Wish By Barbara O’Conner

The book I read is called Wish by Barbara O’Connor. Wish is about this girl named Charlie Reese, her Friend Howard, and Wishbone the dog. Charlie is sent to live with a family she does not know that well. When she goes to school she missed 11:11 to make her wish and she wonders, “will I ever make a wish here at a new school?” She is assigned a homework helper/buddy. This buddy, Howard the weird guy in the class, happens to be her new neighbor. At first she hates having a homework buddy and wants to get rid of him. But then when she gets home she spots a stray dog and there at that very moment she knew she was going to catch that stray dog. When she tries to catch him he just ran away from her. The next day she finds out Howard is also trying to catch that dog. Charlie already found the perfect name wishbone. Charlie chose wishbone because she thinks maybe the dog can give good luck and maybe a wish charm. But Howard thinks that is a stupid name. They have to work together to catch that dog.

Charlie is tough, likes dogs, and isn’t a very good student. Charlie is tough because she loves fighting and she doesn’t care about a lot of stuff. I know Charlie likes dogs because she wants to catch a dog and she thinks they are good for wishes. I know Charlie is not a very good student because she said, “I never really had good grades”,. I also know she’s not a very good student because she acts rude to the teachers and kids and doesn’t really care about school.

One part I thought that was interesting was when Charlie said, “I don’t need a homework helper” because later in the book Howard and Charlie become pretty good friends. I thought when Wishbone came to the house Charlie was staying in because without him coming to the house she wouldn’t try to catch him and she wouldn’t become pretty good friends with Howard and the whole book is about them trying to catch him. Another part i thought was important is when the teacher announces that Howard was going to be Charlie’s buddy because if she didn’t then they wouldn’t have known each other very well. A quote from the book is “none”. This quote was a line that Charlie wrote on the paper, it said describe your family. She decided to write “none” I decided to choose this quote because it shows you a little about who Charlie is. It shows you a bit how Charlie is by saying that you now know she is rude and tough and personally does not like her family.

I did not enjoy this book because I thought it was boring and I don’t like Charlie’s personality. I think Charlie is rude and doesn’t care about a lot of things and thinks shes so cool. I would not personally recommend this book just because I thought it was boring.I also don’t love Charlie’s personality because it’s a little rude and mean. This book does not remind me of any movie, t.v show, or book. I personally don’t think it’s unique either though.because I would rate this book one and a half stars because I did not enjoy this book and I couldn’t get into the book.


A Snicker Of Magic, By Natalie Lloyd

    The book I read is A Snicker Of Magic. It is about a girl named Felicity Juniper Pickle, her sister Frannie Jo, her friend Jonah/ Pumpernickel, her mom, her aunt Cleo, her dog Biscuit, and much more! Felicity likes words so much that she collects them. They come in many different colors, shapes, and patterns. Felicity was moving basically her whole life. She moves into Midnight Gulch, Tennessee and meets her first friend not including her sister Frannie Jo. Midnight Gulch used to be magical but all that changed when the Brothers Threadbare left town. They used to be magical too but they did a duel to see who was the best and Berry won. He roared like a Lion and Stone couldn’t roar like a Lion so Stone had to leave town and never returned and he took all the magic with him. Berry realized his magic doesn’t work without his brother so he went after Stone. Felicity’s class decided to have their own duel which would be a talent show. Jonah made Felicity do the duel and share one of her poems.  She forgot her blue book which holds all her words and poems. So instead of sharing her poems she decided to try to bring the magic back. She told Uncle Boone to sing a song that had the same two instruments that the two brothers played back when they would play music. Then everyone’s shadow came out under them and started dancing.


Felicity is polite, embarrassed by who she is, and unique. Felicity is polite because when she talks to people she talks very polite and kind. She is embarrassed by who she is because she doesn’t think anyone will like her because she collects words and they might think she’s a nerd. She is unique because not a lot of people can see words like Felicity. A quote from the book is “Take all the time you need.” This is a quote from Felicity the main character. This is about her mom in the first time in a while is painting. She is painting the gallery wall that was last painted by one of the Brothers threadbare.


