Wonder By R.J. Palacio

In this movie I will explain about a book called Wonder that I read and really liked. So I think that if you like sad books with a happy ending you should really read this book too.


Secrets Of Bearhaven by K.E. Rocha Rubie Goldner


This is a book that will take you on the biggest adventure of your life. In this book the main characters are Spencer Plain the hero of the book and Kate Weaver the trainer.  In this book Spencer Plain’s parents are beare activists. They stop bear abuse. One day while at school, Spencer’s Uncle, Mark picks him up and drops him off in the forest telling him that his dad and mom have disappeared and he is in danger. Uncle Mark tells him that a bear is going to get him where he needs to be. Spencer freaks out about the bear ooo What am I supposed to do wait for a friendly bear to show up Spencer thinks. But fortunately,  Spencer finds the bear the bear’s name is B.D.  and the B.D. takes Spencer to Bearhaven here he meets a bear cub named Kate and they quickly become friends.


Spencer is excited to hear about rescue missions. Spencer is nervous for his parents. Spencer is brave when he goes on the rescue mission. Spencer hears of a rescue mission to rescue a bear named Ro Ro and her cubs from Bear baying, bear baying is when a bear gets chained to the ground and a bunch of hunt dogs go to hurt the bear really badly. Uncle Mark and the rest of the bears that are planning the rescue mission don’t want Spencer to go. They also say you need to have special training. Kate and Spencer train in secret by spying on the other young bears in training. But Spencer and Kate decideto take matters into their hands. The special things you  have to do is…  you have to climb a tree, do Bolder Rolling (make a bolder role), speak Rescue Ragayo (the language of the  bears) , do silent walking, and do Bear Stealth. Spencer manages to learn all of that, even bolder rolling. Spencer sneaks on the train taking Uncle Mark and B.D to the spot where near to where they will rescue Ro Ro and her cubs. By the time Uncle Mark and B.D. find out he’s there, it’s too late to turn back.


I really enjoyed the book because it had animals in it and I love animals. I love animals so much that when I grow up I am gonna be a vet.  I also enjoyed it because it has a lot of friendship in it and I think friendship is important.


I would definitely recommend this book to people who like books with a little mystery, and a lot of  technology and some brave bears. The genre of the book is,  Adventure,  Realistic Fiction and Mystery.  


If I were to rate this book one-to-five, five being the best I would rate it a five

1  2  3  4 5!!!!

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone By J.K. Rowling


In Harry Potter the main characters are… Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. One night a powerful dark wizard comes into the house of James and Lily Potter and their one year old son Harry Potter. This is Lord Voldemort. James tries to hold him off while Lily runs away with Harry. Voldemort killed James and went to kill Harry, but Harry’s mother begged Voldemort to kill her instead of Harry. Voldemort killed Lily Potter and went after Harry. But something special about him made Voldemort lose his powers and Voldemort  just made it out alive. That is how Harry got his lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

Harry went to live with his muggle (non magical) aunt and uncle. Harry did not know he was a wizard until ten years later, and that is where it all begins, when Harry goes into the wizard world. In this book the main problem is that a giant three headed dog named fluffy is guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone, the Sorcerer’s Stone is a ruby red stone and as long as you’re holding it you can never die. Fluffy is guarding the stone for Dumbledore, because Voldemort is trying to get it to come back to power. The dark arts are people who murder other people with a spell.  Harry’s defence against the dark arts teacher meanwhile is keeping a dark secret that Harry will never forget, once he finds out what it is.

Harry is happy when he is playing quidditch. When Snape takes points off Gryffindor for no reason Harry gets mad. When one of Harry’s friends are hurt he is sad. Professor Snape, a greasy hair, crooked nose git, hates Harry. Professor Snape hates Harry because when he and Harry’s father were in school together they were enemies. Snape is the potions master (he teaches potions.) But Snape has always wanted the Defence Against The Dark Arts job. At his first quidditch match, Harry got his broom jinxed either by Professor Snape, which is likely, or Professor Quirrell, his defence against the dark art teacher.  On Halloween a troll was set loose and got locked in a bathroom with Hermione, and thanks to Harry and Ron, Hermione was safe and they all ended up all alive. Harry, Hermione and Ron decide go to get the Sorcerer’s Stone they know they have to go through a bunch of obstacles before they can get the stone. Some of the obstacles are…  devil snare, troles, wizard chess, and potions.

I REALLY enjoyed this book because it has fantasy and fiction in it. I also liked it because it has a lot of beautiful language in it. I recommend this book because it has a good and an evil, and a good evil, and a too good! This is my favorite type of FICTION!! If I were to rate this book I would give it 5 stars being the best 1 being the worst I would give it a 5,                        

1 2 3 4 5!!

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Island of the Aunts Eva Ibbotson

imgresIn the book Island of the Aunts by Eva Ibbotson, aunts kidnap children because they need someone to help them take care of the animals. The main characters are the aunts: Etta, Coral, and Myrtle. The main problem is that a man named Mr. Sprott finds his son on an island after his son has been kidnapped by the aunts. Mr. Sprott then kidnaps all of the animals and creatures. He wants to be richer. He decides to bring them back with him to his home. He is going to make people pay a lot of money to see them. Then the Kraken comes and destroys the ship. The Kraken is like a giant whale except bigger. He is bigger than a blue whale. The children meet all types of mythical creatures. Then they help the animals. The biggest event that changes the direction of the story is when Stanley Sprott rides his yacht to the island. He picks up Lambert, his son, and sets traps for the mermaids so he can catch them all. Then a fight happens between Stanley and the aunts. Stanley hits Fabio and gives him a concussion, while Fabio and Minette were trying to keep the Kraken’s son safe.  So Stanley takes the Boobrie, which is a bird the size of an elephant, the mermaids, stoorworm, and Kraken’s son on his yacht.  Then the Kraken’s father comes, smashes into the boat, and takes his son away. His son explains that Minette and Fabio tried to help him, so the Kraken turned back to save Minette, Fabio, Coral, Etta, Myrtle, boobbrie, stoorworm and Herbert (a selkie, a seal that can turn into a human and vice versa) from drowning. Minette and Fabio return home, and the aunts promised them that when they die, the island will be theirs. I give Island of the Aunts 1 stars..