Fake Mustache by Tom Angleberger

61BaV6HUF1L   Fake Mustache

or how Jodie ‘o Rodeo and some nerdy kid saved the world from a mastermind criminal


Fake Mustache is not an ordinary book! Casper and Lenny Junior are best friends. Casper buys a fake mustache and a suit for a short man about town. Fake Mustache is by Tom Angleberger (who wrote Origami Yoda.)  Casper started robbing banks in disguise of short man about town with a fit handlebar mustache so no one will know who he is. Lenny decides to tell the police about what Casper did. But Casper finds out and gives his gold blocks and million dollars to the Heidelberg Novelty Company. Casper returns the other suit to become a different man. He gets a pinstripe suit and becomes Fako Mustacho. He is elected governor because everyone loves him. They live in a town called Hairsprinkle. It takes place in 2008. Lenny decides to wear a disguise and finds a Jodie ‘o Rodeo costume. “Who are you?”Jodie asks on the trolley and Jodie also believes that Fako Mustacho is a kid who has a fake mustache. But how can they prove that it’s true?



It started at school when Casper pays Lenny ten dollars which felt crisp like it came from the bank. Lenny and Jodie  try to save the world from Fako Mustacho. When Casper found out that Lenny turned him into the police he decided to do something mean in return. He became Fako and told people that Lenny was the evil one who robbed a bank and stole gold blocks. Everyone is hypnotized by Fako’s lie. Lenny is trying to defeat Fako so people know that it’s a fake mustache. Lenny likes to take his time because he spent lots of time trying to defeat Fako without violence. Lenny is very cautious to do the right thing. Also he tries not to use violence unless he really needs to because he just tried to steal Fako’s mustache by walking up to him and quickly grabbing his fake mustache. Lenny is also interested in girls because he wants to kiss Jodie. One of the most interesting parts was when Lenny got stuck in Fako’s office because Fako locked him in. Another part was when Jodie got a love text from Fako. When Fako texted Jodie I think that was important because it tells you more about what Fako likes. Lenny’s big decision was to move on without his criminal best friend. Nobody believes that Fako Mustacho is a kid with a fake mustache. When Lenny sneaks in the Heidelberg Co he meets Hank Heidelberg who gives  him edible chicken erasers, a fake booger gun to shoot fake boogers out of your nose, trick gum that electrocutes people when they touch it and a laughing bomb to make someone distracted with the laughing noise. Lenny is really aware of what is happening and tries to warn others. Also he is calm because Fako Mustacho is accusing him of a crime that Lenny didn’t do.


I really enjoyed this book because it has a lot of action. There are lots of lies in it too. I would recommend this book because it is a really good book. It is also interesting. I found out this book is interesting. When I told myself to put the book down so I could sleep my brain always told me just one more sentence. I have never read a book with a mastermind criminal so I have no connections but it does remind me of super heroes and saving the world except super heroes stories don’t involve crushes and a fake mustache. I would give it five stars.


Out of My Mind by Sharon M Draper

35Out of My Mind



The book that this book review is about is called Out of My Mind, it is by Sharon M Draper. In this book there is only one MAIN character, and her name is Melody. The main problem is that Melody cannot walk or talk, and that means she is in a wheelchair, and she cannot eat by herself so she needs to be fed, and she is in 5th grade! Most of the story takes place in Melody’s house, her neighbor’s house or the school that Melody goes to. But the actual state is Ohio, and the time is  the present.

If I were to describe Melody with three adjectives they would be, one smart. I say this because when Melody was 5 she went to the doctor to take a test to see if she could go to school. when she took the test she got more right answers than I would have, but she can’t talk! I also think that Melody is funny because she makes people laugh a lot. I also think that Melody is kind. Melody only has one friend, Rose and she is always really nice to her. Most of Melody’s problems are at school. One of the most interesting things that happens in this book is, when Melody finds a way to talk. Another interesting part was, when I saw the cover(the cover has a fish jumping out of a fish bowl and thought How does this have to do with anything? I think that the direction of the story does change, because Melody decides to take a test to be part of her school’s quiz team but I don’t want to give away the ending.

