Teddy and Co by Cynthia Voigt


Teddy and Co


The title of my book is Teddy and Co by Cynthia Voigt. This book takes place on an island for all of the animals. This book is about a life through a teddy bear’s perspective. But this is not a normal teddy bear. This teddy bear has no legs. And this teddy bear loves to explore so it’s unfortunate that he can’t travel on his own. But he does have a wagon. In the book there’s a lot of characters. One is an Elephant named Umpah who loves to bake. Secondly a snake named Sid who loves to eat what Umpah makes. Thirdly a penguin who always is pessimistic and looks at the glass half empty rather than full. Fourth, Prinny a flowery pig who is always in a happy mood. Also, Zia a pink pig who is the worrier and lives in a completely pink house where every thing she has is pink. And last but not least Teddy, the thinker who brings this wonderful book together. Teddy and CoTeddy is creative, a wanderer, and a thinker. Teddy is a thinker because he uses his mind to come up with cool ideas. Teddy is creative because he comes up with those cool ideas to explore and tries to find out a plan to get the answer. Teddy is a wanderer because he takes those cool ideas and he finds ways to go out and and see if they could come true. Oh I wish I had a mind like Teddy.


One part that I think represents the story is when Teddy comes up with the idea to go past the apple trees. I think that represents the story because you really get how Teddy has a big imagination and he is always wondering something in his mind. Secondly I think it’s important when Mr. B a bunny ends up one day on the island. I think that’s important because the more excitement that adds to the book the better. I thought he was a really interesting character. The only thing that he wanted to do was live with the selfish penguin, Peng. Which I found hard to believe because who would want to live with a cranky, self minded penguin? Clearly Mr. B. Last but not least I thought it was funny when one day a doll appears on the island on her throne and declares herself queen. I thought that was ridiculous, but clearly the animals didn’t because they went right to working for the Supposedly Queen Clara. I mean, who goes up to a place and says “From now on I’m your queen?” By that you could guess the Queen thing didn’t last too long. A quote that I think represents Teddy is “I have an idea!” I think that represents not only Teddy but the book because the book is about his adventures and ideas and I think that Teddy is an imaginable bear with lots of adventures awaiting him.

I really loved this book and I felt like they made a really lovely sweet story! I loved this book because it’s full of happiness and lots of positivity and I would highly recommend it to all the people who love animals. If you like to read about animals please read it! I think this book is really unique and I think there’s nothing like it. (At least I think so.) I think this book is unique because I don’t think any other author could make characters as good as this author did. They made the book come together with all those wonderful characters! If I were to rate this book between 1 and 5 stars I would rate it Ten Million!

8 Class Pets + 1 squirrel / 1 Dog = Chaos by Vivian Vande Velde


This book is called 8 Class Pets + 1 squirrel / 1 Dog =  Chaos. This book starts out right after summer break after school when the school yard squirrel named Twitch trips on the nose of the principal’s dog named Cuddles. Already the dog and the squirrel weren’t friends to begin with, so when the squirrel tripped on the dog’s nose the dog had enough then started chasing the squirrel into the school. Now the squirrel is running through the school trying to run away from the dog and get back to safety, and that’s when the school got locked up and was closing for the night. The squirrel then meets up with all the eight class pets and tries to defeat the dog and find a way out, and that was what started the 8 Class Pets + 1 squirrel / 1 Dog adventure.

If I had to give Twitch three adjectives that describe him they would be that he’s a teaser, he’s nice (but only to a few animals), and he’s self-centered. He’s a teaser because he annoys people by rubbing it in their faces (specifically the dog Cuddles) that he’s a squirrel and he can climb and he brags how good he is at climbing, and brags that the dog can’t climb. One reason Twitch brags in general to the dog is because he’s tied up to a metal leash so he can’t come after him (at least Twitch thinks) and secondly because he’s a dog and in general dogs can’t climb. He’s nice because he’s friendly with all the other animals, and and they help each other in the book. He’s self centered because he doesn’t think how other animals might feel if he teases them or brags to them and sometimes he doesn’t think before he does things and it makes other animals feel bad.

An important part about my book is in the beginning when Twitch  tripped on the dog’s nose in the playground. That’s an important part because if you take that part out you will be left with no plot and no story. Another important part is when Twitch runs into the first grade hamsters room and asks for help. That’s important because the hamster suggested to go to the second grade bunny who’s smart and could get him out and if the hamster didn’t suggest that to Twitch would have stayed in the first grade room he would have gotten caught! An important quote that I think describes twitch would be “Ha-ha.” That’s because he loves to tease and I think that describes how sometimes he in sensitive and doesn’t take in how other animals might feel if he teases too much.

I thought this was a pretty good book. I love how Vivian Vande Velde put a lot of chaos into it with animals all over the place. This book is also unique. I think it’s unique because It’s really cool how someone could think up a weird plot like that and come up with a story that starts off with a weird beginning then turns into a big adventure! If I were to rate this book between 1-5 stars I would rate it a 4 . That’s because I love how there were animals. In the book and It’s chaotic, but the only thing that I would change would be to make it longer because it’s only 68 pages!

Hope you liked reading!


Crenshaw, by Katherine Applegate

Image result for Crenshaw book cover.

The author of this book is Katherine Applegate. This author also wrote The One And Only Ivan, if you liked that book you should definitely read this one! This book is about a boy who had an imaginary friend called Crenshaw, who comes back to the main character Jackson when he is in need of him. At the time it’s up to Jackson to figure out why. Jackson has a little sister named Robin, a dog named Aretha, and a mom and a dad. The story has some sad parts where the family is in poverty and struggles to regain money. I feel like the book is very well written so it feels like it is happening in real life! So at some points I got a little teary.

