Crenshaw, by Katherine Applegate

Image result for Crenshaw book cover.

The author of this book is Katherine Applegate. This author also wrote The One And Only Ivan, if you liked that book you should definitely read this one! This book is about a boy who had an imaginary friend called Crenshaw, who comes back to the main character Jackson when he is in need of him. At the time it’s up to Jackson to figure out why. Jackson has a little sister named Robin, a dog named Aretha, and a mom and a dad. The story has some sad parts where the family is in poverty and struggles to regain money. I feel like the book is very well written so it feels like it is happening in real life! So at some points I got a little teary.

If I were to give three adjectives to describe Jackson they would be that he’s an optimist, fearful, and sometimes he thinks he’s imagining things. He’s an optimist because even when he’s living in poverty he looked on the bright side and said, “As long as we have a roof over our heads, I am grateful.” He is fearful because he’s afraid that he’s going to get made fun because he has an imaginary friend when he’s in 5th grade, and by the look of it he doesn’t really see anyone else that has an imaginary friend. He sometimes thinks he’s imagining things when Crenshaw magically appears, for example in the middle of the night he once he heard Crenshaw in his bathroom taking a shower!

There’s lot’s of interesting parts of the book. If I were to give two interesting parts about this book they would be when Crenshaw pops up in places at random moments. I think it’s interesting how Crenshaw pops up at random moments because it’s really cool to discover what Crenshaw will do next. For example, once when Jackson was watching a baseball game at Best Buy because they sold their T.V Jackson saw Crenshaw on the Best Buy T.V doing a headstand behind the ref in the booth! I also think it’s interesting to see how Jackson and his sister Robin react to all the change that’s happening in their lives. It’s interesting to see how Jackson reacts to living in poverty because if I were in the same situation as Jackson and Robin I would be freaking out.

This book is really well written so it makes you feel like the story actually is happening in real life. I love how the author makes it so you don’t want to stop reading and if you do it mostly ends on something stressful, so you want to read more. Also I love the book because there’s an animal as one of the main characters, and if there’s an animal as one of the main characters in the book, I’m in for it. If you are looking for a book this is definitely a good one! This book is exciting and it pulls you into the world of realistic fiction. I think the book is exciting because it is suspenseful and that makes you not want to stop reading. If I were to rate this book through 1-5 stars I would rate this book 5. (Partly because there’s an animal in the book, which means I always love it)!  


Thanks For Reading !!!!!!


12 thoughts on “Crenshaw, by Katherine Applegate

  1. I like that you were telling the reader that is was a good book and the detail that he said “at least we still have a roof over our heads”.

  2. I also loved the one and only Ivan. How you explained the same situation I would also be freaking out. I only have one question. When Crenshaw was doing handstands did the people notice?

  3. I like how you gave us hints on what happened and it made me eager to read this book. I think it might be scary not to know when Crenshaw would appear. But you said he does funny things, so I guess it isn’t really scary.

  4. Great review Beckett, if you could give another adjective would you say he is brave? Because of the way he is reacting to poverty? I have read the One and Only Ivan and I loved it!

  5. I loved your review. I have this book on my shelf, but I was reluctant to read it because I thought it would be boring. After reading you review, I am inspired to read it.

  6. Hi Beckett,
    It’s Mayer. I love your input on Crenshaw. Crenshaw reminds me of a character in a book I read, it’s called Space Case. Zan, the character in that book, keeps appearing in random places. You explained Jackson’s life in poverty really well. The quote you chose shows his life, and his family’s life and his characteristics and traits.

  7. Do you think that the quote “as long as we have a roof on our heads, I am grateful.” tells a lot about Jacksons personality.

  8. Hi Beckett. The way you explain Crenshaw makes it sound really good. I hope that if I ever read Crenshaw, the book is as ever good as your book review. ~Jade

  9. Hi Beckett! It’s Wyeth. I think you did a great job on your book review. I was really impressed how you introduced the sentences in a really mature way. Like when you said “If I were to give…..” I thought how you started that sentence was really cool. If I were trying to start my sentence of three adjectives, this would be how mine would start. “Three adjectives that I would describe Jackson is……” I’m going to try to write like that on my next review. From Wyeth!

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