to school she missed 11:11 to make her wish and she wonders, “will I ever make a wish here at a new school?” She is assigned a homework helper/buddy. This buddy, Howard the weird guy in the class, happens to be her new neighbor. At first she hates having a homework buddy and wants to get rid of him. But then when she gets home she spots a stray dog and there at that very moment she knew she was going to catch that stray dog. When she tries to catch him he just ran away from her. The next day she finds out Howard is also trying to catch that dog. Charlie already found the perfect name wishbone. Charlie chose wishbone because she thinks maybe the dog can give good luck and maybe a wish charm. But Howard thinks that is a stupid name. They have to work together to catch that dog.

Charlie is tough, likes dogs, and isn’t a very good student. Charlie is tough because she loves fighting and she doesn’t care about a lot of stuff. I know Charlie likes dogs because she wants to catch a dog and she thinks they are good for wishes. I know Charlie is not a very good student because she said, “I never really had good grades”,. I also know she’s not a very good student because she acts rude to the teachers and kids and doesn’t really care about school.

One part I thought that was interesting was when Charlie said, “I don’t need a homework helper” because later in the book Howard and Charlie become pretty good friends. I thought when Wishbone came to the house Charlie was staying in because without him coming to the house she wouldn’t try to catch him and she wouldn’t become pretty good friends with Howard and the whole book is about them trying to catch him. Another part i thought was important is when the teacher announces that Howard was going to be Charlie’s buddy because if she didn’t then they wouldn’t have known each other very well. A quote from the book is “none”. This quote was a line that Charlie wrote on the paper, it said describe your family. She decided to write “none” I decided to choose this quote because it shows you a little about who Charlie is. It shows you a bit how Charlie is by saying that you now know she is rude and tough and personally does not like her family.

I did not enjoy this book because I thought it was boring and I don’t like Charlie’s personality. I think Charlie is rude and doesn’t care about a lot of things and thinks shes so cool. I would not personally recommend this book just because I thought it was boring.I also don’t love Charlie’s personality because it’s a little rude and mean. This book does not remind me of any movie, t.v show, or book. I personally don’t think it’s unique either though.because I would rate this book one and a half stars because I did not enjoy this book and I couldn’t get into the book.


The Next Woeful Adventure For The Baudelaire’s


Oh the woe and misery of the Baudelaire’s won’t stop now and probably never will, at least with the dastardly Count Olaf and his troupe on the loose, still at large. Lemony Snicket is the writer of the woeful series of the Baudelaire’s. The book that my book review will be about is The Carnivorous Carnival, which I am devastated to say is full of all sorts of nefarious and cruel things. There are three weary, melancholy (and many other woeful words that I do not want to describe their luck as) Baudelaire’s. Violet Baudelaire who can invent or fix almost anything put in front of her or even way away from her. She is smart and acts like a mother towards Sunny. She is also the oldest Baudelaire at the age of 14. Violet has a ribbon in her pocket that she carries around with her everywhere. When Violet is thinking hard she ties her hair up with that ribbon.


Klaus Baudelaire is the second oldest Baudelaire at the age of 12. “Even though Klaus is only twelve, he had read more books than most people do in their whole life.” This is a quote from one of the previous books. Klaus will polish his “Harry Potter like” glasses when he is thinking hard. I compared Klaus’s glasses to Harry Potter’s because a lot of people have read that series. Klaus is by far the smartest in all different categories and has proven his knowledge by helping solve all of Count Olaf’s treacherous schemes.


Then there is Sunny Baudelaire, the last Baudelaire. Sunny was born right before the phantasmagorical fire burned down the Baudelaire mansion. Sunny is very small for her age, not much bigger than a loaf of bread. Being so small Sunny is probably the most overwhelmed by the bloodcurdling schemes of Count Olaf. Although Sunny is small, she makes up for her size with the size of her teeth. Sunny has razor sharp teeth, they are like two daggers in her mouth that have saved the Baudelaires many times. My favorite quote in the whole series is in the first book and it is about Sunny Baudelaire. “Even though the Baudelaires didn’t like their stay with the Poe’s, they were grateful for what they had. Violet tucked the covers in, Klaus put the books in stacks, and Sunny bit two teeth marks in Mr. Poe’s children’s shoes so she would not be forgotten.” The setting of this book is that there is a carnival in a desert in the Hinterlands on Rarely Ridden Road in an unpopular carnivorous carnival.