If I were to give three adjectives to describe Jackson they would be that he’s an optimist, fearful, and sometimes he thinks he’s imagining things. He’s an optimist because even when he’s living in poverty he looked on the bright side and said, “As long as we have a roof over our heads, I am grateful.” He is fearful because he’s afraid that he’s going to get made fun because he has an imaginary friend when he’s in 5th grade, and by the look of it he doesn’t really see anyone else that has an imaginary friend. He sometimes thinks he’s imagining things when Crenshaw magically appears, for example in the middle of the night he once he heard Crenshaw in his bathroom taking a shower!

There’s lot’s of interesting parts of the book. If I were to give two interesting parts about this book they would be when Crenshaw pops up in places at random moments. I think it’s interesting how Crenshaw pops up at random moments because it’s really cool to discover what Crenshaw will do next. For example, once when Jackson was watching a baseball game at Best Buy because they sold their T.V Jackson saw Crenshaw on the Best Buy T.V doing a headstand behind the ref in the booth! I also think it’s interesting to see how Jackson and his sister Robin react to all the change that’s happening in their lives. It’s interesting to see how Jackson reacts to living in poverty because if I were in the same situation as Jackson and Robin I would be freaking out.

This book is really well written so it makes you feel like the story actually is happening in real life. I love how the author makes it so you don’t want to stop reading and if you do it mostly ends on something stressful, so you want to read more. Also I love the book because there’s an animal as one of the main characters, and if there’s an animal as one of the main characters in the book, I’m in for it. If you are looking for a book this is definitely a good one! This book is exciting and it pulls you into the world of realistic fiction. I think the book is exciting because it is suspenseful and that makes you not want to stop reading. If I were to rate this book through 1-5 stars I would rate this book 5. (Partly because there’s an animal in the book, which means I always love it)!  


Thanks For Reading !!!!!!


Super Fudge by Judy Blume  

Super Fudge is a fantastic book. It’s set in the 1980’s about a boy named Peter who has a little brother who they call Fudge and a new little sister called Tootsie. Judy Blume has many books in the series like Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing, Double Fudge and so on. Peter, the main character, thinks his life is already bad when his parents knew for two months that they were going to have a baby! Now he realizes that for a year his family is moving to Princeton. Peter is a boy who has a best friend named Jimmy Fargo, and has a dog named Turtle. He named it after the one turtle that he got at Jimmy Fargo’s birthday party that got eaten by his little brother Farley, who is called Fudge by his family. You never know what’s to come in these books!

Peter is funny, easily annoyed, and a confusing person. He is funny because he loves to make jokes like making a big deal of everything. He is easily annoyed because of his little brother who is always up to something. For example, announcing to the whole school that the principal is fat (not exactly in those exact words but he did kind of did say that). He is confusing because in the book he keeps on saying he’s going to run away, but he never does.

The book is so exciting, there’s so many things to share! Some of the most important and interesting parts I thought were when Tootsie, a new family member got born in the book, because it made the story so much more exciting! (With the little brother called Fudge and the little sister called Tootsie, maybe they wanted to own a candy factory?  Another interesting thing I thought was at the end of the school year in Princeton a special drawing guest came in named Brain Tumkin who was going to call someone up to describe a person, with their features. At the end Brain Tumkin will end up drawing that person. Peter’s little brother came up and described the fat principal using the word fat, Mr. Green, for the special guest. Poor Peter, he almost got humiliated to death! I thought that was interesting because doing what Fudge did doesn’t usually happen regularly. The last fun, interesting part I thought was when Peter told his dog to sic his enemy Sheila Tubman because he knows she doesn’t like dogs. When his dog started to chase her and lick her, she started to cry and complained to the doorman that Peter wanted his dog to sic her, even though she doesn’t know what sic means!

I really enjoyed this book. All the characters make the whole book so exciting. I think it’s funny that Peter is a calm nice brother, when his little brother is so crazy! For example Fudge was playing hide and go seek with his little sister who is 3 months old, and hides her in a closet for a long time and just leaves her there till his parents ask him where she is. In a different book in the series, Fudge ate Peter’s turtle. He literally ate the turtle! If you are searching for a book to read, this book is a great one. It is  SO funny, every book in the series has little crazy parts, and lots more! If you like Diary of A Wimpy Kid I would say the two books are kind of related. In both books the main character has a friend. In Super Fudge Peter has a friend named Jimmy Fargo. In Diary of A Wimpy Kid his friend is Rowley. In Super Fudge He has a enemy called Sheila Tubman, in Diary of A Wimpy Kid he has an enemy, his older brother. In Super Fudge he has a really annoying brother called Fudge. In Diary of A Wimpy Kid he has a sometimes annoying brother named Manny. If I were to rate this book I would give it 5 stars.

Hope you liked reading!

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo

The Journey of a Bunny Finding his home

Dear reader,

You should read this book. It is an emotional, exciting story about a bunny who is ungrateful, and self minded, so he gets dropped in the ocean and starts to begin his journey to find his true love and his love that he started with, Abilene. This book has some sad parts to it that makes you feel for Edward Tulane and even maybe make you cry, with Edward giving up on the world with not knowing what exciting thing will happen next.

An event from my book that I think is important is when the main character Edward Tulane and her owner Abilene and their family go on a boat trip called the Queen Mary. Edward Tulane is a self minded bunny who cares nothing for Abilene so, when he is on a boat ride called The Queen Mary with his owner and the owners mom and dad, Edward Tulane got thrown off the boat by some bullies and that begins the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.


Hi my name is Beckett. I’m in fourth grade.  Some books I like are Wonder, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The Book of Ember, and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Thanks for reading!