I really liked this book because I think that it is really interesting. But I don’t like this book because Melody’s sister almost gets killed, but I am not going to tell you how or when, I am just telling you Penny almost dies.  I would recommend this book to anyone who likes realistic fiction books because this book is realistic fiction. My class is reading the book Wonder. I think the book Out of My Mind is a lot similar to the book Wonder. I rate this book five stars



The Prophet of Yonwood



I chose this book because I enjoyed the first 2 books in the series The City of Ember. The author’s name is Jeanne Duprau, and the name of my book is The Prophet of Yonwood. The book is about Nickie who wants to accomplish three goals; something good for the world, fall in love, and not let her family sell her grandfather’s building. The main problem is a war is about to happen between America and the Phalanx Nations. The setting is Yonwood in America. The time is around the twenty-first century. Grover is another kid Nickie meets who studies snakes. He wants to study to become a herpetologist but he doesn’t have money to go to study this subject.


The main character is Nickie,who is adventurous, brave, and caring. Nickie is caring because she played a lot with Otis, her grandfather’s dog. Nickie is adventurous because she went downstairs to see what the clanging noise was.  Nickie hoped to achieve her goal #1,2, and 3. Nickie sent Grover $375, because Grover did not have money to study about snakes. Grover became a herpetologist and discovered a new type of snake that had a chemical that could be used as a powerful painkiller. Grover only became a herpetologist because Nickie gave him $375. Nickie was worried about the war. The president’s deadline was 1 day from war. The war didn’t happen in the end because the president stopped it. Nickie really misses her dad, who is working for the government on a secret mission. At the end of the book, she finds out where her dad is. This book also explains a lot about Ember: how it was created, why it was created and where it was created. Nickie’s dad was involved in the creation of Ember. The most interesting part was the end of the book where we got a glimpse to the future, and found out that the city of Ember was needed 50 years later.


I enjoyed the book because it has lots of cool things. It also has code that Nickie figures out where her dad was. It is very interesting because the prophet occasionally says things that came from her vision. The vision was a future glimpse.   I would recommend this book to people who have read the other two books, because it explains a lot of things about the city of Ember. A connection to life:  I have lived where there was a war before, and I am also interested in snakes like Grover. I would rate this book 5 stars but I wouldn’t want to read it again because I know what happens. I also don’t want to reveal a lot of information about the book, because I don’t like spoiling books for other people.

By Alon

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger



The main character Tommy knows something weird is going on and it starts with Dwight. This book is the first in the Origami Yoda series. The main characters are Tommy, Dwight, Harvey and Kellen. Tommy is trying to figure out if origami Yoda is real. The setting is 2011, and takes place at Macquarie Middle School.

The main character Tommy is nerdy, because he is obsessed with Star Wars. He is resilient, because he is also obsessed with trying to figure out if Origami Yoda is real. He is also friendly because he gives Dwight (the weirdest kid in school) a chance. Tommy trying to find out if origami Yoda is real and there are bumps along the road. The plot is also about the friendship and hatred that goes on with the characters. One of the parts I find interesting is when Harvey makes his own origami Yoda. Another part that I find interesting is when Tommy asks Sara to the dance, because it was all part of a bet. An event that changes the story is when origami Yoda gives advice for the first time, because the kids now know he gives good advice and they think it’s amazing that a puppet can give advice.

I enjoyed this book because the characters are all different but they all love Star Wars. Another reason why I enjoyed this book is because I really like realistic fiction, because it’s not normal but never gets too crazy. I would recommend this book because it has something for everyone. I would also recommend this book because the story can go anywhere. The genre is realistic fiction, because it has the weirdest plot ever but it’s calm . This book is connected to a book called Better Nate Than Ever. I rate this book 5 stars *****



Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library

imgresEscape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein was fantastic. The main character is Kyle Keeley. Twelve kids who won the best essay competition in school, will get to come in
to the huge new library. On this day the library is only open to them. But what the kids inside the library don’t know is that it is one big game! They are trapped! This book takes place in a HUGE library with games, mysteries (for the reader and the characters), and fun!


Kyle Keeley loves adventure. He enjoys playing games with his siblings and solving mysteries. He also loves video games. The first thing that he wanted to do in the library was go to the video game room. He is really smart. He always figures out ways to do things. This book is super exciting because there are so many different rooms in the library like the video game room and the food room, and there are platforms that you can stand on to make you fly (one of the characters uses them!). I think some of the most important things that they find are the clues. There are little pictures of them throughout the book. They are important because the clues help them get out of the library. One part that I enjoyed was when one of the kids, named Sierra, gets on a platform that makes her levitate. She was flying. Another thing that was exciting was when they figured out the first clue. People get eliminated so when some people got eliminated, it changed the story. You get get eliminated for cheating.