The Baudelaires always find a way to work around Count Olaf’s malicious schemes. The only sparks of good luck that The Baudelaires have is that: Violet’s inventions always work. Klaus always finds the right answers in his research. And Sunny’s teeth always come in handy. This time one of the most interesting things in the Carnivorous Carnival is that for the first time, the Baudelaires are the ones who disguise themselves. Violet and Klaus disguise themselves as a two headed freak to go in the freaks show. Sunny is disguised as a wolf baby. The attraction is that the two headed freak will eat sloppily and have people laugh at them. And Chabo (the wolf baby) will attack the audience while the acquisitive villains watch in delight.


One day Count Olaf and Madam Lulu (the leader of the carnival and a fraud fortune teller that is actually good but doesn’t want Olaf to know) go up to the Mortmain mountains to find out the real answer of the secret of V.F.D. Coming back with no evidence of the headquarters of V.F.D. they do bring back lions from the mountains that haven’t eaten in two days and are whipped by Olaf to do his bidding. Olaf and his troupe work all night to make a horrible pit which the lions will go in. In the morning when it is ready Olaf releases his dastardly scheme. “In the morning every day I will have one of the five freaks dive into the pit and perish for the amusement of the crowd. The audience will love it because it is sloppy eating and violence!” With the luck of the Baudelaires you can kind of tell who would be pick first to plunge into the pit first.


The only problem was that Esme Squalor threatened all of the freaks to throw Madam Lulu into the pit instead of jumping in themselves. It turns out that Esme wants Madam Lulu dead so she can have her boyfriend (Count Olaf) to herself. So there the Baudelaires were on the edge of the pit, about to jump into the pit. They didn’t want to throw Madam Lulu into the pit because Lulu was going to take the Baudelaires to the Mortmain Mountains to find the true meaning of V.F.D.


I enjoyed this book very much, actually I enjoyed all of the books in the series of A Series of Unfortunate Events. When I think of these books I think of some of the Roald Dahl’s tragedies like James And The Giant Peach. James was orphaned by a horrible tragedy that killed his parents and was sent with unsuitable guardians. I loved this book 5 STARS but there are thirteen books in this series that I don’t think that I would want to read it again so 4 STARS would be my final rating.

The title of my book is When you reach me by Rebecca Stead. It is about a girl named Miranda. The story is made of small (mostly not Image result for when you reach mealways) chapters. She had many things going on in her life you just lost her friend her mom is trying to win the 20,000 dollar pyramid and she had a homeless man outside her house that they call the laughing man and he always sleeps under a mailbox. The time period is the late 1900’s.


Miranda is kind of determined because she really wants her mom to win the pyramid and she practices with her and really wants her to win. She’s a little jealous of other people in the book either their house or skills. Imaginative because she reads A Wrinkle in time, she imagines about her and that book and some of the people in the book and how they relate. A lot of people develop in this book,  she learns a lot about people in the book and how they relate to other people in the book.


There is some magic in the book: like in some of the characters. She finds out more about some places and  gets strange things from somebody. an does not know who it is and why some people did what they did in the book. They talk about time in this book which was an interesting (even though it hurt my brain) and they also talk about the time in a Wrinkle in time.”sometimes you never feel meaner than the moment you stop being mean it’s like how turning on a light makes you realize how dark the room has gotten” quote from Miranda.


I really liked this book if you like a book with some drama a little mystery and some magic I would recommend this book or if you’re just looking for a good book to read. It’s a short book so you could read it pretty fast. This book reminded me a little bit of Wonder they might not have that much in common but it reminds me with the drama that both books have. It’s a page turner when you get further in the book and you get to learn so much about about all the characters. I would rate it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.

