Summer According To Humphrey

Over the summer I read Summer According To Humphrey written by Betty G. Birney. It takes place in room 29 at Longfellow school and Camp Happy Hollow. The main characters are Humphrey the hamster, Og the frog, Brad, and Gail. The main problem of the story is Humphrey and Og are very worried because they don’t know where they’re going for the summer because they are classroom pets.

The direction of the story changed when Og the frog got lost. Also Brad changed from bragging to being nice to other campers. An important quote from my book is “And so it went brad never mentioned his old camp.”

I really enjoyed my book because I went to sleepaway camp for the first time  this year. My camp was a lot like the camp in the book.  I met many new friends at camp too. I think that if you like books  with lots of adventures and is from the perspective of an animal, you would like this book.  I rate this book four and a half stars out of five!!!



The School for Good and Evil


I read the book The School For Good And Evil. In my diorama there is two people and two different sides to the same school. The headmaster decides which school each student goes to, but there’s a strange accident and the girls end up on the wrong side of the school. The person at the school for evil is Sophie who is very nice and by accident got put at the school for evil. The person at the school for good is Agatha. She is weird and wicked. She was supposed to go to the school for evil. Soon the girls start to realize that it might not have been an accident. Surprisingly, Sophie and Agatha are BFFs.

By Ava.

The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

I read the MOST AMAZING book in the history of books called The One And Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate the best book writer ever. The book is about a gorilla named Ivan who lives at a mall in a glass caged domain without his family and not in a Jungle where he belongs. The place where all the action happens is at the Big Top Mall. The author really describes the Big Top Mall and gives a lot of information about living there and working there and being there and watching a show.
The main character Ivan is… smart because he knows a lot about humans and how they act, he is also kind because he makes art for people, and he is strong because he is a big gorilla. The main character is very believable. The most interesting parts of the book are… when Ruby the baby elephant came and when Ruby gets seen on tv. Ruby reminds me of my sister Olivia because she asks a lot of questions and she loves telling stories. The main problem of the story is Ivan’s friend Stella used to take care of Ruby until she died so now Ivan has to take care of Ruby, another problem is that Ivan got separated from his family so now he forgot how to be a gorilla and he forgot a lot about his family and all the fun times they had. Ivan misses his family.

I really enjoyed this book. It is very good. I really like the author writing style because she does not fill the pages with words. The book is funny, sad, and very interesting. I recommend this book to everyone. It is not so hard to read. It is cool that it’s from the gorilla’s perspective. One book that is like this one is Edward Tulane because it is told by the rabbit doll but the rabbit doll can’t speak so it is told by what he is thinking.

I rate this book:


A Mango Shaped Space


I read the book A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. The book is about a girl named Mia who was born with a disability called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when  your senses get mixed up and you can either see sounds, taste shapes, or hear colors.In this case Mia sees sounds. The setting of the book is mostly at her house.

Mia is shy, nice, and she has synesthesia. Mia is shy around people. Mia is also nice to her friends and this little boy named Billy. Mia also has synesthesia because she can see sounds. The parts that I found most interesting are when Mia found Mango her cat the day her grandpa died next to his grave and Mango has the same eyes as him. A part that I  also found interesting is that Mia kept it a secret since she was little. She did not tell her parents about her seeing colors until she was 13. Mia thinks that Mango has a piece of her grandfather’s soul in him.

I enjoyed the book because it is interesting and really descriptive. The author really describes what color Mia sees when she sees colors. I recommend this book

The Strange Case Of Origami Yoda

I read The Strange Case Of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger it is part of a series called the origami Yoda series. it is about this boy named Tommy who makes a file with everyones stories, about this very odd person named Dwight, who makes this origami Yoda that might tell the future but nobody knows if it really does. The main problem is that everyone tries to figure out if yoda is real but its really hard to figure out. The setting of the book is at school.



The main character (Tommy) is very curious, smart, and nice.  He is curious because he really wants to know is Yoda REAL or NOT. He is smart because he finds clues that Yoda might be real. He is nice because he listens to what other people say about if they think Yoda is real and doesn’t just say, “You’re wrong! I think yoda is  real.” The most interesting parts of the story are that Tommy and his friends go to this thing called Fun Night. Fun Night is not fun for them even though its called FUN night. Another interesting part of my book is that Tommy thinks origami Yoda is real because Dwight is so dumb, but Yoda is so smart, so dwight can’t be pretending to be Yoda. I think that that part is interesting because it so weird that Yoda is so smart but Dwight is so dumb and strange and odd. When I read that part of the book, it made me feel like I just had to read more. One event that changed the story is when almost everyone thought Yoda was real.



I really enjoyed this book because it is funny, and it’s not that hard to read and the words are not small but not big. If you are someone who likes funny, strange, weird, odd books, READ THIS ONE. I recommend this book because I think you will enjoy the book. It is one of my favorite books, and I think it will be one of your favorite books too if you read it. This book is not like any other books I have read, it is so weird and crazy. I rate this book 1 MILLION STARS!!!!!!!!  ************* …yoda_cover


By Ava



Dork Diaries Not So Happy Heart Breaker by Rachel Renne Russell


I  read Dork Diaries Not So Happy Heart Breaker it is the sixth book in the series, it’s by Rachel Renee Russell. The main character’s name is Nicky.

In my book Nicky wants to go to the Valentines Day Dance at her school  but has no one to go with, she wants to ask her friend Brandon but she is too shy.One day Nicky was with her sister Brianna and her sister was pretending she worked at a hair salon. She said that she wanted to do Nicky’s hair and so she cut her hair.  Nicky was so mad at her sister because her hair was sooo short!!

Nicky heard that Brandon  was going to ask someone else to the dance. Nicky is not sure if she wants to go to the dance now that Brandon might be going with someone else.Nicky is a very strange, artistic, funny, weird girl. Nicky has a lot of adventures and one strange thing about her is that she can’t swim. Nickys enemy is a girl name Mackenzie. Makenzie is the opposite of Nicky.

Nicky went to the store to look for a dress for the dance but there were no more dresses!!!!  Read the book to find out what happens next (and I’m NOT telling you).  I really enjoyed this book because it is so funny and it has pictures in it and its not so hard to read. I recommend this book  to people who like funny and easy to read books. I give this book ten stars even though you can only do five. **********


by Ava