I really enjoyed this book. It was full of mystery, excitement, and fun! I would recommend this book to people who like solving things because it is truly a great, amazing novel. The genre is action and mystery. I would give this book five stars.


Percy Jackson And The Olympians The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


Percy lives a normal life, in normal New York City with his normal mom in a normal apartment. The only thing that is NOT normal is that his dad, is a Greek god. I read Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief  by Rick Riordan, in the series Percy Jackson And The Olympians. The main character is a boy named Percy Jackson. His dad is a Greek god named Poseidon god of the sea so he is a half-blood (a half human half god child). The main problem is that somebody has stolen Zeus’s master bolt, and Zeus is blaming it on Percy who really does not have it. The story is set in a lot of different places but the one that is the most mentioned is a place called Camp Half Blood. The only place safe for half bloods and Percy’s only summer camp.


Percy is brave because he always fights for what’s right, like when Percy fights a guy named Luke who used to be friend because Luke is trying to rise a Titan (the things that ruled the world before the gods took over) that will kill everybody, and, well everything too. He is generous because he is always willing to give things to other people to help them, like when his friend Grover (Grover is a half-man-half- goat also known as a satyr) was trying to get something to make him an official satyr, so Percy helps him get it by going on a quest. He also always puts himself before other people because whenever he fights, he shields all the other people fighting. On his quest when he is trying to find the lightning bolt he meets Ares, god of war and Ares makes Percy do him a favor, including going into an amusement park and saving a shield (that doesn’t work out too well). He also went to pay a visit to Hades, the god of the dead, and tries to get the bolt, but Hades doesn’t have the bolt either so Hades gets mad at him and almost tortures Percy. Percy has to make a lot of decisions so that the quest will work out as smoothly as possible.


I really enjoyed the book because there is a lot of mythical things such as gods and satyrs and a ton of other really cool, things. It is a very good story about things that are mythical and makes you want to read more. I recommend this book to people who enjoy books about magic and adventures. The genre of this book is fantasy. This book is kind of like Harry Potter because there is a lot of battles and a lot of magic that goes on. I would give this book a five star rating.


Counting By Sevens

Counting by Sevens is a great book. It’s by Holly Goldberg Sloan.The main characters in my book are Willow Chance (the main main character) Dell, Pattie, Mai, and Quang-ha. At school she does so well on the test (because she is a genius) that it is impossible for kids her age to have done so well on the test so they think she cheated. So the IMG_20130715_192833principal sends her to Dell who is a counselor for kids who are bullies or cheat and stuff. The main problem is Willow’s parents die in a car crash and Willow needs to find foster parents because she doesn’t have any relatives that she knows. While her friend Mai lies to the police about her family knowing Willow’s family for years instead of a couple of weeks because Willow learned one of the languages she spoke just so she could talk to her in that language. She explains to her mother Pattie what’s going on and Pattie signs the paper to take care of Willow but it’s not permanent so Willow spends a few months with her. They are in Bakersfield, California.


Willow is smart, not super sensitive, and a good friend. Willow is smart because she is a genius like she did so well on a test everyone thought she was cheating. She is a warm hearted but not super sensitive and barely ever cries. And she is a good friend because she learned a language just for her friend Mai. In the beginning of the book Willow counted by sevens because she found it soothing. But after her parents died she stopped. I think the most interesting part is when her parents died and when she found out. I think that was my favorite part because it was the biggest part of the book. Something cool about the book is there are 49 fish on it and 49 is a multiple of 7 which is Willow’s favorite number.


I really liked this book because it was realistic.I would recommend this book  to people who like realistic books. You can connect to some of the characters like I can connect to Mai because she’s a regular kid who likes to decorate things and has lots of friends. The book is confusing and I suggest you start on the second chapter because the first one gives away an interesting part. I’d rate this book three and a half stars because it was confusing at first and then REALLY good and then it was kinda boring but don’t take me the wrong way I liked and it was a good book.



The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

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The Alchemyst

By Thomas

In the there are things called Auras (not Aura, the girl in fourth grade) and almost everybody has a different one. The main characters are Sophie and Josh Newman, Dr. John Dee, Perenelle Flamel, and Nicolas Flamel. The title of my book is and it is in the series The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel. The Author of my book is Michael Scott.The problem is that Dee and “The Bad Guys” are trying to remake the old time when Danu Talis (Atlantis) was still above water but Perenelle, Nicholas, Sophie, and Josh are trying to stop them because it will cause things to blow up all around the world. The setting of the book is in 2007 in the beginning of the summer and they travel all over world. I think the author of the book did a lot of studying because he takes so much Mythology from so many different places.