Teddy and Co by Cynthia Voigt


Teddy and Co


The title of my book is Teddy and Co by Cynthia Voigt. This book takes place on an island for all of the animals. This book is about a life through a teddy bear’s perspective. But this is not a normal teddy bear. This teddy bear has no legs. And this teddy bear loves to explore so it’s unfortunate that he can’t travel on his own. But he does have a wagon. In the book there’s a lot of characters. One is an Elephant named Umpah who loves to bake. Secondly a snake named Sid who loves to eat what Umpah makes. Thirdly a penguin who always is pessimistic and looks at the glass half empty rather than full. Fourth, Prinny a flowery pig who is always in a happy mood. Also, Zia a pink pig who is the worrier and lives in a completely pink house where every thing she has is pink. And last but not least Teddy, the thinker who brings this wonderful book together. Teddy and CoTeddy is creative, a wanderer, and a thinker. Teddy is a thinker because he uses his mind to come up with cool ideas. Teddy is creative because he comes up with those cool ideas to explore and tries to find out a plan to get the answer. Teddy is a wanderer because he takes those cool ideas and he finds ways to go out and and see if they could come true. Oh I wish I had a mind like Teddy.


One part that I think represents the story is when Teddy comes up with the idea to go past the apple trees. I think that represents the story because you really get how Teddy has a big imagination and he is always wondering something in his mind. Secondly I think it’s important when Mr. B a bunny ends up one day on the island. I think that’s important because the more excitement that adds to the book the better. I thought he was a really interesting character. The only thing that he wanted to do was live with the selfish penguin, Peng. Which I found hard to believe because who would want to live with a cranky, self minded penguin? Clearly Mr. B. Last but not least I thought it was funny when one day a doll appears on the island on her throne and declares herself queen. I thought that was ridiculous, but clearly the animals didn’t because they went right to working for the Supposedly Queen Clara. I mean, who goes up to a place and says “From now on I’m your queen?” By that you could guess the Queen thing didn’t last too long. A quote that I think represents Teddy is “I have an idea!” I think that represents not only Teddy but the book because the book is about his adventures and ideas and I think that Teddy is an imaginable bear with lots of adventures awaiting him.

I really loved this book and I felt like they made a really lovely sweet story! I loved this book because it’s full of happiness and lots of positivity and I would highly recommend it to all the people who love animals. If you like to read about animals please read it! I think this book is really unique and I think there’s nothing like it. (At least I think so.) I think this book is unique because I don’t think any other author could make characters as good as this author did. They made the book come together with all those wonderful characters! If I were to rate this book between 1 and 5 stars I would rate it Ten Million!

The Mysterious Benedict Society, Trenton Lee Stewart


The Mysterious Benedict Society is by Trenton Lee Stewart. This book is about four orphans who are all different in some way. One is very smart and brave. Another is very smart and nervous. One is a little smart but resourceful, handy, and athletic. The fourth is stubborn, short, and surprising (there is a little secret at the end of the book that will surprise you if you chose to read this book.) They all end up in this strange, secret, group of people who are trying to figure out a mystery. It was a dangerous mystery and almost the whole world relied on them. Little did the rest of the world know what was going on. The four children were informed that they were the one’s who needed to solve the mystery. The main characters in this book are Reynard Muldoon who is the very smart and brave one (Reynie for short). George Washington, the one who is very smart and nervous (Sticky for short). Kate Wetherall, the one who is a little smart, resourceful, handy, and athletic. The fourth is Constance Contraire who is stubborn, short, and surprising. I think that this book took place in 2017, if anything in the future. That is because although I don’t think that it mentions cellphones anywhere, but they do have technology that can brain sweep you, can project messages into your head without doing it one by one, and can make you feel good, relaxed and addicted to the machine all in one machine. That one machine is called The Whisperer. They also have secret codes, traps, secret entrance, and a whole lot more. This book takes place mostly in a boarding school.


