
 820083._UY200_Over the summer I read an amazing book called Deenie. It was very well written. The author is named Judy Blume. The main character is named Deenie. Deenie is a normal girl. She is thirteen years old. But one day she gets diagnosed with Scoliosis. That means that she has to wear a brace on her back. Deenie hates the brace. It makes her look weird. Her mom also doesn’t like it. Her mom wanted Deenie to be a model. Deenie could not be a model with the brace. Deenie didn’t want to be a model so she was glad the she did not have be one. But she was still angry that she had to wear a brace. She wondered how her friends and classmates would think of her.


The first time Dennie saw the brace that she was going to have to wear, she wanted to scream.Forget it! I am never going to wear that thing. Deenie has to wear the brace to school. There are always times when she wants to take the brace of. One time, she wanted to take the brace of more than anything because she did not want people to make fun of her. Her father said no. She really wanted to. Her father was not there at that moment so she thought that she should take it off. But she made the right choice and kept it on. Deenie’s mom got upset when she finds out that Deenie has Scoliosis. She wanted Deenie to be a model.


I really liked this book. It talks about challenges that Deenie had to overcome. Like being afraid of someone bullying you. Or not being able to do something that you wanted to do. I think a lot of people could enjoy this book. It is very well written. I rate this book ⭑⭑⭑⭑

Everything on a Waffle

This book review is about Everything on a Waffle. Everything on a Waffle is about a girl named Primrose. She lives in a small town called Coal Harbor. Primrose’s mom and dad are lost at sea. Primrose is determined to find them. Primrose gets foster parents. Their names are Evie and Bert.

I made a trailer of what Everything on a Waffle might look like as a movie. Maeve plays Evie, Stella plays Bert, Diego plays Primrose’s dad, and Estelle plays her mom. I play Primrose.

Everything on a waffle from Namita Tolia on Vimeo.

Because of Mr. Terupt

Because of Mr. Terupt


Because of Mr. Terupt is a wonderful book♥. The author’s name is Rob Buyea. There is Jessica, who is very smart, Alexia, who is sometimes nice and sometimes mean, Jeffery, who hates school, Peter, the troublemaker, Luke who is also very smart, Anna who is very shy, and Danielle, who is very friendly. The book is about a class that has all of those characters. There is a teacher named Mr Terupt. Not all of the kids get along. One day the kids all go outside with their teacher Mr. Terupt. Everyone is having fun. Then suddenly something tragic happens. There is an accident. Someone gets horribly hurt.


Mr. Terupt is very nice. He helps kids learn, but in a fun way. He is very smart. He always helps kids with their problems. He is also very brave. He was a wrestler when he was young so he has gotten very hurt before. Some parts that I found very interesting, was when the accident happened. It changed the kids life’s. They were different, they thought different, they had different perspectives on life. This book is very sad. It made me cry. But it is very well written.


I LOVED this book. It is my favorite book in the whole world. It is so well written! It was so emotional. It was sad, exciting, funny, and extremely well written. I loved reading about what happened. In this book, there are trips to the hospital. It makes you sad. But you should still read the book because it is amazing! It is told from different perspectives. I like that because you can see how all of the characters experienced it. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who can take sadness. But mostly it is great! I think a Mango Shaped Space is a lot like this book. They are both sad but interesting. From one to five stars, I would give this book: FIVE STARS!


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The Meaning of Maggie


I read The Meaning of Maggie by Megan Jean Sovern. It is about a girl named Maggie. Her dad has a disability that makes him not able to walk. Throughout the book Maggie and her sisters, Tiffany and Layla help her dad walk. This book is an easy read, but also there are some serious themes. Some of the story is sad, like when she finds out her dad can’t walk, but it is also funny and well written. Maggie’s dad  has multiple sclerosis. Maggie wishes that her dad would be fine, so she gets very scared when something relating to his disability happens. Maggie is one of the best students in her school. She was picked as student of the month, and she studies a lot. She also likes to stay after school and help out in the classroom.


Maggie has a dad, a mom, and two sisters named Tiffany and Layla. Tiffany and Layla ’s personalities are nothing like Maggie. Layla is the oldest sister. She is more mature than Tiffany. Tiffany fights with Maggie a lot. The whole family helps Maggie’s dad. There are some parts that are a little sad. Maggie is smart. She always wants to get to school early, she is the teacher’s favorite student, and she wants to be president some day. Maggie is cheerful. When something happens to her father, she tries to help him. She does her best to make her father happy. Maggie is brave. It is hard when someone in your family has a disease. But she supports her father the whole time.


One part that I  found interesting is when Maggie finds out for the first time about her dad’s disease.Another interesting part is when they are at the hospital. It is a very dramatic scene. Maggie is crying because they don’t know what will happen to her dad. I think everyone should read The Meaning of Maggie. It is an easy read for some people, and very well written. I loved this book because it is funny, sad, and well written. The type of writing in this book makes you want to keep reading. I would give this book

(four and a half stars)

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library

imgresEscape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein was fantastic. The main character is Kyle Keeley. Twelve kids who won the best essay competition in school, will get to come in
to the huge new library. On this day the library is only open to them. But what the kids inside the library don’t know is that it is one big game! They are trapped! This book takes place in a HUGE library with games, mysteries (for the reader and the characters), and fun!


Kyle Keeley loves adventure. He enjoys playing games with his siblings and solving mysteries. He also loves video games. The first thing that he wanted to do in the library was go to the video game room. He is really smart. He always figures out ways to do things. This book is super exciting because there are so many different rooms in the library like the video game room and the food room, and there are platforms that you can stand on to make you fly (one of the characters uses them!). I think some of the most important things that they find are the clues. There are little pictures of them throughout the book. They are important because the clues help them get out of the library. One part that I enjoyed was when one of the kids, named Sierra, gets on a platform that makes her levitate. She was flying. Another thing that was exciting was when they figured out the first clue. People get eliminated so when some people got eliminated, it changed the story. You get get eliminated for cheating.


I really enjoyed this book. It was full of mystery, excitement, and fun! I would recommend this book to people who like solving things because it is truly a great, amazing novel. The genre is action and mystery. I would give this book five stars.


Pie by Sarah Weeks


I am reading Pie by Sarah Weeks. The main character is Alice. Her aunt’s name is Polly. Polly makes the best pies in town and everyone knows it. Polly’s pie shop is called Pie. Everyone LOVES her pies. When Polly dies everyone is sad.

They are desperate to find out her secret pie recipe. In her will she leaves her pie recipe to her cat Lardo. She leaves Lardo to Alice. Now Alice is trying to figure out the pie recipe.

One night while Alice is sleeping she hears a noise. She just rolls over and goes back to sleep. But the next morning she can’t find Lardo. She thinks that someone took him to try to get the pie recipe. So Alice and her new friend Charlie try to find who took Lardo. They live in a small town called Ipswitch. Alice is the most sad out of everyone when Aunt Polly died because she enjoyed hanging out with Polly. Alice likes writing little songs. When she has a problem it cheers her up.

I really enjoyed this book because the characters are like detectives because they try to figure out who took Lardo and they won’t give up. I think everyone will like this book because it is about pie and adventure and everyone likes pie and adventure!!!! If five stars is the best I would give it 4 ½ stars!