One thing I found interesting is that Felicity can see words like words people think about or things they want. That because that is a magical talent. Another thing I found interesting is that Felicity moved almost all around the world and finally settled in Midnight Gulch because  of all the places in the world she settles in the one magical place. This is interesting because there is a lot of places in the world but she chose the one that was magical.


I enjoyed this book because it had a pinch of magic in it and a tiny tiny bit of mystery because Felicity had to solve a riddle and it had historical fiction in it and I like historical fiction. I would recommend this book if you like words and historical fiction. I would also recommend this book because Felicity is a great character and I loved reading about her and her family. This book reminds me of Color me dark because Erma Jean and Felicity both like words and letters. I rate this book a four out of five because I really enjoyed the book but it’s not my favorite book.  

Dream On, by Sarah Mlynowski



Dream On is the 4th book of the series Whatever After. Dream On is about a girl, Abby. Her brother Jonah, and Abby’s friend Robin. Abby, Robin, and Jonah all get sucked into a mirror in Abby’s basement and go into a fairytale. The fairytale Abby, Jonah, and Robin get sucked into is Sleeping Beauty. Robin pricks her finger on the spindle like Sleeping Beauty and Abby and Jonah have to wake her up before it’s too late.

Abby is sweet, a little rude and caring. Abby is caring because when Robin pricked her finger on the spindle Abby didn’t want to leave her. Abby is a little rude because also when Robin pricked her finger on the spindle Abby grabbed Jonah and pulled him to the corner after she got over missing Robin. Abby is also sweet because Abby is always there for everyone when she needs them.

One of the most interesting parts of this book is when Abby, Robin, and Jonah get sucked into their magical mirror because not everyone has a magical mirror in their basement. Another interesting part is when Robin pricks her finger on the spindle because that’s what the whole book is about.

I didn’t really enjoy this book. I like this book because it’s about non magical people who get sucked into a  fairytale. I also don’t like this book because I don’t like fairytales and princesses I would recommend this book because if you like princesses and fairytales and love reading about Abby and her magical mirror. I wouldn’t  recommend this book if you don’t like princesses and fairytales. This book doesn’t really remind me of anything because I haven’t heard of a book where a girl, her friend, and her brother get sucked into a magic mirror in their basement. It is so unique because Abby is a character that is really unique and I haven’t heard of another character like her. She is so unique because she has a great personality sometimes she can be a little annoying, she’s brave, and she’s just different. I would rate this book a two out of five stars. I rate it a two because I did not really enjoy the book and I have read better books.

Switch, by Ingrid Law

Switch is a companion to the Newbery Honor Winner SAVVY. The book is about a girl named Gypsy and her magical family. The morning of Gypsy’s 13th birthday Gypsy wakes up with blurry vision and keeps seeing visions of the future and past. Before Gypsy figures out her powers her parents announce that her Grandma Pat is going to move in with them. A little later into the book there was a blizzard. Gypsy has to save her family from a vision she had and learn how to control her powers before it’s too late.

Gypsy Beaumont is caring, different, and child like. She is caring in a interesting way because she tries to stop them from doing the stuff in her visions but it just makes them worse. She is different because she has magical powers and because and everyone is different in their own way. She is childlike because she loves glitter and kiddish stuff and because she acts like a little kid.

One of the most interesting parts in the book is when Gypsy wakes up to blurry vision and seeing flashes of the future and past because that is not something that’s going to happen everyday. Another interesting part in the book is when Gypsy’s grandma Pat moves in with them because once she moves in a blizzard comes and they can’t leave the house.

I did enjoy this book. I like this book because it’s a magical book and I like magic. I would recommend this book if you like Winter and magical books about their family. I would also recommend this book because Gypsy is a great character and I really enjoy reading about her and her family. This book is unique because I have not heard of a movie or a book where there’s a girl who has to save their family from a vision she has while there’s a blizzard going on. I rate this book three and a half stars because I didn’t love this book but I didn’t hate it.

All About Me!

Hi, My name is Harlan and I am a fourth grade student from LREI. I like gymnastics and ice skating. Some of my favorite books are Wonder,Roller GirlBecause of Winn-Dixie, and Ghosts.