One adjective that I would use to describe all four is dependable. Reynie is dependable because he is very smart, very brave, and the leader of The Mysterious Benedict Society. Sticky is dependable because he is very smart and even though he isn’t very brave and fierce, but when the moment comes when he needs to be brave, he does it and he does a very good job. Kate is dependable because she always finds a way to get the best out of something. For example, Sticky, Reynie, Kate and Constance were talking about how disable the computer’s connected to The Whisperer. Kate decided that she would do it. She went off to where she thought the computers would be. She saw that where she thought that it would be was covered with cement. Instead she found out some very, very important information by eavesdropping that would help them a lot on their mission. Constance is dependable because, like I said, she is very surprising. Alike Sticky, she is surprising (in a good way) at the right moments. Another adjective I would use to describe the four is brave. Reynie is brave because he is almost willing to do anything to help his society with what they’re trying to figure out. For example, Reynie had a session with The Whisperer and Reynie told everyone to sneak in on him and sabotage The Whisperer. He was that brave that he believed that his team could do it. Sticky is brave because when he needs to, he will do anything to help his team achieve their goal. Kate is brave because she is willing to do anything, hide, beat up teachers, search through buildings, anything. One example from the book is when Kate was running away from the executives and she climbed up a wall. Kate always carries a bucket full of tools. She dropped all of her tools while running away. “What good is your bucket doing now?” One of the executives asked. “I’m glad you asked!” Kate said, as she leaned over to fill the bucket up with water from the brook. It was instantly as heavy as a bowling ball. She gave the executive a friendly wink and dropped the bucket. Constance is brave because when she gets angry and wants to do something about it, she will not let anything in her way of stopping her from what she wants to do. Another adjective is smart. They’re all smart in different ways. For example they all solve problems in different ways. Reynie would probably would think of a very smart plan and use it. Sticky would think really hard on what to do then do it no matter what his mind told him to do. Kate would fight and jump and defend herself. Constance would put her mind set to making sure that no one would get in her way of doing what she wanted.


This was probably my favorite book ever. I had so many favorite parts. If I had to pick three though, one would be where at the beginning of the book, Reynie was going through all the secret tests to see if he was fit to be a part of their society. This was one of my favorite parts of the book because that was one of the parts of the book where I really felt a part of that story. I could really imagine what it would be like being either next to Reynie, or being Reynie. Another one of my favorite parts of this book was when at the end of the book, almost seven people were fighting the enemy who is the headmaster of the boarding school. That is one of my favorite parts of the book because it is very dramatic. Especially because it is about twenty pages from the end of the book so whatever happens there decides what the conclusion is for the book. My third is when the four children meet the headmaster of the boarding school and he looks exactly like the boss of their society! They get all mad and angry. Then they finally remember that the boss of their society said that he has a twin brother. That is another one of my favorite parts of the book because that could change the whole book. Would they have to fight the boss of the group that they were fighting for? No. They just got confused.


I really enjoyed this book because of how similar it was to reality, yet it still would never happen in reality. Two reasons that that is true is because one, they’re at a boarding school, but inside that boarding school is a machine that projects messages into people’s minds. The second is at first Reynie is taking a test to win a prize, next he discovers that that test is to see who is fit to be part of a secret society. This book doesn’t really remind me of anything. It is so unique because I don’t know another book or movie that includes this much information about everything that is going on at all times everywhere. If I had to rate this book between one and five stars, I would rate this book a five out of five stars.

Shadowmagic by Joshua Khan

The book I read is called Shadowmagic by Joshua Khan. The book is about a boy named Thorn and the leader of Gehenna, (grand city) Lilith (Lily) Shadow. There is a person trying to kill Lily Shadow and Thorn arrives and they find out who the killer is. In the book it takes place in Gehenna. To be more specific it takes place in Port Cutlas before moving to Castle Gloom and ends in the City of Silence. I have a zero percent clue of when it takes place.

Thorn is a smart, fearless, and a strong boy. Thorn is smart because he figured out who was trying to murder Lily. Thorn is fearless because he defeated a few of Gehenna’s and Lumina’s (also a grand city) soldiers while trying to get into Castle Gloom. Thorn is strong because he fell off a roof and did not break any bones or injure himself.