In the Alchemyst there are things called Auras (not Aura, the girl in fourth grade) and almost everybody has a different one. The main characters are Sophie and Josh Newman, Dr. John Dee, Perenelle Flamel, and Nicolas Flamel. The title of my book is The Alchemyst and it is in the series The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel. The Author of my book is Michael Scott.The problem is that Dee and “The Bad Guys” are trying to remake the old time when Danu Talis (Atlantis) was still above water but Perenelle, Nicholas, Sophie, and Josh are trying to stop them because it will cause things to blow up all around the world. The setting of the book is in 2007 in the beginning of the summer and they travel all over world. I think the author of the book did a lot of studying because he takes so much Mythology from so many different places.


Perenelle is smart, tall, and elegant. Perenelle is smart because Nicholas always says “If only Perenelle were here” because he doesn’t have very good ideas. Perenelle is tall and elegant because in the book it says “was a tall, elegant woman.” I think the story is about the life of Nicholas Flamel. I also think the book is about the prophecy which you will find out if you read the book. One of the most interesting parts in the book is the battle of Hekate’s (Heh-ca-tay) Shadowrealm. Another one of my favorite parts are when Dee goes into Bastet’s home.  I think the part that changes the story the most is when Perenelle gets captured by Dee. One of the main characters does not make any big decisions.


I loved this book because it has some of my favorite genres. My favorite genres are Mythology and Action. I would recommend this book to people who like adventure and Mythology. The genres are Mythology, Action, and Adventure. This book has a main character mentioned in the first book in the Harry Potter series. I give this book five because it is a really good book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrith By Rick Riordan

PercyBattleLabyrinth battle-of-the-labyrinth

There fighting monsters gods demigods and hydras it’s Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. It is the fourth book in the Percy Jackson series. The main character is Percy Jackson. The main problem in the story is that Luke (an evil demigod) is trying to navigate the labyrinth with the help of Daedalus. Percy and his friends are trying to find Daedalus before Luke. The setting is the labyrinth. Time moves faster in the labyrinth so you never know what time it is.


Stubborn, brave, strong, are all adjectives I would  use to describe Percy. He is stubborn because he doesn’t listen to anyone. He is brave because he is not afraid of anything. He is strong because he is a great at fighting monsters. Another part of the plot is every time they go on a quest for Camp Half-Blood (a camp for demigods)  they get mixed up in another person’s quest. Since they keep getting more quests the the direction of the story keeps changing. So, it takes them forever to finish their most important quest.


I enjoyed this book a lot. Because there is a lot of fighting Also the author is so descriptive about the characters feelings. I would recommend this book to someone who has read the rest of the series. The reader should be interested in Greek mythology. Another book I would connect to from this book would be the Heroes of Olympus because they were written by the same author and both are very descriptive about the feelings of the characters. I would give this book FIVE STARS



The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordian

The name of my book is The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. This book is from the series  The Heroes Of Olympus. There are seven main characters in my book. They are all demigods. Their nimgresames are Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Percy and Annabeth. The problem is the seven main characters have to go to several different places to find clues that will lead them to the prison where Hazel’s brother Nico is being held.  There are a lot of different settings in the book. Some examples are Camp Jupiter in California, Atlanta, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina.

One of the main characters, Annabeth, is smart, caring, and in a relationship. She is smart because when Frank didn’t know how to figure out the Chinese handcuffs, instead of taking the handcuffs and showing him, Annabeth figured out how to calculate the escape from her diagrams on her computer. She was caring because when Percy (her boyfriend) was lost, she spent a lot of time looking for him. Annabeth and Percy are boyfriend and girlfriend.  When Percy, Frank and Coach Hedge were in Atlanta, they went to an Aquarium. In the Aquarium, they found Phorcys, a sea god. He tricked them into being captured in a glass fish tank designed for demigods.  Another part of the story that stands out to me is Echo and Narcissus.  Echo is a creature who can only repeat what other people have already said. She can’t talk normally because she was cursed. So far in my book, there has not been any big decisions made by a main character.

I have enjoyed the book so far. I like that there are a lot of different characters to learn about. I like how there is a lot action. I would recommend this book because each character is very different from each other and each have their own story. Each character has something they are going through. This book is fiction. This book connects to others in the same series. It is the third book. If you have not read this series yet you should read the first book first.  I would give this book 5 stars (even though I am still reading it).