
My book is Warriors. The author of my book is Erin Hunter.

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The main character of my book is Rusty. Rusty is a cat but not an ordinary one. He has yellow and orange stripes. Meaning he is a tiger cat, a tiger cat is actually just a cat that looks in a way like a tiger. He has a lot to talk about and a lot to think about.

One night Rusty was just taking his nightly nap. Rusty has been having this one dream where he goes to the forest just across his owners fence and tries to catch a mouse but every time it runs away. Rusty’s owners give him the duelist worst tasting and ugliest cat food ever. He can’t even taste it, but it is the best he has so of course he eats it.

One night Rusty just happened to go outside and when his owners called him to come sit on the bed and cuddle with them. He ignored them and stayed outside and “talked” to Smudge. Smudge is a White and Black cat with a big attitude. He says that another cat went into the woods but Rusty denied it.

If I would give this book blog a rating it would be a 4 because it was ok I would prefer more exciting books.

















Howl’s Moving Castle

Howls Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones

“Sophie, Martha, and Lettie, I’m very sorry but since Mr. Hatter died (a.k.a dad) we need to step it up and all of you have to skip school.” said Fanny in a very calm voice. Fanny is the mom of Sophie who is the oldest sister and the middle sister is Lettie. Fanny is actually Sophie and Lettie’s  stepmom, their real mom died when they were very young. So Martha is actually Fanny’s daughter and she is Sophie and Lettie’s stepsister but Fanny still treats all the girls the same.

In the land of Ingary where magic exists and the Hatters live. 50 years ago the witch of the west was around, she scared everyone and now there is a castle on a hill and everyone thinks that is the witch but it’s not it’s Howl. So all the doors are locked and the windows are closed. Girls aren’t allowed outside alone and no one, I mean no one, wants to. In Ingary people believe the oldest child is the one who is most likely to fail in most thing and be unsuccessful and the middle one is not going to be very successful either, but the youngest one is going to be beautiful and successful.

Sophie is an amazing sewer she made one of her sisters a dress and the other sister said that it looked like it was made for a queen. I totally love this book and recommend it. If I would give this book a rating from one star to five I would give it a five because there is so much action and it’s dramatic. My book is called Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones I picked this book because it was one of my favorite movies, so I thought it would be a good book to read. Sophie is very calm and nice because she is patient and won’t get mad at her sisters if they are being rude or annoying.

Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.

My book is called Coraline and the author is Neil Gaiman. The main character in my books name is Coraline, she likes to explore. Coraline has a great house it is so big and spacey, so her house is definitely the right place to explore. My book takes place in Littlemead, England in 1987. The house is very colorful, the colors of the house are are purple and white.

Coraline is an explorer she is determined and smart. She is an explorer because she likes to go looking around, some of her neighbors said not to go to the well but she still did. She is determined because she wants to get her parents back from her other mother. She is smart because she is careful and cares, she won’t let anyone touch her if there strangers.

Two parts of this story I enjoyed were when Coraline wrote a story it was about a girl named Apple she loved to dance and then her feet turned into sausages. The other part is when the other mother ate the black beetles out of a little bag.

I really enjoyed this book because I like books that are scary interesting and like when there is a lot of exploring. I definitely recommend this book it’s never boring so that is why. I think Harry Potter is kinda like this book, because they explore and they don’t get paid attention to that much. I would rate this book a five out of one to five stars!

The Cold Dreadful Winter

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid -(Cabin Freezer) by Jeff Kinney

NY-NY A week ago it was Christmas and Gregory had to help his mom put the groceries in the fridge because he needs to make it to the nice list to get more presents.

Greg has been very naughty lately. Why?  Because he is sick of his brothers. Gregory’s mom thinks that if he helps do things around the house he might make it to the nice list. “There  is this kid that lives next door he is always bad but he always gets cool toys.” said Gregory. Greg has been thinking he is starting to think Santa isn’t real.

Last year Gregory got one present.His mom said that he would of gotten more presents if he hadn’t pinched his brother Manny (who got like a million toys). Gregory is very confused he doesn’t know if he should trust himself that santa isn’t real or that he is real.Manny Gregory’s little brother likes to blame Gregory for everything he does wrong.So Greg or Gregory gets in trouble a lot

When Greg goes anywhere he is humiliated.Greg has one or two friends but they get in fights sometimes.Greg goes to middle school. “Middle school is probably the stupidest thing EVER invented!” exclaimed Greg There is this one kid that Greg hates Fregley he has so many warts,pimples,freckles,boggers,hair,and a large head.