Three important parts that happened were when Thorn found his father, when Lily used magic and when a guard said to Thorn, “Your father murdered Lady Shadows family.” It was important when Thorn found his father because he said he did not kill Lily Shadows family. It was someone else! It was also important when Lily used magic because boys are only allowed to use magic. This was important because if a girl uses magic they would be sentenced to die but she summoned a ghost puppy named Custard and nobody knew!!! Lastly it was important when a guard said to Thorn, “Your father murdered Lady Shadows family.” Even though this is not true it was important because it made Thorn look like a bad person even though he is a great hunter and was trained and raised in the woods and he knew his father wouldn’t do that.

I enjoyed Shadowmagic because it always left you hanging so it really didn’t matter where you ended. For example when you finish chapter 47 which is the end of being in Castle Gloom and move into the City of Silence, Thorn realizes that Lily’s uncle (Pan) is using the Mask of Azeroth or the mask of the ,undead, to kill Lily and Thorn jumps on a  bat that is dying named Hades to save Lily. I would recommend Shadowmagic because it always gives enough detail to make you feel like you are there. For example on page 293 it says “The spectators surrounded them on all sides. She tried to back away but it was too late. They caressed her with icy fingers.” This made me feel like I was actually there that is why I recommend this book. This book reminds me of Heroes of Olympus: the House of Hades because it mostly takes place in the underworld and that is where it probably takes place (look at the map in the front if you read it). I would give it an infinity star rating but I can only give five so five!

Mother Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel Frederick

I read a Mother Daughter Book Club by Heather Vogel Frederick. It is the same author that wrote Absolutely Truly. The book is about four girls in sixth grade (middle school) and the girls are all very different. Their names are Jess, Cassidy, Emma, and Megan. Cassidy plays hockey, Jess lives on a farm, Emma wants to be a writer, and Megan wants to be a fashion designer. At first they don’t really get along, but then they become bffs. It starts with their mothers starting a book club, when Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan weren’t getting along. They read Little Women in their book club. I think the book club really brought the girls together.

Cassidy is brave, stubborn and self conscious. She is brave because she got pushed into the boards during hockey, but she kept playing. She is stubborn because she made a plan to tryout for hockey even though her mom told her “no” a thousands times. Cassidy is self aware because after she was really disrespectful to her mother, she realized she had been rude. Even though she realized what she said was wrong, in the end she didn’t apologize which I don’t think was right, but at least she realized!

I thought it was interesting the way Heather wrote the book. She wrote it so that the chapters or sections were either Emma’s, Jess’, Cassidy’s, or Megan’s perspective. I thought it was interesting because I’ve never read a book written like this and I like it. One of favorite parts was when the girls became friends, because it released a lot of tension between them. That I didn’t enjoy too much, it felt like one huge sass-off between the girls. A quote I thought was important was “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” This quote is important because the girls are learning how to steer the ships. I think steering your ship means to manage life.

I enjoyed this book, but it did have a slow start. The reason why is that at first they had to introduce the main characters (Jess, Emma, Cassidy, and Megan) which took time. I liked it because there were always these little events that kept the story exciting, like The “Beauty and the Beast” play. I found some beautiful language in my book. Since we marked beautiful language in Color Me Dark, I thought I would do it in my book. I also wanted to mark it because there were some good beautiful I liked: They’ll be ripe soon, just thinking about the way the thick purple skin burst when I bite down, releasing the sour juice inside makes my mouth start to water.” “My voice is as sharp as the blades on my skates.” “I fly up and down the rink, free as a bird.” “I close my eyes, feeling its thunder echo in my bones and in the hollow part of my chest.”

I would recommend this book because it is very different. It is different because it isn’t really one big plot, there are little events in the whole story. I think there is more books in this series but I don’t know. This author of this book doesn’t only write kids books she writes adult books as well. I rate this book three stars – it was pretty good.

Spy on History, Enigma Alberti and Tony Cliff

9780761187394.jpg (1760×2475)I just read a book called Spy on History, the authors are Enigma Alberti and Tony Cliff. This book takes place in Washington D.C. around the time of the Civil War. I don’t think this book is part of a series. This book a historical fiction. This book is about a woman named Mary Bowser. She is a spy who work in the White House. She tries to crack cases. She gets information that President Davis gets from the Union. Davis is the president of the U.S.A


Mary is Brave, smart, and sneaky. She is brave because she keeps going into president Davis is office to find information even though she’s not allowed to. She is smart because she couldn’t read or write but Mary had world knowledge. That means that she came get information from the thing a round her. She was sneaky because she mostly got away with things like going into President Davis’s office without anybody knowing.


Mary has a friend who’s also a spy that works at a clothing shop. Her name was Bet. Bet is an important part of the story because she found a way to solve a very complex code. The code gave Bet and Mary lots and lots of information about the Union. I’m sure Mary and Bet work for the Confederacy and cracking that case gave the confederacy lots of information about the Union. The Union and the Confederacy are to organizations that don’t like each other. Another person who is a big part of the book is the baker. The baker helped Mary with some codes because the baker passed on information from the Union so she could have a better knowing of the Union. In the book Mary accidentally gave the president’s wife a flower called Rhododendron. That’s the flower for danger. A maid called O’Melia scolded Mary forgiving the president’s wife the wrong flower.

“I didn’t know, I didn’t know.” said Mary. This helped me realize that Mary doesn’t really know what is what even though she had world knowledge.

I really liked Spy on History. I liked the book because I could really  imagine the Mary doing secret stuff. I would recommend this book for people who like spy work. If you do, this book is just right for you. This book reminds me of James Bond. It reminds me of it because James Bond is a spy who cracks code just like Mary. This book also reminds me of Sherlock Holmes because Sherlock Holmes is a detective and Mary is also like a detective in her own way. I give this book 5 stars because I would totally read this book again and again. And I bet each time I read it I will still love it.

Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff

I read Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff. The book is about a girl whose brother died and is really cautious. The girl’s name is Annie and her brother’s name is Jared. She has to find her way back to not being so cautious. On the way she also has some trouble with a friend named Rebecca. I think that the book takes place around now because she has messages on a phone. I think this book takes place more in the countryside because they are taking their bikes around and they aren’t that old. Maybe twelve or eleven. Also Rebecca has a back yard.

Annie Richards is very cautious, sad, and creative. She is cautious because after Jared died she wanted to make sure that she didn’t either. At one part she started sweating and thought that she was sick. She is sad because whenever Jared is not around at a family event it reminds her of old times and gets sad. She is creative because in the book it said before her brother died she loved making obstacle courses and the doing them. You have to be creative to make a good obstacle course.

I think that one important part in this book is when Annie spits out some stuff about her brother and how he is more important than a hamster. I think this is important because it shows that it is hard for her to think about her brother. Another important part of the book is when she gets told to close her umbrella. She got told to close her umbrella because when Jared died she got really cautious. Closing your umbrella is basically saying to Annie that she should stop being so cautious. When she told Annie to open her umbrella they were talking about Annie’s brothers birthday. I think that this is important because if she was not told to open her umbrella she would not have tried and let go a little. One more important part of the book is when Tommy, Jared’s friend, is talking and being nice to Annie. This is important because he also feels her pain about Jared dying.

I like this book for a lot of reasons. One is that the book is sad. I like books that are a little sad because it gives the book a nice plot to reflect on. The second reason is that I liked how she had a little problem with her friend. I like this because it makes the book more interesting when the book already is interesting. I would recommend this book because it always has something new to make it interesting. For example when she was just riding her bike and then a kid came and scared her. You did not see it coming, and it made it a lot more interesting. I think that this book is unique because does not remind me of any book or movie. Another reason why this book is unique is that in this book she has many problems not just one. I would give this book a four star rating because it was really good and I really liked it. I would not give it five because it wouldn’t have the same reaction if you read it again.